
Monday, June 11, 2018

Our 30A Beach Trip by the Numbers

After several days in paradise we’re back to reality on this Monday – there are bags to be unpacked, chores to be done, laundry to be washed, and groceries to be bought.  But before we get into all of that boring stuff, first, a recap by the numbers of our trip!

4 – Nights spent there

3 – Full days there

18 – Hours spent lounging/walking/playing on the beach

8 – Beaches visited (Panama City, Carillon, Inlet, Rosemary, Alys, Seacrest, WaterSound, Seaside)

15 – Ice creams consumed… Olivia chose candy the last night we were there, hence the reason for the odd number.

8 – Adult beverages consumed

11 – Donuts/cinnamon rolls consumed

2 – Times we were asked if Jacob and Olivia are twins.  Why oh why do we hear this question so much when we’re on vacation? 

2 – Times our traditions were messed up because things had changed (Pineapple Willy’s had discontinued my favorite drink and Pier Park had closed the outdoor carnival that we’ve been taking the kids to since Jacob was a baby.)

4 – Tickets purchased for bumper boats… the kids LOVED this.

1 – Defective bumper boat… Jacob’s boat went in the opposite direction of the steering wheel the first time around.

4 – Live sand dollars caught and released

Too many to count – Shells we found

185 – Shells we kept and brought home

4 – Bottles of sunscreen we finished off

1 – Pair of sunglasses we broke (Jacob’s)

2 – Pairs of sunglasses we bought… because naturally Olivia had to have some new ones if Jacob did.

998 – Pictures taken on the trip

71 – Stories uploaded to Instagram… and they’re all saved in the “Beach Trip” highlight in my Instagram bio if you want to catch up!

LOADS – Of memories made

Countless – Times I said, “This is the cutest place ever!”

5,500,000 – Dollars we need to come up with to buy our own summer home on Rosemary Beach!  You know... no big deal!  ;o)  

I’ll be recapping our trip soon, so stay tuned!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannah, and myself... just grab our new graphic and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. I can’t wait for the recap! Y’all had perfect weather.

  2. So fun! I can't wait for a recap of the trip!!

  3. Woohoo, wow you packed in the beaches, I love it. Sooo excited for more!! Happy Monday beautiful!

  4. Sounds amazing. Did you count all of those shells?

  5. That place really does seem like the cutest ever!!!

  6. I cannot wait to hear about your trip! So much fun!

  7. Haha that last one made me LOL! We always talk about a lake house in our family, it would be awesome! We can all dream right?! I can't wait to see some pics and hear more about your awesome trip!

  8. I can't wait to hear more about your trip! I've been hearing soooo much about the Rosemary Beach area from so many peeps! It looks soooo gorgeous!

  9. Can't wait for all the pictures - it looked and sounds like a blast! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  10. Sounds like it was fantastic family vacation, looking forward to hearing more.

  11. I can't wait to go next month! Where did y'all stay? Can't wait to read the recaps!!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  12. I loved all the IG photos from your trip. I can't wait to read more about it!

  13. I'm so glad you had a great trip! I can't wait to hear more about it!

  14. I loved watching all of your beach stories on your IG! It seriously was a gorgeous place, and I can't wait to see all of your recaps!

  15. I love these "numbers" posts! Sounds like a wonderful trip.

  16. I always love your number posts!! Sounds like you guys made the most of your time there and packed in TONS of fun. We head to the beach at the end of the month and I can't wait :)

  17. Where you were looked so beautiful! I am supet impressed by your shell haul!! Was that you or the kids?

  18. I love that you took that many pictures! That area of the country is the best. My best friend's in laws have a house in I think Seacrest and they bought it 20 years ago for a fraction of that, wish I could have bought early! Can't wait to see the full recap, your insta stories looked like a blast!

  19. SO much fun! It's a crime that I've lived in Florida for 8 years, and still haven't been up to the Emerald Coast. We need to plan a trip now, and go on the bumper boats! <3
    Green Fashionista

  20. Such a fun post! It sounds like you all had a wonderful trip! Can’t wait for the full recap! We LOVE Rosemary Beach!

  21. You guys always have so much fun! Can't wait for the recap and pictures!

  22. Looks like such a fun trip and love these number recaps :) I look at beach front property on Anna Maria Island all the time just to dream ;)! xoxo ERIN

  23. oh I loved that.. such a fun way to recap.

  24. Wouldn't it be amazing to own a beach home?!!! We talk about it all the time. Looks like an amazing trip...the beach is always my favorite!

  25. I miss the 30A and love reading your recaps! It’s such a beautiful and fun area. I love that first picture of you!! So cute. These are all such great pictures. And now I am sitting here wishing I was sitting on a beach somewhere. Rosemary Beach is one of my favorites, but we’ve never been to La Cocina. I guess I need to go back! Ha.


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