
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tuesday Talk with a Side of Stomach Virus

Well friends, I had another post intended for today, but the kids’ have gone back to school which has resulted in back to school germs which has resulted in… a stomach virus for yours truly.  It all happened in the middle of the night Sunday and I pretty much slept for the entire day yesterday, so I had no time or energy to get a post up.

I have to be off today to hang with Olivia since her school is closed for teacher’s planning days, so I’m praying I’m no longer contagious and I’m praying even harder that none of our other family gets it.

Even though I have no post today, I still wanted you to be able to link up, so you can join us, as always, below.

I hope your week is off to a better start than mine!

And now it's time for the Tuesday Talk Link Up!

Hosted by:

Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Becky at BYBMG | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Lindsay at Lindsay's Sweet World | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Sarah at Sarah E. Frazer | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram

Whitney at Polka-Dotty Place | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram


  1. Hope you are feeling better and are able to enjoy your day home with Olivia!

  2. The stomach virus is the WORST! I would rather have the flu than deal with stomach issues...feel better!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. I'm so sorry sweet mama! Prayers you get to feeling better!!!! xo

  4. Feel better that meme about making your goal weight made me LOL because I always so the only upside to a nasty stomach virus is the weight loss! It's AWFUL and moms don't get sick days! I sure hope you feel better today to enjoy your time with your little lady! xoxo ERIN

  5. Hope you feel better!

    - Claudia

    1. Thanks, Claudia! I'm back to normal now, thank goodness!

  6. Ugh those bugs are the WORST! We just had one sweep through our home a few weeks ago thanks to daycare germs, and I'm hoping it's a "we paid our dues for the year" type thing. Praying the rest of your family stays healthy, and wow Olivia already has a day off! Didn't school just start?! I should have been a teacher :-P
    Green Fashionista

  7. Oh mama those stomach bugs are NO JOKE. I hope you are on the mend, and get back to 100% after today!

  8. I'm so sorry to hear mama! I hope you feel better. Sending you prayers <3 Beautifully Candid

  9. I am so sorry you were hit with a stomach bug! I am not looking forward to the back to school germs. I ordered some Immune Boom oils for Mason and have started lathering him in them in hopes of not catching many germs. We’ll see! I hope you’re feeling much better. And I pray no one else catches it. Hugs, friend.

  10. I hope you feel better soon! That is no fun! Yay for at day at home with Olivia though!

  11. The stomach bug is the worst!! Sorry friend. Hope by the time you read this you're nearly fully on the mend! xo

  12. Boo!! I hope you are all better today! I thought I was getting it on Monday but am thinking I may have had a teeny bit of food poisoning. No fun at all to feel that way and be a mom!


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