
Monday, June 4, 2018

Summer 2018 (Week 1) - Library & Playgrounding… the First Week of Summer

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As you can see, the title of my weekend post looks slightly different today.  Since I’m going to be off all summer with the babies, I’m going to start recapping our entire week instead of just the weekend, so these Monday posts are now going to cover seven days instead of just two.  I promise to try to keep them on the shorter side (operative word being try)… because we all know how long-winded I can get.  ;o) 

Our first week of summer was filled with rainy days, but it was still pretty great!  It all kicked off with Memorial Day on Monday (recapped here) and then the rest of the week looked like this:

Tuesday, May 29

We had more rain, so lots of time was spent indoors.  The kids crafted all morning while I worked alongside them filling in some of the gaps of their baby books.  The kids had lunches of chicken nuggets, sweet potatoes, and kiwi (yes, I’m going to start putting lunch details in my posts to hold myself accountable since we super struggle with variety at lunchtime), and we stopped by the library for our first of many visits this summer.  Jacob checked out four books (ambitious), Olivia checked out two, I checked out two (super ambitious), and each of the kids checked out a DVD.  After the library we ran to Old Navy to do a return and then to Marshall’s and Ross to look for mirrors to go over our nightstands in the master bedroom… I just couldn’t get on board 100% with the white ones.  :o( 

The rest of the afternoon was spent reading our new books and watching new DVD’s we had gotten from the library, and then after dinner, we let the kids stay up late to watch America’s Got Talent.  Yet another perk to Mommy not working anymore… the kids can now stay up a little later during the summer since they no longer have to be up at 6 AM.  :o)

Wednesday, May 30

It was cloudy in the morning but the rain held off long enough for us to go to the kids’ second favorite playground in town… the one by our main library.  We stayed there for a long time and then we headed to TJ Maxx and Hobby Lobby to look for mirrors again since we were unsuccessful the first day.  We picked up a couple of July Fourth things at Hobby Lobby which also led to an afternoon of July Fourth house decorating when we got home!  I plan to share all of our dĂ©cor with you soon so stay tuned! 

The kids had “lots of little bits of everything” for lunch (their favorite) – Jacob had cheese, turkey rolls and crackers and Olivia had PB&J for the main item and then both of them had cheese puffs, strawberries, and goldfish crackers on the side.  The rest of the afternoon was spent reading and watching DVDs from the library again.

Thursday, May 31

More rain.  Sigh.  We went to get my allergy shot and then went to Walmart and TJ Maxx to look for… mirrors, and STILL had no luck.  Then the kiddos spent the rest of the morning browsing, reading, playing at Barnes & Noble.  For lunch, they had a repeat of what they had Wednesday because that’s what they requested.  Again, the rest of the afternoon was spent reading and playing.

Friday, June 1

Finally, a day without rain… until the evening at least!  It was National Donut Day so I surprised the kids with an early morning donut/Starbucks run in their PJs!  We had to take everything back home to eat because our pest control people were coming early to get rid of the ants that have found their way back inside our pantry due to all of the rain we’ve been having. 

We had a Chick-Fil-A lunch date with three guys from my old job, and the kids played happily on the playground for a good hour after they ate.  B got off of work early and met us there, too, and then he and the kids and I headed to a different Walmart to look for beach chairs and… mirrors.  Haha.  BUT WE FINALLY FOUND SOME!!!!  And we may have also come home with a 10-foot inflatable pool.  Hey, ya gotta stay cool somehow!

Since B was off for the rest of the day, we headed home, dropped off a car, and then headed back out in search of portable beach chairs.  If you thought they would be easy to find, you would be wrong.  I like the tri-fold beach chairs that lay completely flat (for sunning my back) and they are just impossible to find.  Walmart had none, Sam’s had none, Bed, Bath, & Beyond had none, and just when we were giving up hope, we finally found the perfect ones at Target!  Of course, the mother ship would have them!  Should have just gone there first! 

We had, naturally, searched Amazon before all else, since Amazon is BAE, but they surprisingly didn’t have many options and the options they did have were very pricey.  So I was happy to find these babies!

At that point it was time for dinner and a storm was rolling in, so we grabbed our favorite pizza, took it home and enjoyed it with a glass of wine during the storm, and then we watched The Greatest Showman again, this time with the kids.  They LOVED it.  LOVED it.  #Duh

Saturday, June 2

Saturday morning we woke up to… more rain.  Sigh.  I did a few things around the house and then it was time to take Olivia to her friend’s “ger-nastics” birthday party.  You may remember that Olivia was enrolled in “ger-nastics” (formerly known as “nastics”) back in the fall last year per her request, but her time there ended abruptly after she fell on her head not once, but twice, from the “high” bar.  She has since had no desire to go back, so we un-enrolled her (is that a word??), got our money back, and moved on to soccer.

Well friends, let me tell you… her love for “ger-nastics” was rekindled after this birthday party because she had a BLAST!  They played in the foam pit, played “the floor is lava,” jumped on the trampoline, walked on the balance beams, aaaand… she flipped over the “high” bar twice without falling off and totally conquered her fear!  I was so proud of her!  I thought for sure she would just skip that part, but she walked right up and did it like a boss.  Aaaand as we were walking out of the building after the party she said, “I want to go back to ger-nastics for REAL.” 

So back to “ger-nastics” in the fall we go?  We’ll see!

When we got back home, I got my new silver mirrors hung, and y’all, these things are beautiful!  And they're only $24.88!  I can hardly believe they’re from Walmart!  Well done, Better Homes & Gardens.  Well done.  I knew instantly that these were the ones when I saw them hanging on the walls.  I polled my Instagram audience via Instagram Stories (if you’re not following me already you can do so here so you can join in on all the fun and also hear me step outside my comfort zone while I talk to my phone and cringe when I hear the playback of my own voice) to find out who liked the white mirrors and who liked the silver mirrors and the silver won by a landslide!  So thank you, loyal IG followers, for reaffirming my opinion.  ;o)

I also polled you guys to ask if I should paint my room white and it was a close one… the slight majority going with no, but a very large amount of people saying yes.  EEK!  What to do what to do…

The rest of the evening was spent at church with the extended family and then having dinner at a new diner that just opened in town.  It was cute and the food was pretty good.  Nothing earth shattering, but good nonetheless. 

B had a big project going on at work all weekend and he had to work most of Saturday night (luckily from home), so I ended up staying up well after midnight keeping him company, watching Friends for the 24,390,127th time, and eating Halo Top.  Not a bad way to spend the night if you ask me!

Sunday, June 3

B didn’t come to bed until 8:30 AM – EEKS – so the kids and I stayed downstairs all morning watching TV, prepping for the week ahead, and trying to be quiet while B slept.  We got him up a little after 11 so we could get ready, load the car with yard sale things, and head to my MIL and step-FIL’s for lunch.  My MIL made some extra room in her garage for more stuff this week, so we took a HUGE load over there and – thank goodness – the majority of the crap that’s been sitting around our whole house for the yard sale is gone!  #PRAISE 

We do still have more stuff to take over there, but at least I can now walk out of my office and not trip over 19 bags of crap.

We spent the afternoon in the garden eating way too many blueberries straight from the bush, and then we headed home for some downtime before heading back to my parents’ house for dinner.

My Momma made a new recipe for Mongolian beef which is one of my favorite meals EVER, and it was divine!  She cooked some rice and broccoli to go along with it and a glass of Merlot paired with all of it made for the perfect Sunday dinner. 

Well friends, a new week is upon us and this week is going to be the best because – BEEEEAAAACCCCHHHH!!!!  We will be packing our suitcases, welcoming our house sitter with open arms, and heading to the land of sun and sand on Wednesday!!  As always, you can follow along with us in my Instagram stories!  We’re heading somewhere new this year and I. am. thrilled.    

Happy Monday!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannah, and myself... just grab our new graphic and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. Even with all the rain you guys still managed to do a ton. I'm sure the kids love being able to stay up and watch shows with you! xo,Biana- BlovedBoston

  2. Sorry you got so much rain! That is no fun at all. I need to stop documenting our lunch too, since it usually consists of PB crackers, fruit, and yogurt. My goal this summer is to have Annabelle try a variety of things that she can bring to lunch for Kindergarten.

  3. I know you are loving this time with your babies!! Everytime I talked to someone from home last week, they said it's raining here AGAIN!
    love the mirrors!

  4. What a fun week!! I LOVE those silver mirrors so much!!! Walmart has surprisingly good stuff! So exciting to be heading to the beach!! Can't wait to hear about it!

  5. So much fun packed into the first week of summer and I cannot wait to get rid of all the stuff I am hoarding in my garage and storeroom next week! Goodbye clutter :). Have a great trip to the beach! xoxo ERIN

  6. Ohhh I love how are you doing the week recaps now! I am trying to think of the lunches that my mom did for us over summers. I know for awhile we had a real thing for homemade bagel pizzas using bagel thins, haha. I am still firmly in team don't paint your room white, haha. I just love how warm and cozy the color is now! And the mirrors were such a great find - I feel like the Better Homes & Garden line has some really cute stuff. Definitely will be looking there when I move! Happy Monday!

  7. I love that you're taking your kids to the library during the summer! I have very fond memories of my mom doing that for my sister and us during the summer! And I can't wait to follow along on y'all's trip to the beach since we're going there at the end of July!!! Maybe we'll get some good restaurant recs from you!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  8. Doughnuts in da house, I got a free one at the bakery and I was so excited! You guys are living sweet summer to the fullest. Hope this whole week is full of sunshine!

  9. So sorry it was so rainy! We spent most of our first week of summer going to the pool. That park looks so fun! I need to get my summer decor up!

  10. Looks like a great week minus the rain. We love the library in the summer! What a great week!

  11. WOOHOO!!!! I'm so excited for you being home with the kids this summer! Looks like you're already rocking it! We're joining up with our summer reading program today. Summer and going to the library just go together. I love, love your room with those mirrors!!! Soooo pretty! You have the BEST taste! Have a great Monday, Lindsay!!! :)

  12. Looks like a great week...yea for summer library trips and staying up a little later. Have fun at the beach!

  13. Wow, what a fun-packed week! This is the first year since AGT aired that we haven't watched it. :( We got pretty bored last year, so we decided to skip it this year.


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