
Friday, December 22, 2017

Five on Friday - Christmas Things

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Two days until Christmas Eve, you guys!  TWO DAYS!  I’ve been preparing all week and I think I’m finally ready!  But before it’s time to break for Christmas, some faves!

O N E – Jacob’s Christmas Program

Jacob’s school put on their annual Christmas program Tuesday evening and this year was by far my favorite yet!  There is a new drama teacher at the school and she is doing a fantastic job with everything, this program included.  The theme this year was The Polar Express, so the kids sang all of the songs from the movie including Believe, Hot Chocolate, and Rocking on Top of the World, among others.  There were lots of little hand gestures to go along with their angelic little voices, and it was just a perfect evening. 

Jacob has always been pretty shy and in past performances he has barely moved his lips and he rarely participates in the hand motions, but this year he was a lot more lively!  He sang all of the songs and did all of the hand motions and it was pretty much the cutest thing ever. 

Following their Polar Express performance, the pre-k 4 kids put on a skit of The Nativity and it was darling as well. 

T W O – Jacob’s Class Party

Jacob’s class party was Wednesday this week and I volunteered to help.  They started with gingerbread house making… one of the other moms had bought little kits for everyone in the class.  They weren’t made of candy so it was a lot less messy, though.  After their gingerbread house making they all feasted on cupcakes and cookies and brownies, and then it was time for dismissal… and no more school until the second week of January!

T H R E E – Seeing This Sweet Face

My verrrry favorite of this week was getting to spend time with my brother, SIL, and nephew last night.  They arrived home from Texas this week and it’s the first time we’ve seen them since last Christmas!  Poor Tucker arrived with a fever and a double ear infection, but that sure didn’t stop me from smooching on him and making up for all of the months that we didn’t get to see him. 

Boy oh boy is it good to have them HOME!

F O U R – This Game

Did you guys ever play Guess Who growing up?  It was always one of my favorite games, but I had since forgotten about it until my aunt and uncle gave us some of their old games a couple of weeks ago.  Well, Jacob is obsessed with it and he and I have probably played at least 30 rounds just this past week! 

If you need a last minute gift idea, this is perfect!

F I V E – These Boots

It has been raining all week here so I have been wearing nothing but boots.  For all of the occasions where I have been casual I’ve been sticking to my beloved Hunter boots, but for all dressier occasions I have been wearing these boots from target nonstop.  They are SO COMFY, you guys!  If you’re in the market for some new boots… I highly recommend these! 

Happy weekend and happy Christmas!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. Guess Who was one of my favorites, too! How fun! And yay for your brother and family to be in town! Enjoy! And Merry, merry Christmas!

  2. I loved the game Guess Who! I need to get that for Jack, he would love it! How fun to have your brother and family in town, i know you will have the best time with them! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. Yay for your brother and his family being home! Your nephew has gotten so big!! I LOVED Guess Who when I was little! I've been meaning to get it for Brayden and I keep forgetting!!

  4. Sounds like the Christmas programs and parties went well! I like Guess Who too!

  5. "Guess Who" is awesome? YOU! You are precious my dear! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!!

  6. We play guess who all the time! My boys have a new edition and there are people on one side and pets on the other. Enjoy you holidays!

    1. That's so cool!! I'll have to find that one... the kids would love it!

  7. Enjoy the time with your family! Your nephew looks like Jacob!

  8. Enjoy all the special time with your family! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  9. Replies
    1. They have the retro version for sale on Amazon... it's the one I played when I was a kid! So cool!

  10. Hope you all have a fantastic Christmas! Enjoy the holiday friend!

    And I bought Guess Who for C but really it was for me :)

  11. Oh my goodness, it's been so long since I've played Guess Who! Yay for family time, enjoy every second. Merry Christmas Eve sweet friend <3
    Green Fashionista


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