
Friday, February 16, 2018

Five on Friday - Valentine's Day & Other Favorites

*This post may contain affiliate links.

This week has been busy, exhausting, kind of weird, and a little sad.  Fortunately all of us here in our little family are all healthy and well, but this world we’re living in today sure could use a band-aid. 

Wednesday started out rough as there was a fatal accident on our route to school.  Two pedestrians were hit and killed and the police kept the scene “active” for the majority of the day while they investigated.  I ended up having to drive by it six times that day and four of the times I saw some pretty disturbing things that I haven’t been able to get out of my mind.  Later that same day, the school shooting in Florida occurred so my heart was even heavier after that.  In addition to those things, the weather has also been dreary every day this week, so that makes it even harder to be cheerful, ya know?

I try to stay positive here on the blog, but sometimes bad things happen and I can’t just let it go by unacknowledged.  All I know today is that I’m very thankful for a healthy and happy family, and I pray every single day that none of us are ever in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now that you know my true feelings about this week, let’s touch on some of the happier things that happened!

O N E – Valentine’s Day With My Lovies

Since Ash Wednesday fell on Valentine’s Day this year, Jacob’s school celebrated love day on Tuesday.  (We are Catholic, and Ash Wednesday is a very somber day so we don’t typically celebrate on this day.)  Tuesday also happened to be Fat Tuesday so in addition to the Valentine’s celebrations, his school also held their annual Mardi Gras parade. 

I volunteered to help with the class party.  The kids did a couple of crafts, ate some sweet treats (including a King Cake for Mardi Gras), and exchanged Valentines, and then the kids paraded down the sidewalk outside in Mardi Gras masks.  The older kids handed out beads to the younger kids and everybody danced and paraded around to traditional Mardi Gras music.  The kids had a BLAST.

Wednesday was actual Valentine’s Day so I left out Valentine’s cards and a couple of little goodies for the kids to come down to at breakfast.  They are both obsessed with PJ Masks right now, so they each received a PJ Masks mug with gummies inside and a plush PJ Masks character.  Jacob got Catboy, and Olivia got Owlette. 

We made breakfast for dinner that evening and I made homemade waffles with Valentine’s Day sprinkles.  We don’t ever really make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day, but it’s fun to celebrate a little.

T W O – Closet Organizers

Both of our kids have closets that only have one hanging rack all the way across the top.  We hang all of their clothes because I don’t like putting them in drawers since they get wrinkled, but since both of them are still teeny tiny neither of them can reach their own clothes.  We have been working a lot on independence lately, but since neither of them can reach their clothes, neither of them can get themselves ready without help from Brian or me. 

I have been wanting to customize the closets and add some lower hanging racks that they can reach themselves, but because of time and money I have been putting it off.  I just so happened to come across these hanging closet rack extenders this week and I was intrigued so I ordered one for each of the kids.  They add an extra bar down low while also still leaving space to utilize the top rack.  I haven’t set them up yet, but I’m hoping to do it soon.  They are only $10 so I figured it was worth a shot to try!  Once I get them up and get the closets organized I plan to do another post to let y’all know how I like them!  

Amazon also has a few options as well and some of the pictures of how they work are better on Amazon.  These here look like the best option.

T H R E E – File Boxes

I finished up cleaning out and organizing my old school papers this week, and I wanted something to store them in so they would all be in one place.  I found some hanging file boxes and I loved them so much I got one for each person in our family.  I am making one file for each grade, plus files for report cards, awards, and important test scores, and that’s where each person will store their entire life’s worth of school stuff.  I was able to fit my entire school career (Kindergarten – College) in this one box and I will be doing the same for each of our family members.  Whatever doesn’t fit is getting tossed!

I can't find the exact boxes that I got online, but I did find a few options on Amazon that are similar, like this one, this one (which I've heard people rave about), and this one.  I love that the hanging file folders can actually hang in there and I love that they are sturdier than the typical cardboard banker’s boxes that are typically used for paper filing.  Once I get all of our boxes organized and labeled I plan to do a more in-depth post.

F O U R – This Post About Organizing

And speaking of organizing, did you catch my post about how I stay organized yesterday?  If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s staying organized!  I provided LOADS of information in this post, so if you missed it, you can find it here.

F I V E – Olivia and My Old Baby Dolls

This past week when I was doing some cleaning out/organizing, I pulled out some of my old baby dolls and Olivia was so excited to see them.  She wanted to hold my old Cabbage Patch doll and my favorite “real” baby doll and it made my heart so happy seeing her with them!  Both of them smell really old and musty, though, so I don’t think she’s interested in playing with them all the time.  Haha.

Alright, friends!  Have a great weekend!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. This week was definitely a tough one - still cannot believe that they did not do something more for that accident! Your Tuesday sounds like it was awesome, though, and who doesn't like breakfast for dinner?! LOVED your organization post - you are the queen of organization!

  2. I am so sorry that you had to see that accident. That is AWFUL. The school shooting is so sad.
    Y'all packed in a lot this week at school. Hope you get to enjoy your weekend!

  3. Your organization is some of the best I have ever seen!!! Kuddos girl, loved seeing all your cool organized spots yesterday. So sorry about the accident, it has been a trying week, tough, just tough! I do hope you can find lots of joy in your weekend pretty lady!

  4. What an awful Wednesday for you...when I see things I tend to not be able to get it out of my head either. What a fun celebration, we don't celebrate Mardi Gras at all up here! My cousin from TX couldn't believe there wasn't a king cake to be seen! xoxo ERIN

  5. Olivia with your dolls! What a full circle moment!! Wednesday was not a good day obviously but I'm sorry you had to see more bad stuff. I just want peace in this world so bad

  6. This week has been rough for sure. Those pictures of Olivia with your babies sure cheer things up!

  7. You have been an organizing master this year! I love all the changes and I am so proud of you of purging things that you no longer need.

  8. Ugh about the accident on top of the school shooting. :( I don't remember Mardi Gras coming out so early before! I like how the school combined that with Valentine's Day. I wish I could combine all of my kids school work into one bin...maybe I should try! I have one bin per year right now!

  9. I am sorry you had to see so much with that accident. This world can be such a scary place and my heart breaks for what happened in Florida. I cannot pray over my boys enough and cherish every moment with them. I love that Olivia got to play with your cabbage patch doll! I hope you all have a good weekend. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  10. I'm so sorry you had to see so much of the accident.

  11. I am so sorry you had to witness that accident. Things like that stick with us and make us appreciate our people. OMG the cabbage patch doll! I wish my mom would have saved mine. Hope you have a great weekend!

  12. Oh man. Driving by that accident 6 times. I am so sorry. I have seen some pretty bad accidents on the way to work and it just breaks my heart. And then the school shooting. Hug your babies tonight. I know I am. So difficult. Loved the gifts you got the kids. My girls have watched PJ Masks a few times and like it, but they are still Mickey fans....and Paw Patrol. Have a great weekend! Loving the reusing the Cabbage Patch Doll!!!

  13. I'm so sorry that you had to see that accident and for the people that were involved. How tragic.
    That closet extender is genius!!! I'm excited to see what you think of them.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! We hung Jacob's closet extender this weekend and we LOVE it! It's so great and I love that he can now reach all of his own clothes.

  14. I always leave little treats by the boys place at the table for them to find on Valentine's day morning and make a yummy family meal that night. This year we had chicken parm with spaghetti and salad and chocolate no-bake cheesecake.

    1. That sounds amazing! My hubs is a huge cheesecake fan so he would have been in heaven.

  15. So sorry you had to see that accident. It's so scary and sad to see things like that.
    That closet extender looks super handy! Your organization post was great! I love to be organized as well so I liked seeing how you do things! Hope you have a great weekend!

  16. There is something about seeing an accident first hand that is unsettling. Sorry you had to see that, and pass it so many times! I cant even talk about the school shootings. It is unbelievable how many happen in our country. The school file boxes are awesome. My daughter just started paying attention to PJ Masks. She really likes Vampirina and Puppy Dog Pals too. The little mugs are so cute that you got. Hope you have a great weekend.

  17. So sorry that you had to see the accident.

    I am from South La and we LOVEEEE Mardi Gras!!! I can't wait to read more of your blog

    I am a new follower

    1. Thanks, girl! I know y'all do! Y'all are the ones who know how to party right! Thanks for stopping by!

  18. I have been so impressed with all of your organizing!! You and my sister would get along great haha! She's the most organized person I know ha! Have a great weekend!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  19. So sorry for the heavy week friend. That can be a bit exhausting. There is just nothing sweeter than seeing your baby with your babies. I think I nearly cried when I handed over my dolls to my girls. Happy Monday.


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