
Friday, May 11, 2018

Five on Friday - Beach Wagon, End of Soccer, & Christmas Card Organization

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Whew, what a week, y’all!  I've had appointments, run lots of errands, and even squeezed in a lunch with one of my old bosses this week!  It's been crazy and today is more of the same!  As you’re reading this, I’m basically running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  I have to drop Jacob at school, head immediately to Muffins with Mom from 7:45 – 9:15 at Olivia’s school, then I’ll be heading straight to a doctor’s appointment, followed by running several errands, followed by Parents Day at Jacob’s school at 1:45, and then I’ll be rushing to grab Olivia from school and get the kids off to my MIL’s because tonight B and I are heading to see… JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!!!! 

Y’all, I’m so excited I could just die.  I’ve seen him twice in concert since he’s gone solo and he was just phenomenal both times, but that was his tour before last… I missed the 20/20 tour altogether, so I’m long overdue to see him.  Justin, here we come!

But first, some faves…(and you can tell by the sheer volume of faves that this has, indeed, been a crazy busy week)!

O N E – New Necklace

I’m in love with a necklace, y’all!  I spotted this beauty at Target a few weeks ago and I just had to have it!  I had a favorite white-beaded necklace that I wore nonstop for years until it broke about a year ago.  Ever since, I just haven’t been able to find one that I loved… until now! 

It’s from Target (naturally) and I just love the gold coins.  It’s Sugarfix by Baublebar and it’s currently on sale for just $11.99!  The sale ends Sunday, though, so grab one now if you want one!  Oh, and it also comes in pink and turquoise.  <3

And really quickly, what do you ladies think about this dress from Target?  I LOVE it, but I’m on the fence about it because of the length.  I would totally wear it at the beach, but I’m not sure if I would actually wear it much back home because it's such an odd length.  I love tea-length dresses for formal affairs, but for every day wear?  Hmmmm... what do y'all think?

T W O – New Beach Wagon

We will be heading to the beach in just a few short weeks and this year we decided to grab one of these fancy beach wagons to take with us.  We won’t be staying at our usual place in Panama City so we’ll likely have more stuff to carry than usual (chairs and umbrellas) so we thought it would be wise to get something to haul it all in.  When you have small kids, you pretty much have to bring everything but the kitchen sink to the beach anyway, so we’re hoping that this will make it a lot easier!

We also know that we won’t just use it for the beach and we should get plenty of use out of it at home as well.  I’m planning on keeping it in the back of my car in case we ever need it.  Just a few weeks ago I was volunteering at Jacob’s school, and another girl and I had a bunch of stuff to haul from our cars into the school… that wagon would have definitely come in handy.

We chose this wagon for several reasons.  A) It has the larger wheels which makes it easy to pull through the beach sand, B) it’s collapsible so it’s easy to store… it hardly takes up any room at all, and C) it has great reviews on Amazon, and a lot of them!

We love it so far and I’ll have to report back after our beach trip to let y’all know how it holds up there!

T H R E E – Olivia’s Last Day of Soccer

Olivia’s Soccer Tots program ended last week with a scrimmage game and a medal ceremony.  She has been eyeing Jacob’s soccer medal from last season for several months now and she was so excited to finally have her own!  She has already told us that she wants to play again in the fall, and we couldn’t be more excited.  We’re so proud of our girl!

F O U R – “Curly Hair”

Several of Olivia’s friends at school have curly hair so she has been asking to have curly hair a lot lately, too.  Well, unfortunately her hair is baby fine and straight as a board like mine, and it pretty much takes an act of congress to make it curly and have it stay that way, so we have taken to the old “wet braids” trick. 

Each night after bath time I’ve been braiding her wet hair into two braids, and in the morning, voila – lots of waves!  It’s not remotely what you would consider “curly,” but it makes her happy, so we’re sticking with it!

And speaking of braiding, I’m currently working to step up my game for her hair.  I can braid like a boss, but French braiding?  Never tried it.  I’m about to start watching some YouTube videos so I can learn how to French braid for the summer.

F I V E – Flowers for Mary

Jacob goes to mass weekly at school, and last week for the beginning of the month of May, each of the students were asked to bring a flower from their garden or from the store to put in a basket at the feet of the statue of Mary that’s in our church.  We have a big bush of knockout roses, so we cut one of those to take.  The school received hundreds of flowers and the basket in the church was overflowing.  Such a beautiful thing!

S I X – Christmas Card Organization

Well, I finally checked an item off of my long-term to do list that’s been on there for a good 3-4 years!!  I finally got all of my Christmas cards organized!  I know I posted about this once before a couple of months back, but I hadn’t completed the job at that point, and it ended up getting pushed to the back burner while I worked on other stuff.  Well, this week I finally got every single Christmas card since 2004 hole-punched and organized by year on binder clips and I’m storing them all in one of these baskets.  We will now be able to display them at Christmastime and I love that we’ll be able to look back through them every year!

On another note, Brian’s and my Christmas card from 2008 is missing.  Waaaahhhh!  I always keep several copies from each year, so I have no clue why these are missing, but if you are one of my friends or family members and you’re reading this and you just so happen to have a copy (it’s a 4x8 flat card that had a red, black and white border with a picture of B and me sitting on our bench in front of the gorgeous fall leaves in our front yard at our old house), please send it my way!  My Momma keeps all of hers, but she said that she just throws them all in this huge box of pictures under their bed, so I was trying to avoid having to dig through the box.  Worst come to worst, I’ll do it, though! 

Why do I need this so badly you ask?  Well, because each bundle of saved Christmas cards has a copy of Brian’s and mine on the top from that year, and I’m extremely OCD so I just can’t have one year where our card is missing. 

And yes, I’m aware that I sound crazy, and no, I do not care.  ;o)

S E V E N – Jacob’s End-of-Season Soccer Party

Jacob also had his end of the season soccer party last week.  His party was at Cici’s Pizza (not my favorite place), but it was perfect for the kiddos!  They had pizza and cinnamon rolls (soooo delicious), they played a few games in the arcade, and then their coach handed out their medals.  He was really excited to add a second one to his collection and he’s been walking around wearing both of them around his neck all week.  Lol.  We are so proud of him and we sure hope that he decides to continue his soccer career in the fall.  He’s been saying that he might not want to play again, but he seems to be on the fence about it so we’ll have to see how it goes!

E I G H T – Lost Tooth!!

Jacob lost his first tooth on Wednesday!!  He’s had four loose teeth for several weeks now, so we’ve been waiting patiently for one of them to fall out.  I picked him up from school Wednesday and he said, “Mommy, guess what?!  I FINALLY LOST MY TOOTH!!”  I congratulated him excitedly and said, “So where is the tooth, buddy?”  He just shrugged casually and said, “I don’t know.” 


I asked him where he was when it came out and he didn’t even know so we think he may have swallowed it while he was eating.  Eek!  He said before lunch at school he had asked one of his friends to look at it and tell him what it looked like and his friend told him that it wasn’t there anymore.  Haha.  So he didn’t even realize that it had fallen out!

The Tooth Fairy still visited even though we didn’t have the tooth, but I’m crushed that it went missing.  And, y'all, this kid could not figure out how to smile and show his bottom teeth so he made some crazy faces when I was trying to take his picture.  

N I N E – Skin Check-up

I’ve had it on my list of things to do for YEARS to get a full-body skin check-up at the dermatologist, and I’ve just never made the time to do it.  I finally made that appointment, went this week, and got a clean bill of health skin-wise!  So far all that tanning bed laying that I did back in high school hasn’t done any damage.  Fingers crossed it stays that way.  And the doc cleared me for the year and I don’t have to go back until next May!

And before I go, I just wanted to remind you guys, next Thursday is our Girl Chat link-up and this month’s topic is A Day in the Life… these are my FAVORITE kinds of posts to read, so I sure hope y’all will join us so I can stalk you.  ;o)

And that’s a wrap, y’all!  If you need me, I’ll be doing all the things at the kids’ schools, running all the errands, and kicking it with JT tonight!! 

Speaking of which, did any of you see this episode of Ellen last week?! 


Happy weekend!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. I LOVE that dress from Target. You should totally get it! I think you would wear it a lot more than you think! Also, thank you for the reminder about getting my skin checked. I need to schedule an appt ASAP! Happy Friday!

  2. I keep our Christmas cards too and keep them organized the same way. My kids love flipping through them :) xoxo ERIN

  3. I love your Christmas card collection! i always feel so bad throwing mine away! Have fun with JT tonight!!!! I probably should get my skin checked too. And..I would have to say yes to the dress!! So cute! Have a great Mother's Day weekend!
    – Shannon

    1. Yes, have your skin checked! You can never be too careful! And thank you! We had the BEST time Friday evening!

  4. I love the necklace! So sad you can't find that one card. Maybe your mom's box won't be as bad as you fear! I'm planning on posting a day in the life, which means I need to actually remember to take photos! Ah! Congrats on the lost tooth. Simon thinks he swallowed one of his too. So glad your skin check went well! Happy Mother's Day!

  5. So much good stuff! Your Christmas card collection/organization is amazing! I've been wanting to organize mine and this is the perfect way to do it! Yay for Jacob's tooth. Speaking of OCD, I wrote up a blog post looooong ago talking about Henry's first missing tooth...I never posted it - surprise, surprise - anyway, there's this tooth collection thing over on Amazon. Yup, I keep the teeth and organize them. Do you already have one? If not, I think it's right up your alley! Yay for Olivia's medal for soccer. Your kids are so cute! Have fun at the concert tonight, dance one for me!

  6. Ok, for her hair... Dry is slightly so its just still damp., so dry the scalp then put it in a top knot for bed and in the morning dry the top knot a little then pull down. Works pretty well, you can also use a little bit of beach wave spray in it. And I have all my cards too that I need to do this with... still trying to clean out my car though. lol have a good weekend!!

  7. OMG That is so genius with the Christmas cards. I'm gonna do that!!!

    also I have that bauble bar necklace ! mines white too and I also got a pink one :)

  8. I'm actually super obsessed with that dress. I was at Target the other day & wanted that dress but they didn't have my size so I need to go find another Target to see if they have it. Happy early mother's day!

  9. I'm so jealous you'll be seeing JT!! I hope y'all have a blast!
    Funny story, I told my husband I wanted a wagon for open houses (because I carry so much stuff) and he thought I was insane. LOL! It might be a bit much, huh?

  10. So funny, I just bought that dress last night because they have a buy one dress get another dress for 50% off. It's like they were telling me to buy it right? I'll let you know how it goes. I figure don't care if it's not totally causal, going to wear it casual anyway :) So much going on, and I did the same thing with my cards, with our card in the front! We didn't really start sending out christmas cards until we had kids, so I didn't have too many to keep track of :) Hope you find yorus. You can always go to where you go it and get a "sample" Like if you bought it on shutterfly or something? Have fun at JT tonight!

  11. I love that dress from Target. I almost got it myself. So cute. and they are buy one get one 50% off until tomorrow. I am soooo jealous of your JT concert tonight. I think I am going to see him in Sacaramento in November since I missed him in Vegas last month. Love all the soccer photos. Have the best weekend!

  12. Have fun at JT!!! I just bought two dresses at Target, loving the sale! Once you get the hang of french braids they are so easy. What I want to learn how to do it a fish tail. Happy Mother's Day!

  13. Such a cute necklace! What a crazy day for you. I had muffins with mom this morning too and I was so thankful they staggered the times so I could be with both boys. I love that Target dress! I have been loving the midi length dresses lately. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

    Love your Christmas card organization.
    Love the new necklace.
    Jacob is precious with his snaggle tooth!😀

  15. Love that necklace! I'm still floored by how great you are (and dedicated!) at organizing. It's inspiring! Have a happy Mother's Day weekend!

  16. So many fun things! I love that necklace you chose! I'm interested in hearing how you like the beach wagon. We invested in a beach cart, and it was the best beach purchase ever! I hope you have a great Mother's Day weekend!

  17. I can't wait to find time to do the same with my Christmas cards!! Hahah I love that you own your crazy, I do the same and I also don't care one bit! haha! Happy Mother's Day Lindsay and have so much fun tonight!!!!!!!

  18. Random question - where did you find the binder clips. I do a similar thing with my Christmas cards, and also just like to have them around. I'm out now and can't find them anywhere! I found some on, but they are assorted sizes. Thanks and happy Mother's Day!

  19. What a busy week! Love the fact you are so organised with your xmas cards, a great idea! Hope you had an AMAZING time at the JT concert :) You've got to got to got to get that dress, I'd snap it up in a heartbeat if we had Target, it's super cute and stylish, a MUST have! :)

  20. I love what you did with the Christmas Cards! I feel like I need to do this too, but I've always just thrown mine away in the past!


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