After being out of town two
weekends in a row and then going for a day trip last Sunday, I think it’s safe
to say that our low-key weekend was much needed. Man oh man did it feel great to only leave
the house a couple of times this weekend!
We kicked the weekend off
with Carrabba’s take-out, a bottle of wine, and some hang time on the back
porch Friday night. I had originally
thought it would be fun to grab a pumpkin to carve, but sitting around and
doing nothing actually turned out to be even better. After we put the kiddos to bed, B and I
caught up on Scandal, and then we started the new season of Stranger Things. Or should I say he started the new season of Stranger Things, and I promptly fell
asleep on the couch while he rubbed my feet.

Saturday morning B had a
tennis match at 9, so I wrangled the kids and got them to Jacob’s soccer game
at 10:30 and B met us there. The kids
all played really hard and ended up tying 4-4.
The coach said that the team we played was one of the best in our age
group, so he was impressed that we were able to stay in the game right there
with them. Jacob still has yet to score
a goal, but during this game he did finally get a little more aggressive. He typically just kind of runs around with
the pack instead of really making his way to the ball, but Saturday he finally
started gunning for it toward the end of the game. Next weekend is his last game, so maybe just
maybe we’ll see a goal scored before the end of the season.
My MIL and FIL both came to
the game to watch, and of course, this sassy little thang was there to cheer
him on, too. Orrrr just to lounge in her
chair and play on her Leap Pad like a little diva. Lol.
We got home around lunchtime
and we had some sandwiches on the back porch before the rain and the cold came
in. Brian had our projector and screen
set up so we could watch football while we were out there, but unfortunately we
discovered that the projector isn’t dark enough during the daylight. Not sure if that means we’ll be exchanging it
for a TV instead or what, but we were all pretty bummed about it.
Our original plan had been
to watch the Georgia/Florida game out there, but the rain and some freeeezing
weather had started rolling in by then, so we decided to stay in the coziness
of our house instead. My FIL came over
to watch the game and B grilled some burgers (in the rain) for dinner, and we
spent the evening in.
And now let’s all stop and take
a moment to see how Olivia eats a hot dog…
Our Dawgs STOMPED Florida 42-7 to remain
undefeated and we are ecstatic! B and I
continued our football marathon after the kids went to bed and we watched Ohio State beat
Penn State in the last minute of the game
which bumped us right up to number two in the polls. We haven’t been ranked this high this late in
the season in as long as I can remember, so we are thrilled. Georgia hasn’t won a national title
in my entire lifetime, so it sure would be something special if it finally happened. We still have to get through several tough
games to even entertain that idea, so I don’t want to get ahead of myself and
jinx us, though.
Enough with the football
talk! Sorry, non-college football fans!
Sunday morning was
lazy. I worked on a couple of projects I’ve
been wanting to get done, Jacob did homework, B paid bills, and Olivia colored.
We ventured out to have
lunch at Panera and they were out of broccoli cheddar soup! How does that even happen?! I ended up getting the mac n cheese in its
place and OH MY WORD I need to get that more often. I always forget just how good (and fattening –
ha!) it is.
We headed to get a
much-needed haircut for Jacob next, but the wait was almost an hour and a half,
so we headed to the park instead. It was
freeeezing Sunday, and on top of that it was uber windy, but we made the most
of our time at the playground until Olivia came sliding down the slide into a
HUGE puddle of ice cold water.
Neither B nor I even thought
about the fact that it had rained a lot the day prior, so we didn’t even think
to check the slide for water first. I
felt so terrible for her, but she was such a good sport. She only whined at first because it was so
shockingly cold, but she was back to her jolly ol’ self on the long cold walk
back to the car. She even stopped to
play on one more thing on the way. Ha!
Sunday afternoon B and Jacob
played a little bit of soccer in the back yard while Olivia and I snuggled up
on the couch to warm her up and read some Halloween books while we waited for
her clothes to dry, and then both kids sat down at the kitchen table to color. I decided… why not? I’ll color, too! So I busted out my favorite adult coloring
book and my colored pencils and I colored with them. My color scheme was, of course, fall
colors! ;o)

B and Jacob headed back to
get a hair cut in the late afternoon and then we all headed to my Momma and
Daddy’s for Sunday dinner. Momma made
pork chops, green beans, glazed carrots, black eyed peas, and biscuits for
dinner, and we were greeted by the sweet scent of cinnamon candles when we walked in the door!!!! Between all of this and the cold weather, I AM SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS, Y'ALL!!!!
For dessert, Momma made the CUTEST things... donut monsters! Are those not adorable?!
Sunday evening was as cozy
as can be and we wrapped up our weekend in the best possible way… with family,
good food, good music, wine, and lots of laughter.
I love my people.