
Monday, June 5, 2017

Dave Matthews Concert, a Date with J, and the Weekend

We had a full week this week… Memorial Day, a night out with my girlfriends, a date night with the hubs to see Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds in concert, a date day with Jacob, and we are almost beach bound!  Our house sitters have arrived so everything will be in good hands while we’re gone and we’re all stoked for some fun in the sun! 

I think it’s safe to say that we’re way off of our normal schedule, but I’m not hating it since it means lots of fun for our little family!

Wednesday night, B and I headed to Atlanta to see Dave and Tim.  In case you’re new around here, I’m completely obsessed with Dave Matthews Band and have been since 1994 when I was just twelve years old.  I’ve seen them 21 times in concert with no plans to stop until they do!  ;o)  As a matter of fact, this blog, Lindsay’s Sweet World, is named after their song One Sweet World.  That’s a hard core fan right there!  Hehe.

This summer the band decided to take a hiatus, so Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds (an honorary band member) decided to do an acoustic tour together.  We were in the front section in the 26th row so our seats were great yet again and the weather was perfect – warm (but not hot) and breezy – so we had a very pleasant evening.  They ended up playing 33 songs which is crazy.  If you’re an avid concert-goer like myself then you probably know that most bands play less than 20 songs at a show, so 33 is just incredible.  I practically swooned all night watching Dave sing.  I just love him.

Had to post a second one because - Brian in a hat!

It was a great night until the drive home.  We were on the major highway that goes through ATL (I-85 – you may remember hearing on the news a couple of months ago that part of it collapsed), and all four southbound lanes came to a complete halt a little before midnight.  All four lanes literally sat there without moving an inch for 40 minutes.  40 minutes, people!  It was so bad, that people were turning off their cars so they wouldn’t run out of gas and some people were getting out of their cars and walking around.  At 12:30 in the morning on a random Wednesday night!  By the time the traffic started moving again, we saw no trace of a wreck or stall or road construction, so we still have no clue what caused the delay.  This was me the whole time…

Needless to say, we didn’t get in the bed until 2 AM so I was riding on the struggle bus aaaallll day on Thursday.  Fortunately for me, though, Jacob’s summer camp hasn’t started yet, so I had to take off to stay home with him anyway.  He and I spent the morning having breakfast at Panera, gathering my medical history at the hospital for my new specialist appointment at the end of June (the envelope is like WHOA thick – so sad considering my young age), and then we spent the rest of the morning at our favorite entertainment center. 

We played skee ball and a bunch of the other arcade games.  They have a virtual thrill ride there with moving seats, and air that blows on you, and a big TV screen that makes you feel like you’re really there.  I finally convinced Jacob to try one of the different options for the ride (he always wants to do the same one – LOL) and we both loved it.  I helped him motorcycle race for two rides… he’s so small his body weight can’t turn or make the motorcycle lean.  Lol.  He played a game where you had to throw ping pong balls in little cups, and he ended up ringing the hardest hole and scoring 250 tickets.  He was soooo excited!  All in all he ended up with 500 tickets – a new record – and we left with a light-up noise making mini light saber, two plastic jets, and a bouncy ball that I accidentally dropped in the parking lot and it rolled in the sewer.  EEK!  I felt so bad, but he handled it like a boss! 

We spent the rest of the day packing the essentials for our beach trip – sun hats, books, and cute beach bags for me, and Hot Wheels, stuffed animals, and books for him.  Lol. 

Friday was my last day of work for a week and I was crazy busy getting ready to be out.  It’s never fun preparing for a vacay, that’s for sure, but eating a donut for National Donut Day sure did make it a little easier!  ;o)

Friday evening I whipped up some pasta and brussel sprouts for dinner, and then we watched Finding Dory for family movie night.  The kids loved it, and I liked it because it didn’t have any “scary parts” for Olivia to freak out over.

Saturday was spent packing, packing, packing, and then we met B’s family for dinner at Longhorn to celebrate his sister’s birthday with his Dad.  We spent the rest of the evening hanging out at his Dad’s house, having cake, and opening presents.

I’ll be doing my beach recaps in separate posts, so that’s all I have for now.  Have a great week!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for WeekendingMy Glittery Heart for Hello Monday,  More Pieces of Me for Hello Monday Linkup, and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. What a great concert and weekend! I love DMB and would love to see him
    In concert. Yay for the beach. I know you're having a blast!

  2. Bummer about the traffic but the concert sounds like fun! 33 songs is crazy! I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing vacation!

  3. The concert sounds like a total blast. Bummer about the traffic. Especially since you have no idea why, but at least everyone is safe. Enjoy the beach.

  4. OMG I can't even imagine being stuck in traffic like that. Nothing makes you come off the post concert high like a freaking traffic jam, lololol. I hope y'all have the best time at the beach.

  5. How fun to get away with Brian but how NOT fun to get stuck in all that traffic! Seriously, I would have cried and complained so much Rick would have wanted to throw me out of the car hahaha! I am so excited for your vacation and cannot wait to read about it!!!!

  6. Love this! Where did you get the sandals you wore to the concert? They are so cute! Looks like a great time with a not-so-great ending to the night...ugh! I bet it was worth it, though. :) Praying for your appt at the end of June. And I'm excited to hear about your beach trip. Have a great time!

  7. LOL I cracked up when I saw your IG story last week about the traffic. This is our experience every time we're in ATL and it makes me crazy! Glad you enjoyed the concert though. I know you're having a blast at the beach!

  8. What a great concert!! but oh good lord at the traffic! Ben drives in that mess most days and I have NO idea how he does it! I would have total road rage for sure!
    Can't wait to hear all about your beach trip!!

  9. We got stuck in traffic like that in Israel and it was super annoying! I'm sure the concert made it semi-worth it though! I love skee ball too. Have fun at the beach!

  10. What a fun concert! I love Dave Matthews. I cannot imagine that traffic. I live in such a small town that a lot of traffic is when a farmer is moving his tractor and going 25 on the road! Ha! I would have been so stressed out :) Have fun at the beach with your family!

  11. I'm reading this shaking my head, we were in the same boat coming home from the U2 concert in Chicago Saturday. These old people didn't get to bed till 3 AM, I don't think I've stayed up that late since before the boys were born ha ha. Have so much fun at the beach beautiful babe!

    1. Oh no!! And haha. Yes, I felt the same way about getting to bed that late... we never stay up that late anymore! Lol. I hope you got all caught up on your beauty rest!

  12. Glad you had a fun week- a day date with each of my kids separately is always nice! Have so much fun at the beach this week- I hope the weather is great!

  13. 33 songs is so impressive! I will be keeping my eyes open for when they tour again so I can hopefully make one next time! Have fun at the beach!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  14. Oh man...that ATL traffic though. How do people live's insane!
    So glad you guys have had such a good time though and are headed to even more fun! Can't wait for some beach recap posts!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  15. 1. Funny and sad about the bouncy ball.
    2. I miss you.
    3. We did movie night on Friday (Lion King - which makes me cry every time). #twinning #RIPMufasa

  16. I had no clue about your blog name and now I kind of like it even more! I can't stand when there's traffic for no reason. Have the best time at the beach! Beautifully Candid

  17. Aww! What a fun weekend! The concert looks like it was so much fun. Can't wait to see your beach photos!

    1. I can't wait to post them!! I should have the first beach post up Wed!

  18. What a fun week/weekend! Oh my gosh, Jacob's face! Look at his excitement! Stinks about the traffic after your amazing concert. And oh-my-gosh, I can't wait to read your beach vacay recaps. I haven't been commenting lately, but I've tooootally been following you and all your beach purchases/goodness! Have a great time, girl. You deserve it! :)

  19. The concert looked absolutely amazing. Did he play Ants Marching? Love how you've followed him for so long and have such a passion for his music. So special. I'm really excited to hear about your trip. Hope you guys are having a blast!

  20. So what you're saying is that you don't like Dave Matthews at all? ;) Sounds like a great concert, I have a friend who is the same as you he loves Dave Matthews!!

  21. You are a really BIG fan! Looks like a lot of fun and a great week! I hope you enjoy the beach! and traffic in Atlanta sticks no matter what time it is! Thanks for linking up!

    1. Yes I am! I've loved them since I was so young! And yes, ATL traffic is always hideous! Haha.


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