
Friday, November 10, 2017

Five on Friday - Favorites + a Big Announcement

*This post may contain affiliate links.

It’s been a dreary last few days but the chill in the air is back, so that sure does make me a happy camper!  I have lots of faves for you on the blog today, so let’s get started!

O N E – This Sweatshirt

Did you guys see my post on Insta Wednesday evening?  This sweatshirt is definitely a favorite right now!  I bought it several months ago and it’s just been hanging in my closet waiting to be worn.  Wednesday evening was dark and chilly and it had been a day at work, so it was the perfect opportunity for a glass of wine and my new wine sweatshirt!  I couldn’t find the original one to link, but I did find these identical ones on Etsy if you want to snag one for yourself!  All of you 80’s babies who were in your teens when Da Dip came out know what I’m talking about!

T W O – A Target Share

Target shared another one of my Instagram photos on their website this week!  It’s always cool seeing one of my favorite brands use my photos, so that was a definite favorite!  The link is here if you want to check it out!  I’m wearing my favorite Mossimo Skinny Jeans from there so that was the product they tagged!

T H R E E – A New Book

Emily Giffin, my favorite author, announced that she is releasing a new book next June!!  She doesn’t debut new books very often, so I am always thrilled when I see a new one out there.  Now to wait until June… 

F O U R – A New Christmas Album

Did you guys see that 98 Degrees has a new Christmas album?!?!  They were one of my favorite boy bands back in the 90’s so I am just way too excited about this!  I still have their original Christmas album from 1999 and it’s one of my favorites.  Their rendition of Ave Maria is so beautiful.  I can’t wait to see what they did with the new album… I’ll be downloading it this weekend for sure.

And speaking of downloading, did you guys see that T. Swift isn’t going to allow her new album to be streamed?  It came out today and apparently we are all going to have to buy an actual CD.  Haha.

F I V E – The Big Announcement

No, I’m not pregnant.  I know that’s usually the first thing people think of when a woman around my age says she has a huge announcement to make.  ;o)

As all of you long-time readers know, I have been wanting to be a stay at home mom for a couple of years now.  Well, that time has come, but perhaps a bit sooner than we originally wanted.  As excited I am for the opportunity, the circumstances surrounding the decision aren’t the greatest.  It’s a long drawn-out story, but I will try to keep it as brief as I can.

I have been working in sales and marketing for a global corporation the last 12.5 years.  I loved it for many years, but the past few years things have been steadily going downhill.  I haven’t been very happy for a while and just a couple of weeks ago something happened that became the last nail in the coffin. 

As a matter of fact, this text with Adrienne last week about sums everything up:

As you all know, this summer I did several rounds of a new treatment for my chronic low back and pelvic pain.  The specialist I had to see was located in Atlanta which is a long drive from where we live.  Therefore, I had to take full days off of work for each appointment, seven to be exact.  Well, at the beginning of this fiscal year at work, I knew that I wasn’t going to have enough vacation days to cover all of the appointments plus all of the time off I have to take with Jacob when his school is closed, so I sat down with my supervisor and discussed it with him. 

He told me that after our vacation days are exhausted we are allowed to take days off without pay, and that it wouldn’t be a problem for me to take several extra days off this year as needed. 

Fast forward six months – I have used all of my vacation days aaaand… my supervisor gets laid off.  I’m sure you can see where this is going… 

After discussing my situation with my new supervisor (whom I’ve worked with the entire 13 years I’ve been here), he told me he was fine with me taking days off without pay as well, but he had to go to HR to find out how to code the days off without pay properly in our system.  Upon discussing it with HR, HR promptly told him that nobody is allowed to take days off without pay.


My supervisor ended up setting up a meeting with the two of us and HR to discuss my options and HR told me that there was nothing they could do.  My options were as follows:

a)    Don’t take days off for the next five months.  Well this is absolutely not possible since Jacob still has Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, and Spring Break before my vacation starts over again on April 1.
b)    Keep taking days off without pay and get fired after the sixth occurrence.  (And keep in mind that this includes being sick.  We do not get sick time here and we are penalized for each day that we are out.  Hence the reason I always drag myself in even when I’m on my deathbed.)
c)    Resign.

Well I’m sure you can probably guess which option I chose.  There was no freaking way I was going to let them fire me, so I resigned and gave a notice of two weeks.

My supervisor did fight hard for me.  He suggested many different things to try to keep me here, and he mentioned several times what an outstanding employee I am, but HR was not willing to work with me.  It is baffling how quickly they will cut ties with someone who has never had any issues with attendance in almost 13 years, someone who has worked her butt off for the company, and someone who even won the employee of the year award in our department.  Baffling.  But I suppose nobody is ever irreplaceable in corporate America.

My biggest problem, though, is that it was approved in advance for me to do this so my days were planned accordingly and then halfway through the year they told me it was no longer allowed.  The least they could do is give me a grace period to get me through the rest of this year, but nope, that is not an option. 

My last day is next Friday, November 17.  While I’m a little excited, I’m mostly just sad and scared.  I have made my own money since I was 11 years old when my best friend and I started our baby-sitting and car-washing business.  #TrueStory  I then got my first real job at the age of 16 so I have been in the work force for the majority of my life.  I’ve never been a “kept woman” nor have I ever had the desire to be, so this is going to be a whole new situation for me.  Not to mention I am going to miss some of my coworkers like CRAZY.  I’ve seen some of them five days a week for the last almost 13 years.  It’s going to be really weird not seeing them anymore.

Because this is all happening so suddenly, we are obviously not prepared financially, so the next few months should be interesting to say the least.  And yes, I could look for another job, but then we would likely end up I in the same boat with vacation days because I would likely start my new job with even less than what I have at my current job.

We are going to try to make it work with me being a stay at home mom, so more than ever now, I feel that I HAVE to figure out a way to make some money from home.  Ladies, PLEASE, if you have any ideas send them my way.  There’s always the blog (although that was not my original intent for this space), and I’ve also toyed with the idea of starting an Etsy shop (but what the heck to sell??) or a Facebook group.  The problem is that every single idea/market is just so saturated already because everyone is trying to be an entrepreneur these days.


Anyway, I have always pictured myself quitting to be a stay-at-home-mom, but I have always pictured myself quitting after I had a thriving side business, not before.

Thank you for listening to me rant today, and as always, thank you for reading and for your support.  I have a feeling you’re going to be seeing a lot more of me now!    

2017 just keeps on sucking but I’m praying that it is going to be a blessing in disguise!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. Oh my precious friend, I know this is with mixed emotions but you know what, it is the plan and it will all work out. Plus, just think how happy the kids will be that mama is home!!! I am pretty much over how bad my job has gotten, the nail is coming, I know it is. LOL. Will keep you in my prayers and in the meantime, go have an outstanding and sweet weekend!

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea. I know everything happens for a reason. It's just really hard since it's happening so suddenly.

  2. Well while the circumstances of you becoming a SAHM aren't what you had hoped for, you guys will figure it out and your two babes will be OH SO HAPPY!! Good luck girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I was laid off from my corporate job a year and a half ago and even though it was a shock and was scary as heck, it really has ended up being a huge blessing for us. I have been able to do so much more for my school age children and have started a sign making business that has grown in ways I never would have thought possible. Somehow, things just work out! Best of luck to you - I am sure you'll have no problems finding what works for your family!

    1. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement, Jen. It's so good to know that you are thriving and growing with your side business. I'm hoping to end up doing something like that as well. Only time will tell, I suppose!

  4. As a fellow working mom for a large corporation, this hits so close to home. I am so shocked that your HR would not work with you. That's really tough. I am so sorry for how things panned out but so totally trust that God makes no mistakes. You will figure it out and with time wonder why you didn't take the plunge sooner! I have no idea how to make money from home. Haha. I sold 31 once and it did really well - I just didn't have time to keep it up. There's always LulaRoe and Rodan and Fields. What about writing?! By the way, I love Emily Giffin too and added that book to my list so I don't forget! Prayers coming your way! Enjoy the weekend!

  5. Oh my gosh Lindsay! I'm so so sorry HR wouldn't work with you, that is just AWFUL! Why would they care if people take UNPAID days off?!?! So ridiculous! But I bet you anything you will look back one day and see this as a blessing in disguise - now you can be home! I know that's something you've been wanting! I would personally never sell anything for other companies but I think you really could open an Etsy shop + a Facebook group to get more attention to it - I KNOW you would kill it! It could be for any party related items, home decor stuff, a little bit of everything because you're good at so many things!!!

  6. The thing I’ve learned from going from a full-time working mom to a full-time stay-at-home mom is that it is what you make of it, and there are certainly some pros and cons to each scenario...but the grass is greener where you water it. (This took me about a year to figure out, sigh.) Congratulations on getting to be a SAHM; I know you’ve wanted this for a long time! It’s definitely not under your circumstances, but I’ve learned, too, that God puts us right where He wants us under His timing. Enjoy every minute with your babies!

  7. How cool about the Target feature! And I am SO SORRY about your job-how terrible. I am constantly baffled by how little large HR companies care for their employees (I am there right now too). I actually just started a side business on a whim because I believe in the product and also am feeling exhausted of the corporate world. Also, if you have any desire to talk about Instagram (I know you backed away a bit but with more time you may be able to do more) I would be happy to chat a bit-There is a lot more to it than just product review in terms of benefit! Prayers this transition is easy and a blessing in disguise for your family!

  8. Congrats congrats congrats!! Reading your post today made me so happy for you. The circumstances around this exciting transition aren't the greatest, but you're making the best of it. You'll figure everything out financially. Enjoy these precious years with your littles.

    I have a post suggestion too, you mentioned you built a house. Can you do a post about your experience? My husband and I are building and I'd appreciate hearing about your experience.

    Again, congrats! Throw a retirement party for yourself and hug your babes. You're dreams are coming true.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement. It really means a lot that you took time out of your day to lift me up. <3

      And yes, I actually have it on my list to write about our building process one day! I have held off because I wasn't sure if it was interesting to anyone since it's so far in the past, but I may just have to put something together now!

  9. I hate that you're having to become a stay at home mom in the way that it's happening--I'm learning about how companies don't really care for their employees with Dustin's company. It's a little different in education--or at least in my system. Maybe clean houses on the side?? If you cleaned 3 houses a week, you could make an extra $200+ each week.
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  10. You know I am beyond excited for you about your new stay at home gig, even if the ending is not the way you planned. I think you will find your niche and I tell you over and over you need to start a party supply business, haha! I just love all the stuff you do. I really think you will figure it out and have no problem. Sending lots of love!

  11. Oh my, about the job situation! Good luck, and enjoy being home if you can. I bet you could turn blogging into a paid gig.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear that your company wasn't more understanding. I don't think corporation are very "loyal" to their employees anymore. The job market is such that they know they can find someone else. But I know you will LOVE being a SAHM. It can be whatever you want it to be. Another income option might be child care in your home. I know babysitters in our area get $10-20 / hour, so this might bring some extra money while still allowing you to be at home. Hang in there.

  13. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry it came to that but when one door closes and all that... Hopefully you'll be able to look back on this at this time next year and realize what a blessing it was after all. I have an Etsy shop and it is my full-time gig. Not every Etsy shop is a guaranteed success but if you ever decide to try to start one, I can set you up with 40 free listings and I'm happy to give any advice I can! Feel free to email me or DM me on Instagram (@amandanall). :)

    1. You are SO sweet, Amanda!! I will definitely keep you in mind if I do decide to go the Etsy route! Thank you so much for your kindness. <3

  14. That is so ridiculous about your job. I'm so sorry, friend! Congratulations on being stay at home Mom, though...I know it's something you have wanted for a long time! I am a SAHM and my husband is a police officer. We don't make much money, and I've always wanted my blog to bring in a bit of a side income. For a while, I tried getting sponsored gigs and really promoting my blog for payment but it just didn't fit with my blog. I'm all about lifestyle and being authentic, and I hated selling things that I couldn't really get behind. I hope that you can continue blogging, that you can stay authentic to your lifestyle blog and still make an income from it! Just know that living on one income (even just until you figure out a second income) can mean a lot of saying no to things, but it can be so worth it in the end. Your kids are going to love having you home!!

    1. I agree with you 100%. I try to be authentic in this space and I just couldn't turn it into anything that wasn't. And thank you for your kind words. I AM excited about more time with the kiddos!

  15. Lindsay, I've never met you but I enjoy reading your blog so much. I will be praying for you as you work through this adjustment period.

    1. Thank you so much, Emily. Your prayers mean so much. And thank you for taking the time out of your day to let me know. <3

  16. I'm so sorry to hear about how stressful things had got with your job, and how everything happened with you having to leave when you did because they couldn't be flexible. Sometimes things are really hard, but end up working out in a way you could have never expected. It's so cool that Target shared your instagram post, and it's always the best when a favorite author releases a new book.

  17. Oh, friend, I'm so sorry to hear about your job situation. I swear, adulting is so hard, and when HR in your company is unwilling to fight for you, it's just not worth it. You deserve SO much better - and such much more. I think that God closes doors to open windows, and you'll be so surprised how well He provides for you going forward. I'll be praying for you, nonetheless <3

  18. Yay for the Target feature! I am so floored by what happened to you. As an HR Manager this just doesn't sound right. I am ecstatic for you to be able to stay at home but just very confused by how they handled the situation. Especially since prior discussions where had with giving you the ok. I would have confirmed and made sure I had a copy of any policy stating unpaid time off is not an option and asking for a copy of your signature if you signed anything saying you agreed to that. Since you were asking for time off due to school obligations it could be construed as discrimination and if you needed any other time off for something medically related, then they shouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole! I know no one wants to get fired but a lot of people don't realize that if you let them let you go then you can file unemployment and also claim a wrongful termination if you feel you have an EEOC case. Please feel free to reach me if you have any questions or if I can help in anyway. I hate hearing stories about HR not advocating for their people. I am so so sorry about all of this but excited to see where this next chapter takes you. Beautifully Candid

  19. OMG!!! I am so excited for you, but feel your anxiety and nerves too. I'm in corporate America too (as you know) and have been for 11 years, so about the same amount of time as you. It's a pretty constant fear of mine that the same thing will happen to me someday. I'm praying that this is the window opening that you have been hoping for, and that bigger and better things are coming! As for work.. you love fashion and are so adorable.. what about an online Instagram based clothes/accessories boutique? I think it's low overhead to run, and you could play with clothes all day and share your cute style with everyone! Hugs to you on this next journey! xoxo

  20. Corporate America is the worst sometimes, so sorry it had to happen that way but you got what you wanted in the end! Good luck with the transition.

  21. Congrats on the Target share, and you already know how much I love that sweatshirt! I'm so sorry to hear about your job, but it sounds like it'll definitely be for the best. I hate corporate America, and how we live in an atmosphere of "live to work" instead of "work to live". Life happens, and we also need downtime physically and emotionally to just step away and actually live life apart from needing time to recoup after being sick. 2 weeks off a year is no where near enough. How are we as a country so far behind European countries where they get like 6 weeks off a year? Ugh rant over! Enjoy every second of being a stay at home mom, and I'll just live vicariously through you as it kills me to drop baby girl off at daycare every day <3
    Green Fashionista

  22. OH my friend, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. So tough, I bet. I am a strong believer in everything happens for a reason, and like you said, maybe this is a blessing in disguise for sure. Although I am not a mom yet, I am working my butt off to one day be a SAHM to our future children, hence why I work so hard on the blog, my full time job and I just got another full time job as well -- technically I'll be working 3 jobs! School nurses don't make a ton of money but the schedule is amazing, so it's a win-win in a way.

    I know selling stuff isn't ideal -- but I also sell candles on the side for Gold Canyon, I don't count that as an income though because I mainly do it for the nice discounts and freebies, but it is a nice extra check every once in awhile.

    I'm sure you guys will figure out something, don't stress over it and enjoy your babies! Big hugs my friend!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  23. Oh wow! Girl I am so happy for you, and scared with you. I know when I quit my job we had an entire pregnancy to make the transition. Having that condensed to two weeks is rough. But God is good and this, all be it unexpected, was a part of his plan. If you ever need to vent or talk. I am here.

  24. Oh man, what a sucky work environment to be in! I mean really? What's it to them, you don't come to work, they don't pay you, no one gets hurt. Geez, that is insane way to run a company. Especially coming from someone who hasn't had any attendance problem. So sorry, but I'm sure there will be a silver lining in all of this, even if you don't know it now, something better is going to come along. 98 degrees, heck ya! Off to get that!

  25. That sweatshirt is amazing! Love it. That’s awesome that Target has shared another of your photos. WOW! 98 Degrees? Dang, I kind of forgot about them. I’m going to have to check it out. I am so sorry things happened the way they did with your job. I will be praying something you love becomes an opportunity to make some extra money! And that it truly is a blessing in disguise.

  26. Oh my gosh Linds, I had no idea all that was happening! First, I just want to say I'm so sorry that this all happened. I know it stinks to hear, but it is totally their loss. You did everything right on your end and they were the ones at fault. Second, I'm excited for you. I think sometimes in life we have a "plan," but God has bigger plans. I know you've talked about staying home for awhile now, and this kind of forced your hand, but that could be a good thing. Plus, you have all of the holiday season with your kiddos, so that is amazing! I know you feel about making money. I felt the exact same way, but in marriage that is a partnership, and you will be doing your own things to save the family money too. So, don't forget that! I'm just so excited for you and proud of you. Keep me posted. I also got T Swift's new CD at Target today (ask them to match the Amazon price and they will). Praying for you and excited for you too!

  27. That sounds like such a hard situation at work. The first thing I thought of when I read your story was - could you do consulting? Maybe even do project work for your old company and boss who you are on good terms with? Negotiate a price per project and work from home?

    I was a SAHM for 8 years when my kids were little. Now I am working parttime and they are very willing to work with me on my schedule - that is probably one of the best parts of my job, honestly! When you have kids, you need that flexible schedule.

    Could you look for part time work of some kind?

    Other than that, I always found that it was easier for me to look for ways to save money than to earn money when I was a SAHM. We really cut expenses and that was how we made it work. We rarely went out to eat, only bought things on sale, looked for free events to go to, and for awhile we only had one car. It was hard at times, but so worth it to be home with my kids! Good luck!

    1. They aren't big on hiring consultants here, but if that ever did become an option that would definitely be something that I would be willing to look into!

      Thank you for all of your suggestions. I'm trying to soak up all of these comments and let it sink in that this is all really happening and I'm hoping God will point me in the right direction sometime after the holidays with regard to making money.

  28. Wow. I’m blown away and didn’t expect this announcement. But congrats for getting to stay home. That’s the exciting part. i want to do the same but not sure it’s in the cards for us.

  29. I was a SAHM for a year and a half; I was laid off while 20 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child, and knew finding another job would be hard if not impossible while being pregnant. After he was born, we decided I would stay home. I did have an Etsy shop for several years, which was great for a long time, but ultimately I felt like I was never 'off work', it was consuming my family time and exhausting me, and it finally ran it's course.

    When my kids were in pre-school (at a local church), I taught there as well. It was only 3 days a week, not much money, but a wonderful job. I loved working with the kids, the schedule was fantastic, and my hours were just 8:30-12:30, so even when my kids went to 'regular' school, I was able to be there for them when needed. Maybe this could be an option for you, too? Look at church pre-schools in your area, and see which ones have hours that could work well with your kid's school schedules. They will likely have all of the same holidays and days off as the regular school system.

    I did that for a few years, and then just my Etsy shop till I closed it in August. And I have recently started substituting at my kid's elementary school, and this has been a great choice for our family. I only sub at their school, I have all of their breaks and days off with them, and my hours are the same as theirs. I really enjoy it, too! The pay isn't amazing, but it's not terrible, either. I know your son goes to a private school, but maybe you could still sub for them? Just for some extra money, even on a part time basis. If not, you could sub for the regular school system (they are always looking for good subs). You could pick and choose which days you work - I do it full time, but you could easily just do a couple or few days a week. Just a thought!

    Good luck to you, I know it's scary but exciting all at the same time!

    1. Thank you so much for all of your suggestions! Working at the kids' school is something that has crossed my mind a LOT and it's definitely something that I am willing to pursue if we do find that we just can't cut it with me staying home. I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to discuss your experience with me!

  30. Oh wow, Lindsay! I'm sorry your time at work is ending on such a bad note. That has to be SO hard and unexpected. I can't believe that this happened, but I'm also excited for you to be a SAHM. You are a hard worker and so creative! I'd love to support you however I can. Take Amanda up on her Etsy offer if you decide to go that way. Will be praying for you! 💜

  31. That entire story - Wow. I can't believe HR wouldn't work with you! Argh! This is kind of a win-win situation for you. Had they worked with you, you could've stayed and still spent time with your kiddos on those days you needed to take off, while making money. But since they lost an amazing employee like you, you get to be home with your babies and focus all of your natural abilities, determination and capabilities toward something creative. How exciting is that? Their loss. You're going to continue to do amazing things, Lindsay! I'd love it if you had a Etsy shop for sure! Or a FB page to post about what you blog about. Clothes, party supplies, cute home decor! It seems that Just Posted and Living in Yellow model clothes and have a great following. I have absolutely no doubt that you could do the same! I'd be right there making purchases through your links and I'm positive others would too! You've got this, babe. Have a nice weekend, friend. :)

  32. Ahhh I have so many smiles for you in this post!! First of all, love your Christmas outfit and YAY that Target shared your post!! On to your last point, again, YAY that your dreams are coming true! I know it's not your original plan, but I have seen many times this year in our own lives that God sometimes SLAMS a door in our face to get us to go the way He needs / wants us to go! <3 If you do decide to open up at Etsy, I'll happily be one of your first customers! If you don't, since you have such outstanding experience in marketing, have you ever thought about being someone's (a big blogger, website, etc.) online assistant? I've seen a few bloggers and big "small" shops hire an online assistant to help take a load of their shoulders. Just a thought! <3 Praying for you during this new transition!

    1. Brandi!! Thank you so much for all of your positivity! You are such a shining light and your words mean more to me than you'll ever know. XO

  33. Like everyone else said, I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your job. It's a shame they would let such a loyal employee go and not let you take additional days off unpaid. While I don't "know" you, I can tell from your blog you're a very organized person and good at decorating and making things pretty. Have you ever thought about doing freelance design/organizing? You'd be great at it!

  34. Oh my goodness Lindsay - Let me encourage you that when I first stayed home, we were going to be in the red every single month and yet somehow we survived truly by God's hand. Over time we cut things out and it all worked out. I pray this new chapter will be a beautiful beginning of amazing things God has in store. xoxo ERIN

  35. I became a SAHM sooner then planned too when my son was born 11 weeks early. We were not planning on me staying home until baby #2 came years later. But as some have stated above watching or grocery budget and not going out to eat as much has really helped (it was hard getting used to but once we saw how much we spent in dining out we were appalled) using to set budgets and track spending has helped too. Anyways, Im local to ATL and 98° is coming to ATL symphony in a few weeks!

  36. I am sorry that you are having to go through this tough situation! As for possible stay at home options, I have some friends that do data entry from home, and then a few others do paperwork at home for groups like Moms in Motion (company all through out VA). Also, some teach classes online for schools! I would start with asking around to some of your friends that stay at home and see what they do for extra income, because I was surprised at all these opportunities that I did not know about! Praying that you will find something to make up for your lost income!

    1. You are presenting some options that I hadn't even considered and didn't even know about! Thank you so much for letting me know! I will be figuring all of it out in the new year and I'm so glad that you gave me a couple more options to add to the list!

  37. Thinking of you! I'm so sorry to hear that story about your work. That is crazy. Praying some great opportunities come your way, some new money saving options present themselves and that you can enjoy this new change.

  38. Oh, Lindsay, I'm so sorry you had to resign, but I have faith that it will work out. You can totally do this! Hang in there, mama. One day at a time!

  39. Oh goodness sorry about the circumstances but excited for your opportunity to stay at home. I would definitely start looking at doing some consulting type work..surely with sales there are always people looking for part timers and so many times you can do that from home. About 8 years ago we went through a situation where Keith took a 30K pay cut just as my oldest was starting college. We looked hard at all our expenses...cable, phones, etc, we started making our own coffee, shopping with coupons and planned meals around what was on sale...and ate at home ALOT. God will provide him with your situation and all is going to be okay!

  40. I'm just getting caught up after a blog absence and omg I am so sad that you had to leave in this situation! That's horrible that HR wouldn't work with you but hopefully it will be a blessing in disguise as you have wanted to be a SAHM. <3


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