
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Baby Showers for Baby Jacob

We're taking another step back in time today to relive Jacob's baby showers!

Friends Shower – May 6, 2011

On May 6, 2011 my Momma’s friend and coworker, Margo, threw my very first baby shower ever for me.  The shower was held at her house on a Friday evening.  She has a gorgeous back yard that is perfect for hosting events and the weather was beautiful, so the evening was spent outside with all my momma’s and my girlfriends, and it couldn’t have been more special!

I had B snap a picture of me before I left because we had to document the belly!  And check out our back yard... we had only been living there a little over a year and we hadn't even finished sodding our back yard yet!

We started the evening with lots of delicious hors d’oeuvres and then it was time to open presents.  Everyone was so generous and we ended up getting so many things off of our registry.  I remember getting home that night and Brian stacking and stacking and stacking gifts in the living room.  There was a mountain of them!

Opening the gifts took up the better part of the evening, but afterward, there was still a little time left to chat, take pictures, and goof off for a bit.  Gosh, I love all of these ladies so much!!

This picture below means so much to me because it has every single one of my favorite girls in it – old friends from school, old friends from the movie theater, friends who I met through marrying Brian, and new friends that I had met for various reasons.  And they were all right there in the same place with me.  So many of those sweet girls have moved away since, and I miss so much having them all here with me. 

And you may remember this anecdote from Olivia’s baby shower post, but I thought I would mention it here as well for those of you who may have missed that post.

Pregnancy did some WEIRD things to my body, and not just the normal weird things that happen to most pregnant ladies.  During my pregnancies with both Jacob and Olivia, during the last three months I literally started losing weight everywhere on my body except for my belly.  My arms and legs turned into sticks and my face became so gaunt that my cheekbones stuck out, my eyes looked all hollow, and my mouth looked huge.  It was like my babies just sucked the fat out of my whole body and took it for themselves.  That’s probably why both of them were so freaking huge!  Haha.  I have no clue why that happened but my midwife wasn’t the least bit concerned so it wasn’t a big deal. 

Since these showers were more than two months before Jacob was born, my body hadn’t quite gotten as gaunt as it would later be, but you can already tell that my eyes are starting to look kind of hollow. 

But never mind that… take a look at my thick, lustrous hair!!  Oh my goodness, I would give anything to have my pregnancy hair all the time!! 

Family Shower – May 15, 2011

My second baby shower was held on Sunday, May 15, 2011, at my Aunt Joy’s house and all of my mom’s family, my dad’s family, and Brian’s family were in attendance.

I had B snap a picture of me before this shower as well, because I loved that dress so much!  And, of course, I had to take a quick picture with my first baby... Maui.  ;o)

My Aunt Joy had gone all out, and she got what is quite possibly the cutest baby shower cake ever!  It matched the baby shower invitations which also happened to match Jacob’s nursery!  His nursery was done in baby blue and lime green and I had hand-painted a monkey, an elephant, and a giraffe to hang on his wall over his dresser so these could not have been more perfect.  (You can see his old room here, but this was after his bed had been changed to a toddler bed.)

The afternoon started with hors d’oeuvres while everyone mingled, and then it was time for gifts.  Jacob and I were spoiled rotten yet again, and we received pretty much everything else that remained on our gift registry.  We received many wonderful and special items, including this University of Georgia onesie… you may remember this post dedicated just to the onesie?

I still crack up every time I read it. 

Anyway, after gifts more pictures were taken and then it was time to say goodbye and haul everything home.  Brian was amazed, yet again, at the sheer volume of stuff that he had to unload!   

Work Shower – June 17, 2011

On June 17, 2011, my coworkers surprised me with a shower at work.  We were showered with even more gifts and it was so kind and generous of all of them to do that.  And y’all, I have zero pictures of this shower except for one, and because I’m so OCD about everything, I need a picture for this shower since there are pictures for the others.  Soooo, here goes:

Yikes!  Haha. 

Someone snapped it just as I was walking into the break room at work and looking up while everyone was saying, “Surprise!” 

I look positively exhausted. 

And at that point, I still had five weeks to go.  Aaaahhhh!

But it was worth the exhaustion the second they placed my sweet baby into my arms. 

Happy birth month, Jacob!

For more on Jacob’s birth and also for details on Olivia’s birth, click here… you’ll find belly pictures, birth stories, and newborn photos for each of them plus my hugely popular post about how I documented Olivia’s pregnancy with chalkboard signs.

Happy Tuesday! 


  1. So fun that you're walking down memory lane! This will be such a cool thing for you all to look back on! And I love your dresses, you looked adorable!

  2. You were the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen!! I was huge all over. It was awful!

  3. What a sweet baby shower. You were an adorable pregnant lady. I love reading old posts like this.

  4. Isn't it crazy how quickly time goes by?!? Love the walk down memory lane!

  5. I LOVED this post Lindsay - thanks for sharing! What a lovely group of friends, family and colleagues you have - you are so lucky! Plus they gave you some really thoughtful gifts - I forgot how useful those foldaway baths are - got to get one again :) You looked AMAZING pregnant, not 'hollowed out' at all. I may have to live vicariously through everyone else's baby showers in the US as it still hasn't really taken off here and I have no idea if I'll even get one - booo!! I guess I shouldn't ask this - but are you getting broody for another baba? J x

  6. You look so cute! How fun you got to have so many showers and celebrate. Haha we still love our boppy pillow! I think I need to pickup a few new covers for ours though. What a great time to look back on. Sierra Beautifully Candid


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