
Friday, February 2, 2018

Five on Friday - Favorites

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Happy February, y’all!

I swear, ever since I stopped working the weeks are flying by even faster than they were when I had a job.  My six hours of kid-free time while the kids are at school go by in the blink of an eye.  I have an alarm set every week day for 2:20 to remind me to leave to pick up Jacob, and some days when that alarm goes off, I can’t even believe it’s already time to go! 

Although, I do have to say, January somehow also felt like it was ten weeks long because – January.  Funny how that works. 

Anyway, I have some favorites for you on this second day of February!

O N E – More Pictures From the Ball

The photographer from the ball we went to this past weekend got all of his posed and candid shots up this week and I’m loving all of them so much!  You can really tell just how much fun we had on that dance floor!

T W O – Lunches with Friends and Old Co-Workers

Last Friday I was able to meet up with my girlfriends for a nice long lunch and it was nice to get caught up.  Most of us hadn’t seen each other since before Christmas so it was long overdue.  And I’m pretty sure that was the first time the five of us have all been together at the same time in several months.  The last few times we have all tried to have dinner together, at least one person had to bail at the last minute for a sick kid, working late, etc. 

I also had lunch with two old co-workers on Wednesday to get caught up on all of the work drama, and goodness gracious, every time I hear about what’s going on up there I’m so glad that I left! 

I also had lunch with my twin, Adrienne, yesterday and we went to Chipotle… our fave!  I sure do love catching up with my peeps!

T H R E E – Everyday Bin

I mentioned on Wednesday that I created an everyday bin to house all of the things that I use on a daily basis, and you guys, it has been a total game changer!  Every single day I read/write in my planner, my daily devotional, the kids’ two One Line a Day books, and my gratitude journal, and since I don’t always work on these things in the same place every day, I was having trouble keeping up with all of them. 

I bought this bin from Target, sprayed it white and gold to match my office, and it now houses all of these things listed above as well as the book that I’m currently reading, my iPad, a notepad, and my planner pens. 

This keeps everything in the same place and it makes it so easy to transport all of it together.  It mainly stays next to my desk in my office, but I can pick it up and carry it wherever I need it whenever I need it.  If you have lots of things that you work on every day, I highly recommend using this method.  It has truly made my life a whole lot easier.  2018 is all about simplifying and JOY and this sure does make me happy!  It’s the little things!

F O U R – The Great Purge of 2018 Continues…

I am having the best time cleaning out all of my old things, you guys.  First of all, it’s been so much fun reminiscing about the past and second of all, it is SO FREEING getting rid of all of this old stuff!  Granted, I am hanging on to the keepsakes that are the most precious, but it’s going to be amazing having all of this extra space! 

I started working on my office the second week of January and I still have a long way to go.  I’m hoping to have it done by the end of February so I can move on to the kids’ rooms, but goodness gracious, it is so time intensive cleaning out thousands of papers, ripping music from old CDs before I toss them, and trying to figure out the best way to organize what I keep to maximize functionality.  It is totally my jam doing this kind of stuff, though, and now I’m starting to wonder why I never became a professional organizer.  I would love to do that for a living!

This week I cleaned out my old movie theater keepsakes and my old school papers. 

My first job was working at a local movie theater when I was 16 (you can read more about that here), and we constantly received promotional items for the new movies.  I ended up saving a ton of it and I had a full-size plastic storage bin FULL of stuff, but I finally let most of it go this week, and the stuff I kept now fits in a shoe-box.  I still have around 150 old movie posters to go through, though, so there’s that.  And some of those might be sellable on eBay, so cleaning out the posters might end up being a big job.

My old school papers and artwork were stored in two full-size plastic storage bins and I purged so much that it now only takes up about 1/3 of one of those bins.  I’m telling y’all, I got rid of a TON of stuff this week.  We have a full-size recycling bin that’s about 4.5 feet tall and I literally filled it to the brim this week.  Say whaaaat?!

Bye bye bye, stuff!

P.S. I know this makes me sound like #HoarderStatus, but I swear I’m not.  I probably do have more keepsakes than most people, but all of mine have always been organized in boxes, labeled, and stored in one centralized location.  So there’s that.  Maybe I’m an organized hoarder?  Hahahaha.

P.P.S. If you want to follow along with my purging journey, be sure to follow me on Instagram.  I’m constantly updating my stories with lots of organizing tips, pictures of everything that I’m getting rid of, and pictures of the newly organized spaces.  And if you’ve missed any of it, I created a story highlight in my bio and all of the stories related to my 2018 purge (old and new) are there in one place!  Follow me here to get inspired!  And be sure to tag me @lindsayssweetworld in your stories if you’re purging, too! 

F I V E – Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

Oh hey, here it is again!  So I posted my Valentine’s DayGift Guide for Her on Tuesday, and I think it was my most popular gift guide ever.  I don’t think I’ve ever had so many sales from just one post!  You ladies went crazy for the peplum top, house slippers, and Wine is my Valentine top!  I hope you love the peplum top and house slippers as much as I do!  And now I must have the Wine is my Valentine top!  But anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who appreciate and support my little website.  I’m so grateful for all of you. 

Happy weekend, y’all!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. I love that all the ladies had kicked off their heels on the dance floor! What a fun night!!
    I also called Ben's grandmother an organized hoarder. She had so much stuff but it was always neatly in its placed and labeled! HA
    Happy Friday!

  2. Loving your Valentine picks - it's my favorite holiday :)

  3. Those pictures from the ball are so fun - I love the posed, and the candid - it really does look like you guys had a blast! I am going to have to rewatch all your stories this weekend to help get my butt in gear! Happy Friday!

  4. Love the reminiscing and you look so much like Olivia in that kindergarten photo!! You've always been a cutie patootie and I am loving all the Ball pics, especially with your precious parents!

  5. haha I definitely think organized hoarder should be a new term! We always said my MIL was an organized hoarder, she kept everything but could literally find it in a matter of minutes if you asked her about something. Of course now that she's not with us anymore none of us can ever find what we need at her house. Have a great weekend!

  6. I just loved your dress for the ball!! Awesome pictures!!

  7. Love all those candid dancing pictures, they captured how fun it was! Yay for all the organizing you are doing. I have been loving following along!

  8. Your purge is making me want to purge. Haha!! Loving all of the ball pictures. Hope y'all have a great weekend!

  9. Getting rid of all that old stuff is hard! Old chem papers I'd say we don't need, but all about me as a kid? That stuff is cute!

  10. Love the pics from the ball! I've been trying to clear out some old things, and it's so challenging! Love the updates on organizing. 💗

  11. It looks like you guys had such a great time at the ball! Your dress was beautiful too! So glad your purge has been so successful! We did that last summer and it has made such a huge difference in our everyday lives! You're doing an amazing job at it, friend! It'll be so well worth all of the effort!
    - Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. LOL at that side-eye, and loving your every day bin! Such a great idea. Happy Friday girlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  14. I love the pictures of you busting a move on the dance floor!!

  15. Oh girl, I feel your pain of being an "organized hoarder" My sister and I tore through my 950 square feet in one day and when my boyfriend came over after and looked the aftermath, he was like where did this all come from!? The photos are so fun, looks like a blast of an event. I am going to go order me a gratitude journal, sounds like something everyone should have! Have a good weekend!

  16. That picture of you looks so much like Olivia!! Also, the photos from your benefit definitely look like you had an amazing time! Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks, Brandi! Yes, sometimes I look at Olivia and it's like staring at an old picture of myself. It's pretty freaky!

  17. I spent most of December sorting through all my stuff and throwing out a bunch of stuff. It felt so good to clear out all the unnecessary clutter. I love your idea for an everyday box!

    1. Doesn't it feel great?! I can't wait to get it all done!

  18. Those pics from the ball are so good! You and your mom are just the cutest. I love how much progress you've made in your office. It is looking great girl! Haha that newspaper pic is priceless. I hope you have a great weekend! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  19. I got such a kick out of your purging on instastories. And I'm totally going to make an Everyday Bin for my study/office - great idea! Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. PS I'm going to order the slippers in RED for Valentine's Day (for myself). Great gift ideas!

  21. I think that it's kind of amazing that you still have keepsakes from when you were little!

    1. Well that makes me feel better! A lot of people just think I'm a hoarder. Haha. I blame my parents.

  22. Love the photos from the ball. So fun to have some great candid and posed shots. I have loved watching you purge too. I can't wait to tackle my stuff.


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