
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

40 Years!

On this day 40 years ago my mother-in-law gave birth to my handsome hubs and then she and my father-in-law worked hard every day after that to instill in him good morals and values.  Because of them, the man I married ten years ago turned out to be kind, caring, honest, patient, loyal, hard-working, and funny… all of the qualities that anyone could ever want in a life partner. 

I’m so thankful every single day that the stars aligned and we were able to meet and fall in love almost 15 years ago, and I’m even more thankful that I get to do life with this handsome hunk!  If we can raise our own babies to be half the person he is, then I know we’ve done a great job!

Now, some photos for your (and everyone else's) viewing pleasure... 

Oh yes I did.


I wasn’t there for your first 25 birthdays, but I sure hope I’m around for the next 40 and then some!

I love you, B!  Happy 40th birthday!


Your Much Younger Wife (thankfully)  ;o)

P.S.  And sorry you have to work and the kids have school and soccer practice and too much other real life stuff on your actual special day!  I’m glad we were able to celebrate yesterday!

If you want even more Brian facts, click here to read last year's birthday post where I list 39 facts about him!


  1. Happy birthday you your hubby! Mine has the same birthday, but is a year older!

    1. Thank you! And that's so cool! Happy birthday to your hubs as well!

  2. Happy Birthday to Brian! What a very sweet tribute! Enjoy celebrating your guy!

  3. Happy Birthday, Brian! This was great! I see so much of Jacob!

  4. Happy birthday! Those are some funny photos. My husband and myself are the same age as Brian, but he's just a few months older than both of us!

  5. Ah!! I love all the throw back pictures!!! Happy Birthday Brian!!

  6. This pictures are so awesome. Happy Birthday Brian!

  7. Such a sweet post! Happy birthday to Brian! Hope you guys have a wonderful day continuing the celebrations. :)

  8. Aww all of these pictures are so fun to look back on! Happy birthday, Brian!! (Ps, I so want that Mickey Mouse cake pan, lol!)

    1. Thank you, Brandi! B has been reading his comments today and he says thanks to all of you sweet ladies! And yes, isn't that awesome?!

  9. These pics are awesome!! Happy Birthday to Brian! I hope you all have the best day celebrating. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  10. What a sweet tribute, happy birthday to Brian! I am dying laughing at the Olan Mills and the one with you and the Doritos!

  11. This is soooo sweet. Happy Birthday Brian!!!

  12. Love all the pictures! Happy birthday, Brian!

  13. Happy Birthday to your husband!Throw back pictures are the best.

  14. Happy Birthday Brian! Mr. and I have that same photo, in that same location in front of the statue of liberty :) I love seeing all of the old photos. Happy, happy birthday!

  15. What a great idea for a blog post! The Hippy with the Doritos was the best one ;) My husband is also coming up 40... but I am a year older and coming up 41 (I am in denial - eek!). Happy Birthday to your husband - I hope you had a great day! x

  16. Brian and I share the same birthday!


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