
Friday, June 2, 2017

Five on Friday - Tried and True Father's Day Gifts

Father’s Day is right around the corner, so today I’m sharing a few of my favorite gifts that I’ve gotten for B during the last few years…

O N E – Moscow Mule Mugs

I think I’ve posted about these two hundred times on the blog, but they really do make the perfect gift for the man in your life.  Moscow Mules are our favorite, but they must be consumed from an authentic copper mug!  ;o)  These are the exact mugs that I bought for him and they are currently on major sale!  We have been using them for a year now and they are holding up great!  Guys, I cannot rave about these more!!  

Not a fan of Moscow Mules?  No worries!  These copper mugs are fun for all drinks, and they keep drinks ICE cold.

T W O – Beer Cap Map

Is your hubs or dad a beer drinker?  Why not let him showcase his caps to prove just what a connoisseur he really is?  ;o)  B loves craft beer, so I’m always trying to find a six-pack of something new for him to try.  And now it’s become a game because we try to find stuff from different states so he can add new caps to his map (exact here)!  The one I got for B is huge - three feet across and it holds 177 caps!  Looking for a smaller map?  Check this one out!  It's only two feet wide and it holds just 69 caps.  And if you don't want the entire US map, you can always buy one individual state like this one.

T H R E E – External Charger

This thing is a game changer!!  It is a charger that you plug into the wall and charge, and then once it is charged you can take it anywhere with you to charge all of your devices.  It allows you to charge phones, laptops, and many other devices anywhere, anytime, even when you don’t have access to electrical outlets or other power sources.  This thing has saved our butts on many occasions.  As a matter of fact, last fall, I kept it in my purse all day as we toured around Athens for the GA game.  I was able to charge my iPhone right in my purse every time it got low!  So convenient!

F O U R – Cool Socks

B has really gotten into funky dress socks which I love.  These are some of my favorites that are available right now...

F I V E – Funny Boxers

GAP has the best selection of mens’ boxers.  Last year I was able to pick up some with pizza slices, donuts, and my favorite – Moscow Mules in copper mugs on them!!  I mean, how cute, right?!  You can find all of these here.

Have a great weekend, y’all!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.

*This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. These are great ideas - I love the external charger!! Have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. My dad is hard to buy for because he has it all, lol!! I LOVE those ideas and see some my husband would like too. I LOVE the beer cap map, plus that is just fun to say, LOL!! Happy Fri-YAY beautiful!!

    1. That's exactly how I feel about Brian! He's impossible to buy for! And yes, we love our beer cap map!

  3. Such great ideas!! I wish Rick liked funny socks or wore boxers because I love those ones you posted!! Happy Weekend girl!

  4. That bottle cap map is so much fun! I know many a people in MI would would love a state one I think! Also, my husband and I both have external chargers and love them.

    1. Aren't the external chargers wonderful? I sometimes wonder what we ever did without ours! It was so nice to have when I had my last iPhone because the battery only lasted a few hours and I was constantly having to charge it.

  5. all great ideas! i gave patrick the copper mugs for valentines day and he loved them! I also love that beer cap united states. what a fun thing for a man cave! have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, it's perfect for a man cave! Have a great weekend, Emily!

  6. That beer map is such a fun idea. I haven't seen those before. And that external charger is a great idea! Thanks to you, I'm done looking for gifts. :) Enjoy your weekend!

  7. My husband would love that charger. What a great idea! I also like that beer map. How cool! That would be fun for my husband's man cave. Have a great weekend!

  8. Happy Friday! So many great finds. I enjoy shopping for Father's Day and feel there are a lot of fun and unique things for guys. Eric would love the map if he had a man cave. Have a great weekend! Beautifully Candid

  9. Love the boxers idea!! Fun and practical 💡

  10. Nathan and I are not big drinkers, but I have always been obsessed with those Moscow Mule mugs! I think sweet tea would taste better in them. Haha. That beer cap map is awesome, too. Perfect for a man cave! Boxers are always a good choice! I love all of the fun prints.

  11. How cute are those socks! My husband would love that beer cap map, and he also collects matchbooks which I've been wanting to find a way to showcase for him <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. These are some great ideas. I really like the beer cap map. I am struggling with what to get Danny for Father's Day - he is so hard to buy for. Have a great Friday!

  13. Starry Night socks?! Love!

    I need a charger for Game Day, but need to remember to actually purchase one.

  14. Great ideas! I love my external iPhone charger, it's the best. I can't believe I lived so long without it. Have a great weekend.

  15. Rory loves his beer cap map. Best thing ever. I really want to get us some copper cups since we have been drinking more Moscow Mules lately.

  16. I have to chime in to say these ideas are fantastic! I especially love the boxers and external charger. 😊 Have a great weekend!

  17. We have the state beer cap map...those are so fun! I want to get the Moscow Mule cups. We never drink those, but might need to add them to our list to start making!

  18. Someday I will try a Moscow Mule. I was watching a show the other day and they were drinking some. I instantly thought of you.

  19. Yes to the charger! Great idea- we both have portable chargers and they come in so handy when we are at all day sporting events or traveling. Hope you guys have a fun weekend!

  20. Portable chargers are a game changer for sure!

  21. Love that beer msp! My Dad would totally love that! He also loves fun socks :) I need to get shopping!! It'll be here before we know it! Have a great weekend!

    1. I know, it will definitely be here soon and I haven't even started yet! Eek!

  22. I adore that bottle cap map! I think you just helped me solve this Father's Day gift dilemma! xoxoxox

  23. Omg I'm so glad I came across that bottle cap map! It's perfect for a friend I know. Thanks for sharing :-)

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  24. Love the mugs! My husband would totally love those! I'll have to keep them in mind for his birthday! ;)

    1. We love ours so much! We use them all the time! I hope he likes them, too. :o)

  25. Great ideas! I always find Father's Day shopping difficult!

  26. My husband wouldn't be caught dead in socks like that. But I happen to like fun and funky socks. He would like the beer cap map though.

    1. Haha, yeah I suppose they're not for everybody. The beer cap map is awesome, though! We love ours!


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