Monday, July 23, 2018

Happy 7th Birthday to Our Jacob Brian

My Sweet, Sweet Boy,

We have been doing life with you for SEVEN years today and we are so thankful for the time that we’ve had so far.  You have grown and matured by leaps and bounds this year and it has been such a joy walking with you every step of the way. 

First grade was another wonderful school year for you.  Yet again, you made the Principal’s list quarter after quarter and by the end of the school year you were reading on a fifth grade reading level.  Not only did you amaze us academically, but you amazed us with your good behavior, too.  Things were a little rocky these last few years (mostly just because you’re too chatty at school and won’t stop talking when you’re not supposed to), but the last half of this school year you came home with a good report nearly every single day!  You have matured a lot this past year and we are just so proud of you!  Hopefully your days of goofing off when you’re not supposed to are finally behind you.  ;o)

This past year was the year that you lost your first tooth – and you actually lost TWO!  It was the year that you started playing your first sport – soccer – and you seem to really enjoy it.  It was also the year that you started taking showers in lieu of baths, and this one really breaks Mommy’s heart because it reminds me every single day that you’re a big boy. 

You are still a creature of habit to an extent, but that seemed to relax even more this past year.  You still don’t like your food to touch on your plate, but hey, Mommy can’t blame you for that because you get that from me.  ;o) 

You would live in athleisure if we would let you… you couldn’t care less about a polo or jeans or khaki shorts.  More specifically, you would live in your sleeveless Spiderman shirt… it’s, hands-down, your first pick every single time.  We call it your “Sunday Uniform.”  Haha.

You love Legos and dinosaurs and Voltron and Nerf Guns and Hot Wheels and super heroes and everything else rough and tumble, but you also love reading and drawing and playing board games… you’ve even been known to join Olivia in playing with princesses and Barbies from time to time.  I promise not to tell your friends.  ;o)

Your love for music still runs deep so Mommy and Daddy are constantly playing DJ in the car, shuffling all of your favorite tracks – songs from The Greatest Showman, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Blake Shelton, Carrie Underwood, Coldplay, and so many others.  We are enjoying exposing you to all different genres and we are hoping to continue to cultivate your love for it and watch it grow… even if that means we have to listen to This is Me 85 times this week.

You have become even more inquisitive of the world around you and you ask a million questions per day, most of which amaze me because they are just so darn intelligent.  Your Daddy and I have to be even more careful what we say around you now because you understand so much more than you used to.  Not to mention you are always listening.  Even when we think you’re oblivious. 

Your relationship with Olivia is so sweet yet so frustrating at the same time.  Y’all love each other so much and you love to spend time together.  You have your own inside jokes, you make each other laugh constantly, you protect each other, and you gravitate towards each other when you’re in bigger groups with other kids.  But naturally, as brothers and sisters do, you also fight like cats and dogs.  Olivia is usually the instigator… she knows exactly which buttons of yours to push and, naturally, you fall for it every time.  In addition to her pressing your buttons, you also love to watch over her shoulder constantly just waiting for her to make a wrong move so you can bust her.  You are a rule follower through and through and you often act as the police officer when that should really be Mommy’s or Daddy’s job.  ;o)

Your memory still blows us away on a regular basis.  The significant and insignificant details you remember are just incredible, and we still think that you may have a photographic memory.  To what extent, we don’t know just yet, but it’s truly something to behold.

We still lay with you every single night after we tuck you into bed and I cherish those few minutes with you each day.  You usually talk my ear off about your day and that seems to be the time that you really open up, so I will continue those sweet little chats as long as you’ll let me.  XO

Jacob, you are the best thing and we just love you so much!

Happy SEVENTH birthday, my sweet!  We cannot wait to celebrate you today!


Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannah, and myself... just grab our new graphic and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Happy Birthday precious boy!! What a smart and sweet lil guy you are!

  2. Happiest of birthday's to your sweet boy!! Hope you have the best day celebrating! xo, Biana- BlovedBoston

  3. Happiest of birthdays to Jacob! I know y’all will make the most of it.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  4. Happy Birthday Jacob!!! I hope you have a great day!!! And omg, Brayden is the same way, only wants to wear athleisure ALL THE TIME! He's doing a golf camp right now and refuses to wear a polo or khaki shorts ugh. Way to go Jacob on the reading, that is soooooo awesome!!

  5. Oh my, my, my - seven already?! Happy Birthday, sweet Jacob! Great job on all the reading, buddy! Have the best day EVER!

  6. This is so sweet, Lindsay! A big happy birthday to him! I hope you all have the best day celebrating! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  7. Happy Birthday Jacob!!! Such a sweet post to your "growing too fast" boy.

  8. Happiest of birthdays, Jacob!! He has the BEST smile!

  9. Aw, what a sweet tribute! Happy Birthday!!

  10. Happy Birthday Jacob!!!!

    I would LOVE to know how you make your chalkboards look so pretty! Do you have a how-to post or tutorial??

    1. Aw, thank you! I actually don't have a tutorial. I do have this post here about all of my pregnancy chalkboard posts that I did for Olivia. The key is the chalk that you use. I linked mine in this post. You have to get the quality chalk!

  11. awww, happy birthday! Such a sweet letter to Jacob. I thought my 7 year old was small! He's so tiny, so cute.


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