
Monday, December 18, 2017

Weekend Vibes - Santa & Other Christmasy Things

It’s a Christmas miracle that this post is actually coming at you today because I had LOADS of technical difficulties yesterday… if it wasn’t for the fact that I had pictures on my computer that hadn’t been backed up, I probably would have thrown it straight out the window.  And if it wasn't for using Brian's computer then this post wouldn't be here either.  Anyway, I apologize in advance for the picture quality and for how brief this post will be.  Now let's pray my computer is up and running today. 

Anyway, technology issues aside, this weekend was a pretty great one.  We started it out Friday night with a trip to the mall to see Santa Clause.  The kids have seen this Santa every single year since they were born, so even though we now have breakfast with Santa at the kids’ school, we still have to go see our original Santa at the mall each year, too.  This year was a great trip… the kids were both excited, zero fear, and they both hopped right on his lap without any qualms.  

Here's the official picture for 2017:

And here are a couple more that the photographers took:

After our visit, we let the kids ride a couple of the rides in the mall and then we stopped in the food court for Chick-Fil-A before finally heading home to have a family movie night.  B put a fire in the fire place and we all watched The Polar Express.  Then once the kiddos were in bed, B and I made some Merry Cherry Mules and settled in to catch up on a couple of shows before finally calling it a night.

Saturday we spent the day hanging out at home not doing much of anything.  I got my planner for 2018 all set up so it feels good to be somewhat organized going into the new year.

Saturday my parents took my grandmother to the wreath laying at the cemetery where my grandfather was laid to rest, and my mom sent these pictures to me from their day.  I definitely want to attend next year.  It looked so beautiful. 

Saturday evening we headed to church and then we ate at one of our favorite pubs for dinner with my parents and uncle, and then B and I built another fire and watched The Holiday after the kids went to bed.  I hadn’t seen it in years and I had forgotten how much I love it.

Sunday was lunch at my MIL’s and the kiddos hung out indoors all afternoon because it was rainy and dreary for the rest of the afternoon.

My uncle and his girlfriend who always come to Sunday dinner at my parents’ house decided to host dinner Sunday evening, so we went to Stephanie’s house for dinner. 

Another great weekend in the books and only one week until Christmas!!  

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for WeekendingMy Glittery Heart for Hello Monday,  More Pieces of Me for Hello Monday Linkup, and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. What a fun weekend!! I made moscow mules Friday night, too!!

  2. Those Merry Cherry Mules look delish! Where is your cute top in that last photo from???

    1. They were good! And my top is from Target... it's actually Cat & Jack for little girls and I just bought an XL. Lol.

  3. Love how well the kids did with Santa!! And that last photo with your bow necklace-love it!! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  4. Computer issues are the worst!!! I hope you have better luck today. How did those mules turn out?! I want to try them, too! Minus the difficulties, it sounds like the weekend was a success! Yay for good Santa pictures!

  5. what a great weekend! A fun way to kick off the week before Christmas!

  6. Looks like a great weekend! Technical difficulties are no fun at all :) I hope you get it all fixed up! xoxo ERIN

  7. I can't believe how big the kids are now to just hop right on Santa's lap!! Such cute pics!

  8. What a great and festive weekend heading into this next week. Technology issues are never fun! I hope you get it all up and running. Have a wonderful week ahead!

  9. Maui's little sweater and stocking are too cute!! Our mall/Santa Claus has "pet day" tonight and I think we might have to take our little Charlie. Love the picture of the kiddos, so cute!

  10. So sorry about the technical troubles. Boo! But YES to a delightful weekend! I love that blue ruffle top! The kiddos look soooo cute on Santas lap! Hope your week gets off to a super sweet start!

    1. Thanks, girl! B seems to have fixed it so I'm hoping it's going to be okay from here on out!

  11. Sorry to hear about your technical difficulties, we have all been there. That mall is super nice, glad the kiddos weren't scared of Santa. Cute picture of them with Santa.

  12. The perfect holiday weekend! Minus the computer issues, the worst! I am definitely making Christmas mules now! Hope everything with your computer is fixed this week!

  13. Sounds like a good weekend! Sorry for the technical difficulties on the computer side. That always sucks.

  14. I hatehatehate technical difficulties!! Your dog's little sweater is the cutest, and I love your navy blue sweater outfit! <3

    1. MEEEETOOOO! It's the one thing in life that frustrates me the most, I think.

  15. What a fun weekend! I cannot believe Christmas is only a week away now!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  16. Sorry to hear about your technical difficulties, they can be so frustrating! But yay for Christmas movies and drinks - yum! And how cute is that doggy sweater <3

    Green Fashionista

  17. Sorry about your technical difficulties! Sounds like you had fun though, as always!

  18. Your mall has such a beautiful Santa display! Ours is kind of tacky and my kids have long since outgrown that tradition. So many wonderful festive pictures!!

    1. I've never really thought about that before! I guess it is quite pretty! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  19. I love the idea of these festive Moscow Mules I am seeing! I may need to make them for Christmas Eve =)

  20. I hope you got your computer issues situated, that is the worst! I have such a love hate relationship with technology some days. A Merry Cherry Mule sounds delicious!! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  21. Your pup's sweater is the cutest thing ever!! I love how excited the kids look to see Santa at the mall, too :)

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven


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