
Friday, July 21, 2017

Five on Friday - Favorites

*This post may contain affiliate links.

We made it through these last couple of crazy weeks and we are so ready to celebrate our sweet boy this weekend! 

But first, some favorites for the week…

O N E – Swimming Lessons

These are still high on the list because a) the kids are both doing so well, and b) BECAUSE THEY ARE FINALLY OVER AFTER TODAY!  Man, it has been chaotic these last couple of weeks!  The swimming instructor’s house is not remotely close to either of our offices or either of the kids’ schools (we’re talking a 30 minute drive from my office to her house!) so we have been doing major shuffling of the work schedules and school schedules these last two weeks.  One thing that I have loved is the fact that on days where I stay with the kids, we get home about an hour earlier than we normally do, so we actually have time to just hang out for a bit before it’s time for me to start cooking.  Having some downtime, my friends, is priceless.  Downtime?  What is downtime?  Haha.

The fifth day (last Friday) seemed to be a charm for Olivia because that was the day that she finally stopped crying and just started doing what she was supposed to be doing.  Jacob finally started using his arms really well this week and he is looking like a total pro!  Before, he was just doggie paddling and barely using his arms but the swimming instructor teaches the kids to have “big arms” AKA stretching your arms out really far in front of you to make the most use of them.  Both kids are loving it and I think that they will be a little sad when it’s over today.

T W O – Towel Responses

Wednesday I discussed our need for new towels and apparently the majority of you are in the same boat.  The problem is, there were so many different recommendations that I’m having a hard time deciding which ones to get.  I was hoping that there would be an overwhelming majority for one specific store/brand, but instead I got tons of different responses.  A couple of different people mentioned these at Pottery Barn and a couple mentioned these at Kohl’s and then there were many other brands mentioned as well.

I think I’m going to order the ones from the Nordstrom sale regardless since they have free shipping and free returns, and then I’m going to go check out the ones at Kohl’s as well.  I’ll let you guys know what we end up keeping.

T H R E E – Blogging Wins

The blogging wins for this week are two-fold.  First of all, I mentioned yesterday that I was accepted into the rewardStyle family!  You can see more on that in yesterday's post.

The second blogging win for the week is that a rep for Larabar saw my post a couple of weeks ago about my new love for their product, and she reached out to me to see if she could send some goodies as a thank you for spreading the word.  How nice was that?  I received my care package this week and I was so excited to see some of my favorites as well as a few I haven’t tried.  She sent one of the Banana Bread bars which I haven’t been able to find anywhere and I have a feeling that one may end up being my favorite.  Well, that or the season pumpkin bar that I assume will be coming out soon for fall!  EEK!

F O U R – Bloodline

You.  Guys.  I know I’ve already mentioned this a couple of times before, but good lordy we are loving Bloodline.  It is so good that this week, for the first time ever, we skipped an episode of The Bachelorette so we could watch Bloodline instead.  I mean it is just fantastic.  And Coach Taylor is in it so you really just can’t go wrong with that, right?!  Almost every single episode ends in a cliffhanger so it’s nearly impossible to not watch the next one right then and there.  I have a feeling tonight is going to be all Bloodline all night.  Ha! 

F I V E – Snuggling With My Boo

Jacob has always liked for one of us to stay in his room for a few minutes after he gets in the bed, so B and I take turns doing this every evening.  Usually we pat or scratch his back or just sit with him for a few minutes… some nights he falls asleep before we leave and some nights he doesn’t.  Well, just this last week he has started sweetly asking me, “Mommy, would you like to get under my blanket with me?”  It pretty much melts my heart and there’s no way that I’m going to turn down that offer.  He has a double bed so there is plenty of room for both of us, so on my nights all this week I have been getting under his blankets and laying nose to nose with him for a few minutes.  I’m loving every single second of it and I’ve been staying in there a little longer than usual just because it’s so special.  I know that this won’t last forever, so I’m not going to take a single second of it for granted.

Well, we just have to make it through the work day today and then we will be celebrating our boy all weekend long!  It’s going to be three days full of family and fun!  Happy weekend!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. Have fun celebrating Mr. Jacob!! I was accepted to Reward Style awhile back but have no idea how to use it yet, lol. Yay to all the Larabars!!! Happy weekend babe!

    1. Haha. I am SO excited about it but girl, I have no clue when I'll actually have time to learn to use it. #RealLife And congrats to you, too, Andrea!

  2. Hope you guys have the best weekend celebrating!

  3. So glad your kiddos are loving swim lessons! Congrats on your blogging wins this week--I LOVE the banana bread Lara bars too, and pumpkin sounds amazing! :) Have a great weekend celebrating Jacob! ❤

  4. Yay for swimming lessons being a hit and for blogging wins! Exciting! Have fun celebrating Jacob this weekend!! Growing up too fast.

  5. Yay for swim lessons and them being over LOL!! How awesome you got send some goodies!! I need to watch Bloodline! Have an awesome weekend celebrating Jacob!!

  6. That coconut cream bar is calling my name. It is always so sweet when a company wants to reach out to you like that with no expectations. I hope you have an amazing weekend girl. Congrats on surviving swim lessons.

  7. I LOVE those bars-I have them in my office right now and now I want to grab one ;-) YAY for getting accepted into Reward Style, that is so awesome! And we loved Bloodline, we somehow fell off after we finished the first season but I definitely need to get back into it!

  8. I may have to start Bloodline!!! Love Coach Taylor! And Dustin would die if he knew you got free Larabars--those are his favorite!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  9. Congrats on your blogger successes! 🎉 And we are doing swim lessons round two next week 😳

  10. Good job, Mama! Snuggle your kiddos extra long... it seems like just yesterday my son was wanting me to snuggle him, and now I'm lucky to get a hug. Also you've definitely had some fun blog wins for sure. Enjoy! :)

  11. Wooohooo for blogger wins! I have never seen Bloodline but might have to watch... I am currently watching Nashville because of Tammy Bloodline because of Coach Taylor. Hahaha! But seriously, I miss Friday Night Lights. Have a great weekend!

  12. Is reward style like to know it? I might live under a rock sometimes LOL. I love lara bars, the peanut butter chocolate chip is MY FAVORITE! YAY you for a fun gift box from them! xoxo ERIN

  13. Yes, and always yes to that snuggling! Oh so sweet! Love that. And, we loved Bloodline too. We were so hooked. We need something new to binge (as always, ha). Congrats on all your blog wins too!

  14. that pink swimsuit is too cute! and Bloodline is SO good! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  15. Lilli just started swim lessons this week, and she did surprisingly well. I was expecting a huge tantrum, but she loved it! And I LOVE Larabars!!! I have at least one a day. They are my fav! Have a great weekend! <3

    1. That's great, Brandi!! Both of our kids freaked out for the first few days but then they got over it. And yes, those things are so good! I wish I had known about them before now!

  16. Have the best time celebrating your little man! Congrats on rewardStyles too! I have no clue if I'm really using it right lol. That is so nice of Lara bars. I love when a company recognizes and appreciates something. Have a great weekend! Beautifully Candid

  17. Yay for rewardStyles! So fun, how fun that a company saw your post and reached out to you, awesome! Some good wins for the week. Happy celebrating your little man!

  18. Hope you have a fun weekend of celebration! I saw the instastories, and the kids are doing great!

  19. ooohh pumpkin Lara Bars sound so good!

  20. How much fun that you got some free LaraBars! It's always nice when companies are nice.

    1. Yes! It really made my day! It's so nice when companies go out of there way like that just to thank you. Makes me love them even more!

  21. I'm in the middle of Bloodline too. What is going to happen!?!??!?!


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