
Friday, May 12, 2017

Five on Friday - An Ode to My Momma

When you’re younger, all you ever hear from your parents is, “Wait until you’re older, you’ll understand.” 

Truer words have never been spoken. 

Now that I am 34… no wait, 35 (eek!) with two crazy, sweet little babes of my own, I completely understand those words and the meaning behind them.  And I constantly find myself saying – verbatim – the things that my mother used to say to us when we were little.  I can’t even tell you how many times per week I think to myself, “Good Lord, I sound just like my mother.” 

While some people cringe when they think those words, I am the exact opposite.  I eat it up.  I love that I have the opportunity to tell my kids that their shoe-clad tootsies do not belong on the couch.  I love that I have the opportunity to argue with my kids that they have to brush their teeth or the sugar bugs might get them.  I love that I have the opportunity to tell my kids to quit leaving the back door open… they weren’t born in a barn after all! 

And why do I love being able to say all of these things? 

Because it means that I am blessed with the opportunity to be a mother. 

And my momma also happens to be my favorite lady in the whole world, so if I turn out to be half of the mom that she was – and still is – to my brothers and me, then my sweet babies will probably turn out okay.

In my two years of blogging, I have posted plenty of pictures of the lady who gave me life, but I have never actually introduced you to her.  Here are a few of my favorite things about her…

O N E – She is a Great Songwriter

I come from a family of creators so creativity is in my blood.  I choose to pour my creativity into this blog, and my mom pours her creativity into her words in the shape of song lyrics.  She only started songwriting about a decade ago, but she has already built an impressive library.  You may remember that she wrote a song for Brian and me for our wedding.  It’s one that I will cherish forever. 

Now we just need someone famous to stumble upon her and appreciate her talent as much as we do. 

If anybody reading this knows anybody, have your people call my people.  ;o)

T W O – She is an Excellent Cook

Growing up, my momma cooked dinner for us several nights a week, and I never really understood just how challenging that is until I had kids of my own.  She worked full time, she took care of three kids, and my Daddy’s job rarely allowed him to get home before 7, but she still managed to have dinner on the table every single night.  And most of those nights they were home-cooked. 

Now, she still cooks dinner for us every Sunday night, and our group that she cooks for is positively huge!  She makes the best meatloaf you will ever have in your life, she makes the best homemade mac n cheese that you will ever have in your life, and she makes the best burgers and spaghetti.  Baked Ziti.  Cheesy Chicken.  BBQ Chicken.  All staples of hers and all SO GOOD.  I honestly don’t think that she’s ever made anything that I didn’t like… well, except for her famous English Peas in mushroom sauce… but that’s just because I don’t like English Peas.  Or mushrooms.  ;o)

T H R E E – She Always Knows What to Say

Nobody knows the right words to say like my momma.  She always seems to know what to say to make me feel better.  I always know that I can call her for anything and I can count on her words to be gentle and encouraging while also being honest. 

F O U R – She is Always on My Side

It is sometimes hard to trust your child when something goes wrong and all you have to go by is their word.  My mom, though?  She has always taken my side when times were tough. 

When all of the girls in junior high used to act crazy (mean girls, ugh!) and I would come home from school mad or upset, she always trusted the things that I told her and she was always on my side.

When my supervisor at my part-time college job lied to protect herself from getting in trouble and I lost my job because of it, my mom never once doubted that my side of the story was the truth.  In fact, she even helped me dispute it. 

Time and time again, whenever I would get myself into a pickle (or most of the time be dragged into a pickle – haha) she was always there hold my chin up, brush away my tears, and most importantly, let me know that she trusted and had faith in me.  It was vindicating to know that somebody did.

And if she ever doubted me, she certainly never let me know it.

F I V E – She is Completely Selfless

She would probably tell you otherwise, but don’t let her fool you.  I can’t even tell you how many times she has dropped what she was doing to come to my rescue for one thing or another.  From super serious times like when I had horrible back pain and thought I was going into early labor at eight months pregnant with Olivia, and like when I called at 5 in the morning on a Saturday to tell her that two-year old Jacob wasn’t able to breathe (my Daddy gets credit for this one, too – hi, Daddy!) to the non-serious times like when I had a minor meltdown when B was out of town a few months ago (hi again, Daddy!), she has always found a way to come to my aid.

And every time she swoops right in, takes action, and saves the day.  And she makes me feel comforted and loved every single time… she never acts inconvenienced or burdened.

This lady is so special to me and she is the lady who I will hold on a pedestal for all eternity. 

Happy Mother’s Day, Momma!  I love you and I’m so thankful for you every single day.

What would I ever do without you?

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. OH Lindsay, you are so beautiful inside and out and see exactly where you got it!! Your mom is an angel and has raised such an amazing woman and mother in you!! Happy Mother's Day to you both!!! xoxox

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea! Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you enjoy the weekend with your sweet babies. Even though they're not babies anymore! ;o)

  2. This is such a sweet post. By the end I was tearing up! Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom!

  3. Oh Lindsay! This is the sweetest post ever!! Happy Mother's Day to your mama and you! Hope y'all have a fantastic weekend!

  4. What a beautiful post Lindsay! Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Happy Mother's Day to both you & your mama!

  6. Love this! What a sweet way to honor your mom. She sounds like an amazing lady! Hope you both have a very happy Mother's day!

  7. Lindsay, this is just precious!! Love the photo of y'all at the ocean :)

  8. What a wonderful post!! Your mom sounds like an amazing mom. I love the pictures of you guys together. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  9. This is sooo sweet. Seriously tearing up over here. You two have an incredible bond like no other!

  10. Such a sweet post, Lindsay! I teared up reading this. Y'all's relationship reminds me so much of me and my moms relationship -- except my mom lives an hour away from me and I don't see her as often as I used to. But we would have Sunday dinner with them every week.
    I hope you two have a spectacular Mother's Day weekend!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  11. She sounds like a great mom and I love the pictures. You two look so much alike!

  12. What a sweet post! Happy early Mother's Day to you and your lovely momma!

    - Claudia

  13. This is the sweetest post, and I LOVE all of the pictures! Those are definitely ones to cherish. Happy early Mother's Day to you!

  14. Lindsay, I have tears reading this!! What a sweet tribute to your amazing Mama!! I love the relationship you two have! I hope you and her have a happy Mother's Day!! xo

  15. Lindsay, I absolutely love this post! Your mom sounds amazing and this is just the sweetest ever. All of these pictures are so precious and that one of you feeding the pig, so adorable! You both look a lot alike, such beautiful mamas. Happy Mother's Day to you both <3 Beautifully Candid

  16. This is the sweetest post ever! Your Mom sounds amazing and your pictures are beyond precious. You look just like her! I hope you both have a wonderful Mother's Day!

    1. Thank you so much, Erin! I hope you had a great weekend!

  17. So sweet!!! Your mom sounds like the best! Like you, I feel like I'm turning into my mom in certain areas and that is perfectly fine with me!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  18. Your mama is definitely a sweetheart!! My husband and your dad used to work together at the L-E and my mother and yours had a mutual admiration society at St. Anne's. So wonderful to see Bernadette through the eyes of her loving daughter!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh how neat! Thank you so much for your kind words and thank you for stopping by my blog! :o)

  19. Oh Lindsay, this was such a sweet tribute! What a wonderful and beautiful mother you have! Also, I couldn't get over how much you and Olivia look alike in these pictures from when you were younger. Loved this!

  20. Your mom is so beautiful!! Also... I literally did a triple-take when I saw some of your pictures because you look IDENTICAL to Olivia! I haven't read the other comments on this post yet, but surely other people are saying that! WOOWWW!!

  21. Beautiful tribue to your momma! And I agree with all of it. Moms are just the best!! :)

  22. So sweet- and what adorable pictures! Hope your babies spoil you rotten today- happy Mother's Day!

  23. This is super special Linds! Your Mom seems like an amazing woman and she's clearly passed her awesomeness down to you for raising your little ones!

  24. Love this and what you had to say! We never outgrow the need for our moms! I love that she writes song lyrics, that is just cool!

  25. Oh I love that you and your mama are so close. I wish my mom and I were something fierce. This was a beautiful tribute to your mama friend.

  26. Beautiful post, I'm very close to my mom as well :)

    Caitlin, Beauty & Colour

    1. Thank you so much, Caitlin! We are so very blessed to have them, aren't we?

  27. All of your mom's food sounds very good!


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