
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Girl Chat - A Day in the Life

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Welcome to another edition of Girl Chat!  Today’s topic is one of my favorites to read ever… A Day in the Life.  I just love reading these posts so much!  We’re all given the same amount of hours each day and it is just so interesting to me to see how people use their time.

The day I documented was last Wednesday, May 9.  I chose that day because I didn’t have anything out of the ordinary going on and I wanted to capture a totally regular day.  Let’s do it!

6:00 AM – Yep, still waking up at the same time I always have! 

6:01 AM – I head straight to the bathroom to get ready.  If I don’t shower first thing in the morning I can’t function.  You know how some of you need caffeine in the morning?  Well, showering is my caffeine.  Once I’ve had my shower, I’m good to go!  The next 45 minutes are spent getting ready.  Even though I stay home now, I still get myself completely ready each morning – makeup, hair, and everything.  I don’t feel human if I don’t.  Side note, this drawer organizer is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread.  ;o)

6:51 AM – I’m all ready so I head to my office to do my link-ups and Facebook post for my blog post that day.  Brian has already gotten up (about 10-15 minutes after I do), gotten ready (only takes him, like, 15 minutes max), and he’s downstairs eating breakfast with the kiddos.

7:04 AM – Both kids have just finished breakfast and they’ve both headed to their rooms to get dressed.  Olivia has actually decided to cooperate today and she is already dressed when I walk in her room.  It’s a Wednesday miracle!!  I will be SO happy when she’s wearing uniforms in just a few months.  I do her hair, she grabs her shoes, and then I head to put a load of laundry in the washer before heading downstairs.

7:07 AM – I get downstairs, make my breakfast (I’m still eating one egg scrambled in the microwave with a little bit of cheddar cheese sprinkled on top) and I eat that while I make Jacob’s lunch, get his snack ready, and load the car.

7:22 AM – All of our stuff is loaded in the car.  Jacob and I kiss Brian and Olivia goodbye and head to school.  This week is Teacher Appreciation Week so we have gifts in tow!   

7:37 AM – We arrive at school and I park and walk Jacob in like I always do.  I could drop off in the car line, but he still likes for me to walk him in so I do.  <3  Plus today we have extra stuff to carry, so he could use the extra hands!

7:58 AM – I arrive back home, snap my OOTD picture, and it. is. on.  I have 6.5 hours before it’s time to leave to pick Jacob up, and I intend to use all 6.5 hours wisely.  I make a cup of my Hot Sunset Cinnamon Tea, move the clothes from the washer to the dryer, pop another load in the washer, head straight to my office, turn on my radio show that I love, and get to work.  The kids will be out of school for the summer in just a couple of weeks and I’m trying to do all the things before they’re home with me 24/7.  On today’s agenda – getting ahead on blog posts for the summer. 

10:06 AM – I have to stop and take a break to get dinner started in the Crockpot.  That takes all of five minutes and then I grab a little mid-morning snack, check on the clothes in the dryer (they’re still soaked because our dryer sucks), and then it’s back to my office to keep on working on those blog posts.  By 11:45 AM I’ve finished one post that I had already started that will go live in July (yes, July.  Haha.), I’ve gotten an entire post done for the end of May, and I’ve started another post that will go live in June.  Super productive!

11:55 AM – Time for a break!  I go grab lunch.  Today it’s leftover sausage, peppers, and onions tacos without the tortilla shell, an orange, and a Banana Chocolate Chip Larabar.  Larabars, I just can’t quit you.  I literally eat one of these things every day, y’all.  It’s my dessert for lunch.  I eat at my desk and catch up on all of my blog reading for the day.  Wednesdays are popular days to post, so there are a lot to read and it probably takes a good hour of my time on this particular day.  Once I’m done with blog reading I go pull that load out of the dryer and lay it out and move the other load to the dryer.  I then start working on my second project for the day – getting all of the pictures together that I need to print.  I only print pictures probably once a year or so, so there are a lot of them… I need pictures to update frames, I need a few to update Olivia’s baby book, and I need a lot of them to update the kids’ keepsake boxes.  (More on this eventually if I can ever get the blog post up!)  This takes up the rest of my time and before I know it, my alarm is ringing to let me know it’s almost time to go pick up Jacob.

2:28 PM – On the way out the door, I grab that second load of clothes out of the dryer and lay them out all over our bed.  I always, always lay the laundry out immediately after pulling it out of the dryer so it doesn’t get wrinkled.  That means less ironing!  :o)

2:33 PM – I’m out the door and headed to Jacob’s school.  He’s in the car with me by 2:55 and then we’re heading straight back home.  No errands to run today at all!  A rarity.  On the way home Jacob tells me that he has finally lost his first tooth!!  The tooth, unfortunately, cannot be located because he has no clue when it even fell out.  Lol. 

3:10 PM – We arrive at home and the next few minutes are spent getting everything out of the car, grabbing the mail, unloading bags, turning on all of my lamps and twinkle lights, lighting my candle, and getting the house cozy for the evening ahead since we have nowhere else to be. 

3:21 PM – I inspect Jacob’s teeth and, sure enough, his bottom right front tooth is gone.  I try to get him to smile so I can get a picture of it, and he cannot figure out how to smile while showing his bottom teeth, so a lot of strange faces ensue.  Lol.

3:35 PM – Next up is dishes.  Normally during this time Jacob does his homework, but since it’s the end of the school year he hardly has any, and what he did have assigned is already finished!  He eats his snack while I get the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded and then I tell him that it’s time to play!

3:55 PM – I let him choose what we do and he wants to go play Frisbee in the back yard.  It is HOT today – like 90 degrees – which is hotter than normal for this time of year, but we’re all about the fresh air, so I oblige.  We play for a good 30 minutes and then it’s time to head back inside because Momma is boiling. 

4:27 PM – It’s time to fold and hang the laundry from earlier so I work on that while Jacob plays solo in the play room.

5:15 PM – I head back downstairs and get dinner started.  My chicken cooked in the Crockpot all day so it’s ready to shred and use for my recipe.  On the menu tonight is BBQ Chicken Taquitos.  This is the first time we’ve tried it and it’s a bit time consuming getting the tortillas stuffed and ready for baking.  I snap a quick picture and then put them in the oven!

5:50 PM – Brian and Olivia finally get home (a bit later than usual because Brian has been extra busy at work these last few weeks) and then it’s time to eat.

6:00 PM – Dinnertime!!  As usual, it’s a struggle getting the kids to eat anything, but they do manage to eat just enough to earn their treat.  B and I like the taquitos, but I think they’re a tad on the bland side.  Next time I’ll use more BBQ sauce and a bit more seasonings!

6:25 PM – The kids head outside while B and I clean up the kitchen.  Clean up is pretty easy tonight since dinner didn’t require a lot of pots and pans.  We put the leftovers away, load the dishwasher and turn it on, and clean off the table, and we’re done!  I love a clean kitchen, y’all!  As long as the kitchen is clean, I’m good.  I can’t stand when the kitchen is in disarray.  

6:34 PM – The next half hour is spent lying outside in the shade and watch the kids play with the Stomp Rocket.  I swear, this is one of the best things we’ve ever bought!  It is the perfect gift to give at a birthday party for a boy or a girl!

7:10 PM – Back inside and time to get the bedtime routine started.  B gives the kids baths while I put away some laundry and tidy up a few things.

7:37 PM – I read with Olivia.  Tonight she has picked Little Acorn Grows Up.  I have always loved this book and I love that she chose to read it.  She rarely picks this one!

7:45 PM – Some evenings we read longer than others, but this evening we only read that one book and then we make our way into Jacob’s room where Brian and he have just finished up their reading for the evening.  Brian just so happens to be snapping a picture of Jacob’s missing tooth when we walk in the room.  We go dry hair, brush teeth, and then Olivia goes to give B some goodnight kisses and then she and I head into her room for bedtime. 

7:50 PM – She hops in the bed immediately, I turn on her stars, we snap a couple of selfies because I’m documenting my day, and then we say prayers.  I give her one more kiss goodnight and then I head out the door.

7:56 PM – I head into Jacob’s bedroom where he and B are watching an episode of Looney Tunes.  They started doing this months ago and I love that they have this sweet tradition every evening.  Once their video is over we say prayers and then I climb into bed with Jacob.  He likes for one of us to lay with him for a few minutes each night, and tonight it’s my turn, so we snap another selfie and then I lay with him and talk to him about his day a little more before heading out. 

8:11 PM – I send Adrienne a quick text because Justin Timberlake night is almost here!!!!  After that I head outside to water the ferns and a few other shrubs. 

8:20 PM – I take one last look at the evening’s sunset – beautiful – and then I head inside where Maui is happily wagging her tail because she knows it’s treat time!  I started giving her an evening treat several years ago and it stuck and now she always knows when it’s treat time!  If you forget to give it to her she will let you know!

8:22 PM – Time to use my Neti Pot because – ALLERGIES.  UGGGGHHHH.  I really can’t complain, though, because mine really haven’t been that bad this year compared to last year.  Between my allergy shots, my Neti Pot, my Xyzal, and my Flonase Sensi-mist, I’ve been able to keep everything in check this year!  Allergy sufferers who get stuffy noses and itchy eyes, BUY THIS FLONASE SENSI-MIST NOW!!!!  It’s life-changing!  And FYI, it's cheapest on Amazon.  :o)

8:30 PM – I finally have a chance to sit down!  B and I start watching TV and I use this time to post on IG and scroll through FB for a little bit, and I come across this meme that somebody has posted and start cracking up!  Georgia is changing the law on July 1, 2018 and we will no longer be able to touch our phones while driving.  It’s already illegal to text and drive, but now it will be illegal to talk and drive unless you have Bluetooth.  Well, I do NOT have Bluetooth in my car, so I guess I’m going to have to fashion some kind of device like this guy did.  Or else B is just going to have to buy me a new car.  Hahahaha.  ;o)  But seriously, this made me laugh way too hard.

8:45 PM – I hop up, do some exercising and stretches, and then I hop on my stair stepper to do my 300 steps.  I cannot even tell you how much I adore this thing!  It’s a great way to work your legs and butt and get in a little bit of cardio.  Plus you can do it while you watch TV.  And this thing hardly takes up any space!

9:15 PM – I write in the kids’ One Line a Day books for the day and then I head to the freezer and grab a Halo Top.  Tonight’s choice… Red Velvet.  Yum yum!

9:49 PM – B and I head upstairs to get ready for bed.  I check on Olivia one last time to make sure she’s snuggled under her blanket and then I head to Jacob’s room to make sure that the Tooth Fairy came.  And she did.  :o)

10:00 PM – I head back into my bedroom, wash my face, brush my teeth, take out my contacts, take my allergy meds, change into PJs, hop into bed, make sure my alarms are set for tomorrow, and then I read for a bit until lights out at 10:40 PM.

Whew.  Are you still with me?  That was a long one!  But it’s just another day in the life of Linds!

Don’t forget to link up with us below to share your Day in the Life post!

*Linking up with Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.

To link up – just grab our graphic, link upand let’s get to chatting!  Make sure to stop by a few others in the link up for an extra bit of girl chat!

And don’t forget to follow your hosts!

Danielle - Bloglovin / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter
Emily - Bloglovin / Instagram / Pinterest 
Lindsay - Bloglovin / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter
Lizzie - Bloglovin / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest
Sierra - Bloglovin / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter


  1. Look at you getting ahead on blogging!!! That's awesome! I definitely feel better after showering first thing in the morning. Getting ready, even when I have nothing going on just makes the day start off on the right foot and lends itself to being more productive. And a clean kitchen is soooo nice. Definitely feel you on that!

  2. Don't school days just fly by?!? I mean I can't believe how fast 6.5 hours goes!! You manage to get so much done though!

  3. You sure keep busy! Good job getting ahead on blog posts. I recommend link party animal to take care of your link ups for you!

  4. I love day in the life posts! It looks like you had a busy day. It's so funny that Jacob didn't know where his tooth went! Kids are so different...Lily is the same age and just lost her 7th tooth...she, too, lost a tooth and didn't know where it went! I wish I could get my little ones to go to bed that early, but with two older siblings who are wide awake until later, it's almost impossible. My only solace is that Liam 13-14 hours, so he doesn't wake up until 10 or 11!

    1. Yeah, I bet it is hard to get them to go to bed! And that is awesome that Liam sleeps that late! I bet you get so much done in the mornings!

  5. I love that you are ahead on blogging, way to go!! It's so crazy how even on days when the kids aren't home with you the time seems to go so fast. Those tacos look so good!! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  6. I love it. So much fun reading about your day!!!

  7. Thank you for linking the flonase sensi mist, I need that! I can't believe he literally lost his tooth! Good for you for getting so ahead on blog posts, that will be the key to a great summer for y'all! Love reading posts like these!

  8. This was so fun reading about all you did that day! Props to you for getting caught up on your blogs! That’s a summer project for me as well. Shannon

  9. Thank you for sharing. I need to get in the habit of doing more after the kids go to bed.

    1. It's so hard because I'm always so tired at the end of the day and there are nights where I do absolutely nothing, but most nights I do okay. I'm typically a night person!

  10. Man I should have written down times of things. I forgot to do that! Darn it, next time. Oh gosh I hear ya on the allergies! I got my allergy shot Tuesday and last night there was two bruises where she put the shot in, so weird! Love reading about your day, probably so different than when you worked. It's so light where you are at 8:20, when we put the kids down about the same time, it's mostly dark with a little tiny bit of light. Funny how that works.

  11. I am in awe of your clean kitchen. In awe. Also, I love these post so much!! One day I'll remember and get it done too.

  12. I love day in the life posts! What a great day you have. I am the same way, when we get home from school all candles are lit for the evening. Loved looking at your day!

  13. Oh man!!!! This was soooo much fun to read!!! I love how you go about your day! As much as I don’t want both my kiddos to go to school in the fall, I do daydream about having all those hours to get things done around here! Thanks for showing what’s possible. As for the laundry - does it ever end?! It never goes away over here! Our dryer sucks, too and it drives. me. Craaazy. Honestly, it doesn’t even help me with not having to iron. I usually have to iron EVERYTHING. Seriously, it’s really terrible. Good job on getting ahead on your blogging! You’re my role model!!!

  14. This was such a great link up and a great way to get to know everyone better! Your house is beautiful by the way and you have done a lovely job decorating Olivia's room (I am rubbish with decorating). We've just got Halo Top in our local supermarket - need to try it! Can't believe how organised you are with your blog posts - wow!


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