
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

What’s Up Wednesday - April 2018

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I completely forgot about What’s Up Wednesday last month, but I have it ready for April!

What We’re Eating This Week

Mon – Teriyaki chicken, brown rice, broccolli
Tue – Pulled pork sandwiches
Wed – Out with the girls, family is on their own!  ;o)
Thu – Eggs, grits, bacon, toast… we love breakfast for dinner!
Fri – Out
Sat – Fiesta picnic at church
Sun – I am cooking Sunday dinner this weekend, but I’m not sure what yet…

What I’m Reminiscing About

Our Disney trip!  I’ve been recapping the whole thing so it’s still fresh in my mind!  If you’ve missed any of the posts you can see them here.  So far I’ve done a By the Numbers recap, the Disney Springs recap, the Animal Kingdom recap, and the Epcot recap.  My very favorite day will be recapped tomorrow, so be sure to come back to see lots of Magic Kingdom goodness!

What I’m Loving

These organizing trays from Amazon.  Y’all, these things are dirt cheap and they come in all different shapes and sizes so you can customize every single drawer in your house to fit your needs.  You can buy these in different bundles of shapes and sizes, too, so be sure to search for whichever packages you need (9 narrow rectangle baskets6 wide rectangle baskets, or 6 small squares).  I’ve been organizing every single drawer in our house and it makes me so giddy!  And I can tell that Jacob is my child because the day I started getting them all in place he came over and said, “Oooohhhh, that’s nice!”  Haha. 

Here are a few pictures of how I’ve been using them so far.  Be sure to come back on Friday because I’m doing a huge update on how my decluttering/organizing our whole in entire house project is going.

What We’ve Been Up To

April was full of birthday celebrations for yours truly, we celebrated Easter, we attended the Mother-Son Dance at Jacob’s school, we went to Jacob’s school’s annual spring fundraiser, we’ve been watching a lot of soccer for both kids, I’ve been lunching with old coworkers, we cleaned off the back porch to get it ready for spring, and we’ve been having dinner out there ever since because the weather has been amazing!

What I’m Dreading

Some of you may remember that March was a bit of a scary month for us as Olivia’s doctor found a lump on her thyroid.  She had to have a needle biopsy under anesthesia to have it drained and fortunately the pathology report came back showing that it was benign. 

Well, this past weekend, we noticed that the lump is back and it’s almost back to the same large size that it was the last time (2.5 cm), so we have an appointment next Monday to see how we are going to proceed from here.  I’m not going to bring up possible next steps here yet as we don’t know for sure what the doctor will recommend, but I’m just praying that we get good news.  I do not want to hear that she needs another surgery.  So I guess you could say I’m dreading her appointment.  We would really appreciate your prayers.

What I’m Working On

My main project for now is still decluttering and organizing every single nook and cranny in our home.  So far I’ve completed my office (well, I say it’s done, but there are still some projects to finish), Jacob’s room, Olivia’s room, the play room, our master bedroom, our master bathroom including my master closet, the linen closet, the dining room, and I’m also almost done with the kitchen.  Whew.

All that’s left is the laundry room, the coat closet, the huge storage closet in Brian’s office (which might just take forever), the huge closet under the stairs (which will probably take the absolute longest), the living room, and the front sitting room. 

We’ve decided to do the yard sale in June so I now know what date I’m aiming for, and I’m really looking forward to getting all of this junk outta my house! 

I CAN DO THIS, Y’ALL!  And you can follow along with me on Instagram Stories if you need some inspiration!

What I’m Excited About

Dinner tonight with my girlfriends!  We are all going out to celebrate my birthday (which was earlier this month) and my friend Jeannine’s birthday which is actually today!  Happy birthday, Jeans!  <3

What I’m Watching/Reading

Watching – American Idol, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, and we just finished Scandal.  We had started watching Pretty Little Liars but I’m not sure I want to stick with it… decisions decisions… We also started The Crown, and while so far I think it’s a little slow, I can’t seem to stop watching. 

And speaking of the royals… how about that sweet new little royal baby?!  I still cannot believe that Kate stepped out in a dress and heels just a few hours after giving birth.  I mean, after I had Jacob I had nerve damage and literally couldn’t walk for weeks/months.  So every time I see Kate step out (IN HEELS) holding a new baby, I often wonder what the heck they would do if she had been in my shoes and couldn’t walk at all.  Would they roll her out in a wheel chair?  Let William present the baby alone?  Hide the situation altogether?  Hmmmm… 

ReadingSurprise Me by Sophie Kinsella.  She is one of my favorite authors, but so far this book is a little slow.

What I’m Listening To

A little bit of everything!  My MIL bought the Bluetooth radio/speaker that I wanted for my birthday, so I’m now able to listen to my morning show on our local station in my office each morning.  After it goes off, I play a plethora of things depending on my mood.  I’ve been listening to T. Swizz’s Reputation album (soooo good, y'all!) as well as JT’s new album the most, though!

Also, there’s nothing that says spring like some good ol’ country music, so a lot of Luke and Blake are being played right now as well! 

And The Lumineers are also another spring favorite… well, they are just an all-time favorite.  :o)

What I’m Wearing

The weather has still been up and down here so I’ve been alternating between spring things such as this cross front top, this tank from Old Navy, and my new Hunter boots.  Gosh, I just love these things, y’all.  As I mentioned in a previous post, Walmart has also stepped up their game and they have some seriously cute stuff, like this kimono and this off the shoulder tassel top!

And what do I wish I was wearing?  This gingham dress!  Oh my goodness, I saw it on one of my favorite fashion bloggers and I think it might be one of the cutest dresses I've ever seen!  If only I had unlimited funds and a place to wear it!

What I’m Doing This Weekend

Jacob’s last soccer game of the season is Saturday morning and then we will be heading to church in the evening followed by our annual church stewardship picnic.  They are bringing in Mexican food this year and the weather is supposed to be gorgeous, so it should be a fun evening!

My Momma isn’t doing Sunday dinner this week so I’m going to pick it up instead.  The weather is supposed to be beautiful, so I’m thinking dinner outside under the twinkle lights??  We’ll see!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

So much goodness next month – Justin Timberlake concert, Dave Matthews Band concert, lots of end-of-school-year activities, and then my first summer break as a stay at home mom begins!  I’m so excited!!  A little worried, but mostly excited!  Haha.

What Else Is New

After three years of having this item on my to do list, I finally crossed it off – make an appointment to see a dermatologist for a full body skin check.  I’m not at all excited about the appointment itself, but I know it’s so, so important.  I’m a little nervous, but I’m glad that I’m doing what I need to do to keep myself healthy! 

Well, that’s enough for today!  Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for my Magic Kingdom recap!  And I’m not going to lie… there will probably be near 100 pictures.  Haha. 

Don't forget to link up with us below!  

Your Hosts! 

Whitney at Polka-Dotty Place / Bloglovin / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter 
Keri at Keri Lynn Synder / Faceobok / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 
Sarah at Sarah E. Frazer / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 

*Linking up with Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday and Mix and Match Mama for What's Up Wednesday.

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  1. Y'all have had a super fun and busy month! I am praying for sweet Olivia and you! I know it breaks your mama heart for the unknown!
    And I need to get busy with my decluttering and organizing.

  2. I'm loving all the organization that you're sharing on IG stories - making me want to get everything in our house squared away! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. April was so good to you girl!! Which means, all the positive thoughts, Olivia is going to be ok an prayers re a storming heaven, I know how scary this is. HUGS my Pink Princess Mama!!

  4. I've been loving your organizational posts! Jacob's reaction made me giggle! Looking forward to your Magic Kingdom post!

    Oh goodness! Praying for your sweet Olivia!! God's got this!

    Blessings, Shannon

    1. Thank you so much, Shannon! That's exactly what I keep telling myself. Thank you for your prayers. It really means a lot.

  5. Eeeeeeeeek can't wait for the MK recap!!! And girl, you are seriously on a roll with organizing! I have big plans for next year when I only have 1 kid with me haha! I will be praying for Olivia, I'm so sorry you're going through this. *hugs*

  6. Can't wait for your organizing recap on Friday! You really should consider hiring out, people could use your skills :)! I am praying for Olivia, that is so scary!

  7. I totally missed this about Olivia last month....I can imagine how that would weigh on your mind. Prayers for little miss! I continue to try and aspire to the example you are setting to simplify! :)

  8. April was such a fun month for you! I use similar baskets to organize all the drawers in my house...mine are from the Target Dollar Spot, though. Still really cheap and they work well! I hope you have a great time out with your friends tonight. And I will absolutely keep Olivia in my prayers!

    1. Oh wow, I've never seen any in the Dollar Spot. I would have been all over it if I had seen any there! And thank you for your prayers. We need all the prayers we can get.

  9. Loving all of the organization! Looks so much more zen and ahhhhh :) Praying for Olivia's appointment--hopefully it brings good news! So sorry you all (and especially she) are going through this!

  10. PINK hunters! YES please! I just adore the Disney pics - so dang cute! Enjoy the girls night/bday celebration!

  11. Sounds like you've been busy. I can't believe the lump is back! I'll be thinking of you and Olivia for sure.

  12. Ok, the white baskets for the sunglasses and such are they amazon? I didn;t even think to organize my junk drawer and all those other things! Girl go into business doing this. like for real....

  13. You should be a professional organizer. You are so good at it!!

  14. Can't wait for the MK re-cap; as if you couldn't already tell I'm a HUGE Disney fan. :) In fact reading all these posts my husband and I are thinking we need to do one last trip next year before our oldest is out of the house and no longer vacationing with us. I hope the Dr appointment goes well; praying for your little Olivia. It's so scary when our kids have medical issues. We've had our fair share and it never gets any easier when you feel so helpless to help them.

    1. Haha. I thought you might be! And yes, you totally need to do that! You can make it one last family hurrah before you all split up. And thank you so much for your prayers. They are much appreciated. I just hope we can get some answers.

  15. I'll be keeping your sweet little girl in my prayers. Hope her doctor's appointment goes well! Those pink boots!! They are just too cute!

  16. What a month! I am sending positive thoughts your way and I hope Olivia's appointment goes well, so sorry you have to endure that. Enjoy girls night out!

  17. That gingham dress is CUTE! If only I had a reason I needed it, haha! I feel like there is so much to comment on and I don't know where to start. I am super pumped for your organizing / decluttering update on Friday. Praying so much for you guys and little miss Olivia. She is such a trooper! Enjoy your dinner with the girls and that Mexican fiesta this weekend - yum!

  18. I always love seeing what people have on their menus for the week! And your organizing is awesome to watch - you've done so much!

  19. Lifting sweet little Olivia in so much prayer, along with your little family!

  20. Sending you all the hugs momma, and keeping your sweet girl in my prayers <3
    Green Fashionista


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