
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Recent Family Happenings

We’ve had so many things going on in our world lately, I thought I would just do a family brain dump and summarize all of the happenings in one little post!

Olivia Started Soccer

Our girl has officially started soccer and she is ecstatic!  Since her birthday was in early 2014 she missed the cutoff to play in the U6 league and therefore she has to play in the tots league.  This means that she will only have training classes and will not have real games.  I was a little disappointed, but she seems to be content with just the practices! 

She had her first practice Tuesday, March 13 and she had a blast!  She is pretty much the oldest child there and most of the other kids are significantly younger than she is, so she seemed to be the least shy and the most agile.  We are looking forward to many more practices ahead! 

Olivia’s Four Year Well Visit

Our girl also had her four year well visit a couple of weeks ago and she did great!  Here are her stats:

Weight – 37 lbs. (65th percentile)
Height – 41 inches (75th percentile)
Blood Pressure – 82 over 56

The doc said that her BMI is perfect and she passed her vision and hearing screenings with flying colors.  She had to get vaccines at this appointment but she was very brave.  She did cry, but she recovered almost immediately after they put her Band-aid on, and she was thrilled to get not one, but two lollipops when it was over.  Although, when we were walking out of the building she did tell me, “Mommy, I don’t ever want to come back to this building again.”  Haha.  Bless.

She is officially ready for Pre-K4 in the fall!

Book Character Day at Jacob’s School

Last week Jacob’s school had book character day.  Our smarty pants first grader has been reading on a fourth-grade reading level for most of the year and his favorite series right now is The Magic Tree House.  When I asked him who he wanted to be for character day, he knew immediately he wanted to be Jack from the series.  He just so happened to already have some red sunglasses, so B popped out the lenses to make “glasses” and then we put a striped shirt on him, gave him a notebook and a pencil to be his “travel map,” and he wore his book bag since Jack’s character often has one. 

When he arrived at school that morning one of his classmates immediately ran up to him, excited as ever, because she was Annie from the series!  So much fun!

Grandparents Day at Olivia’s School

Olivia’s school also had Grandparents Day last week and they had lots of fun.  All five of her grandparents were there and they had breakfast, sang some songs, and got to spend the morning together.  I wasn’t there (since I’m obviously not her grandparent) but my dad and my father-in-law sent some pictures of our jolly gal and they said that she did a great job singing!

Jacob’s Third Quarter Report Card & Award Ceremony

Jacob brought his report card home for the end of the third quarter and he brought home his best grades yet!  He’s had straight A’s every quarter this year, but these were his highest A’s of the whole year!  He came home with all 100’s and a 98 in Math and a 96 in Language Arts.  We have started rewarding him this year with good report cards so he was excited to receive his $10 for having straight A’s!

He also won several awards at their third quarter Award Ceremony:

Principal's List
Religion Award
All Day Everyday Award
AR Goal Met Award

Aaaand he was in the Top 5 AR earners in his class again!  We are so proud of our Boo Boo!

And that’s the latest in our household!  What’s new with you?


  1. So FUN! Way to go Jacob! That picture of Olivia and your dad cracks me up! HA

  2. So many fun things! You have some great kids!

  3. Yes Jacob, you rock! And cutest lil soccer player in pink ever!

  4. Olivia is so adorable in all her pink soccer gear! Too cute! And Jacob's reading is amazing - he seems like such a smart cookie!

  5. Wahoo! Lots of good stuff happening in your house. I totally remember AR reading. I love that he has passion for reading, its so good.

  6. Aww, Jacob is a rock star! I didn't realize our kids are the same age! Why didn't I put that together, haha! Baby Fox is a rock star reader too, you should have him start reading Harry Potter if you haven't, Baby Fox loves the series and Mr. and him have been reading them. They're on book 4. Mini Fox is in soccer too and they decided on the Purple Puppies, although Mini Fox was shooting for Purple was a no go...haha.

  7. How fun! I love that she is enjoying soccer. We're still on the fence about signing A back up. He had such a hard time last season. I love the idea of the book character day. How cute! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  8. What a smart little cookie that Jacob is! And Olivia is so cute in her soccer gear, I love going to watch my nieces play soccer, full of fun and laughs when they are little!


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