
Monday, February 19, 2018

Our Weekend - Simplifying, Fresh Air, & the First of Brian’s Birthday Celebrations

*This post may contain affiliate links.

We had a weekend filled with fun, family, and productivity, and I was pretty sorry to see it go.  Although actually today the kids are home with me for President’s Day so it’s almost like a three-day weekend, but Brian had to work so not quite.  Womp womp.

I picked up both kids from school Friday afternoon and we met one of my friends and her kids at the playground downtown for a play date.  It was soooo warm, y’all, so the weather was just perfect for playing outside, even though it was cloudy.  We turned the kids loose for over an hour and they ran and played and tired themselves out. 

We headed home after that where B was already home from work and waiting for us, and then our little family of four headed out for margs and Mex for Friday evening dinner.  When we got home we watched the University of Georgia gymnastics meet on TV and both of the kids were completely enamored with it.  Both of them loved it!  My margarita got the best of me and I ended up dozing off for a bit while we watched and then I had to wake myself up and get going to get the kiddos in the bed. 

Once they were in bed, we watched a couple of episodes of Friends from College.  It’s a Netflix original, and if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it.  I have been hooked from the very first episode.  All of the characters are soooo loveable and they play a great old 90s song in every episode.  If you haven’t yet seen it, do check it out!  It is hilarious.  And the episodes are only 30 minutes so you don’t have to commit a ton of time to each one.  We just started and we’re already almost done with season one.  It’s been picked up for a second season and I can hardly wait for it to come out!  It stinks that we’re going to have to wait for so long!

Saturday we had nothing going on, so the kids and I headed upstairs to do some cleaning since both of the kids’ rooms and the playroom were so awful.  Well, about 15 minutes into our cleaning I got the wild idea to go ahead and rearrange the furniture in Jacob’s bedroom and start purging even though I’m still not done with my office.  While I love the set up of Jacob’s room, it’s not very functional right now with the bed smack in the middle of the room.  The kids’ bedrooms are pretty small in our house so the bed takes up a huge chunk of the room and having it placed in the middle of the room left no space for Jacob to play.  I thought if we put the bed up against a wall would be a good idea, and boy, was I right!  We should have just done that from the get-go!


We pushed the bed up against the far wall, put the bedside table on the other side of his bed, moved the bookshelf to the same wall as the bed, and moved his desk where his bookshelf was.  The dresser stayed mostly in the same spot, but it had to be pushed a foot or so to the left on that wall, and then, of course, all of the wall hangings had to be taken down and rehung.  It was a big job, but we managed to get everything but the purging done Saturday.

We stopped in the late afternoon to get ready and go to church where both kids behaved like little angels.  This is becoming the new norm and I’m so thankful for that!  After church we headed to our favorite little pub with my parents for dinner, and then it was home for bedtime for the kids and more Friends from College bingeing for us.

Sunday morning I got Jacob’s entire room purged and cleaned while the kids watched cartoons and then I also got that new closet extender that I mentioned on Friday put up.  It took all of 30 seconds to get it up, only cost $10, and now my man can reach his own clothes.  And all the mommas said AMEN.  If you’re looking to create a lower hanging rack in your kid’s closet without having to install something complicated, BUY THIS!!!!  It’s awesome.


We had lunch at my MIL and step-FIL’s house where we celebrated Brian’s birthday.  He turns the big 4-0 tomorrow so it’s a big one!  We had a Blizzard cake from Dairy Queen for dessert and the kids helped him open presents, and then we spent some time in the back yard.  The weather was super warm again and the kids seem to already have spring fever so it was good for them to get out and tear around the back yard for a bit and burn all of that energy. 

The kids picked flowers because they are starting to bloom (EEK!) and Olivia even got to pick a carrot from Nana and Poppie's garden.  She was very excited about it even though she doesn't like carrots.  Haha.

Sunday evening was dinner with my parents at their house like always, and Momma made her famous spaghetti with salad and bread, and we all enjoyed a bit of wine and enjoyed each other’s company before it was time to head home to get ready for Monday.

Today the kids and I are running a few errands and hopefully spending aaaallll the time outside.  It’s going to be another pretty day!

Happy Monday, y’all!

Don't forget to link up with us... just grab the graphic and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. Happy early birthday to your man...40 is fun and he will love this decade! Enjoy the extra time with the kiddos today! xo

  2. Totally going to check out that Netflix series! So jealous of your park weather!

  3. What a great weekend!! I think I need to check out that Netflix show! It sounds like it would be really good! And I am with Lizzie, I am SOOO jealous of your adventure to the park! I am counting down the days until summer up here! =)

  4. What a yummy birthday cake!! So jealous of your beautiful weather! It has been rainy all weekend and we are suppose to get more rain today. So ready to see the sun and warm temps. Have a great Monday!

  5. Yay for the closet organizer, moving furniture and Brian's birthday tomorrow! So much good stuff! Have a great Monday with those sweet babes!

  6. I like how Jacob's room looks now with the bed moved over to the wall. I'm sure it's much better for him while he still plays in his room and needs the extra space! And Happy Birthday Brian!!!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  7. Jacob's room looks great. Did I mention I had one of those closet extender things growing up? Now I have it in Gabbie's closet. Simon could actually use it too though!

  8. Spring makes me want to purge all the things...I sure can't wait to see spring flowers bloom! Looks like a fun weekend to me and playtime at the park looks lovely! xoxo ERIN

  9. That pic with Olivia and the carrot is absolutely precious! What a productive weekend and tons of fun too! Enjoy your day with the kiddos.

  10. You are like the 4th person to say you had Mexican food on Friday night! It’s hard to pass up Mexican food. I keep forgetting to watch Friends from College. I liked the first few episodes. I love all of the cleaning and organizing you have done. Your house is going to be so organized and functional (something I’m working on) before you know it. Sounds like a wonderful weekend and I adore all of the pictures!

  11. It looks like you had beautiful weather this weekend! Also, Olivia is looking so grown up these days!!!

  12. Happy Birthday to Brian! That cake looks delicious.

    1. Thank you! It surely was! We never even knew DQ did Blizzard cakes until a few months ago and now it's all anybody ever requests!

  13. I am going to have to check out Friends From College because 90s songs are my jam!!! That purple blouse you are wearing is sooooo pretty! Where is it from? Hope you enjoy your three day weekend!

  14. I love the room re-do and will definitely be checking out Friends from College; I love Netflix but after watching a series I always flounder for a bit trying to find something else to watch.

    1. Definitely check it out! It's hilarious. We are really loving it. Perhaps also because the characters are right around our ages.

  15. The 40s is an excellent group to join! Isn't funny how a little rearrangement can give you so much more room. This is my 2nd week joining in. Thanks for hosting!

    1. It really is! And you are so welcome! Thank YOU for joining in!

  16. Love the before and after pictures of the 'purge'- so fun!

    Jealous of your warm weather.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm enjoying purging waaaay too much! haha.

  17. Holy crap that cake looks so delicious! my mouth is actually watering and I'm not just saying that. Glad the weather was nice so everyone could get outside and get their energy out too! <3

  18. We watched friends from college in one weekend a while ago - such a great show indeed! Jacobs room and closet look so good! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  19. Cracking up that you dozed off after your marg - so something I would do! You guys got so much done with Jacob's room this weekend. I bet he is already loving that extra playing space!

  20. What a productive weekend! I love how Jacob's room turned out and I'm also obsessed with that pink shirt you are wearing! Soo pretty!

    1. Thank you! The shirt is from Target, but it's about 3 or 4 years old. :o/

  21. It sounds like a great weekend! I haven't seen Friends from College yet but Ive been hearing more and more about it. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  22. What a great weekend. I watched friends from college a few months ago and loved it. I can't wait for the second season to come out. Have the best week!

  23. Awww, you get the best pics of the kids! And I'm so impressed with your organizing skills. It's inspiring! I'll have to check out Friends from College. :)


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