
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

What's Up Wednesday - April 2017

Happy Wednesday, friends! 

It’s funny how there are certain life events that really make you notice just how fast time flies.  For me, the main one is dentist appointments.  I go every six months and without fail, every single time I’m there I marvel at the fact that an entire half of a year has gone by since I last visited.  Because it always seems like it was just a few weeks. 

Another one is these What’s Up Wednesday posts.  Every month when I go to type mine up, I just cannot believe that another month has come and gone.  It’s mind boggling.  And I know I sound like a broken record because pretty much every month at the beginning of these posts I make some kind of comment about how I can’t believe it’s already time to do another one!

So in keeping with tradition, how is it possibly already time to be doing another one of these??

What We’re Eating This Week

Mon – Thai Lettuce Wraps with rice and broccolli
Tue – B is in a tennis tournament this week so the kids and I had brinner – eggs, grits, bacon, and fresh fruit for the win!
Wed – I might be going to dinner with friends, so it’s all up in the air for this night.  If I do, it’ll be sandwiches at home for B and the kids, and if I don’t, I’ll probably just thaw some Taco Joe’s. 
Thu – More tennis tournament for B, so the kids and I will be scavenging.
Fri – Out
Sat – Out
Sun – Sunday dinner at Momma and Daddy’s

Dessert - Strawberry Pie!

What I’m Reminiscing About

Jacob’s kindergarten graduation is just a few weeks away and it has me feeling so proud and sad at the same time.  I’ve been reminiscing about his Pre-K 4 graduation and all I can think about is how much I cried at that, so I can’t even imagine how it’s going to be at his kindergarten graduation.  

What I’m Loving

Spending so much time outside and all of the extra daylight!  We have been eating dinner and having drinks on the back porch, we’ve been going for walks after dinner in the evenings, and we have been frequenting lots of playgrounds in our area.  We’re trying to take it all in and enjoy it before the high temps and humidity settle in for the summer.  

What We’ve Been Up To

In April we celebrated my birthday, we had a couple of scary weather days, we saw Chris Stapleton in concert, we went to the strawberry patch, we went to an air show, we went to a Mother Son dance at Jacob’s school, we celebrated Easter, and we watched Olivia perform in her spring concert.  It’s been a busy one for sure!

What I’m Dreading

I don’t think there’s much to dread right now and I’m so blessed to most of the time be able to say that.  Last month I said that I was dreading the extreme heat and humidity that summer brings, so I guess I’ll just stick to that again this month!

What I’m Working On

I’m currently working on my fitness!  Haha.  Yes, I’m back at the gym at least twice a week, plus B got me this ah-mazing stair stepper to keep at home for the days when I can’t get to the gym and I am LOVING it.  This thing seriously kicks my butt every night and I work up a sweat within five minutes on it.  It’s lightweight, it’s tiny so you can store it anywhere, and it’s so cheap!!  If you’re looking for something to have at home to get a little cardio as well as tone your legs and butt, you need this!

In addition to trying to get my butt in shape for the beach, I’m also working on my tan (safely with sunscreen, I will add) as well.  Saturday afternoons have consisted of my lawn chair, some sunscreen, and a good book. 

For all things blog related, I am still working on growing my Instagram following.  If you are looking to grow yours, too, you should check out this post I did.  So far, I’ve been growing mine organically – no following and unfollowing unsuspecting people – and I shared my method in great detail here.

What I’m Excited About

THE BEACH!!!!  It’s only five and a half weeks away and I’m counting down the days!!  This year we are going for a full week!  Usually we go for four or five nights, but this year we decided to go ahead and book for seven days and six nights.  I am stoked.

What I’m Watching/Reading

Watching – still Gilmore Girls.  Now that a lot of our shows are on hiatus for the summer, we are trucking right along.  We are somewhere in the middle of season five, so we will probably be done in the next few weeks.  We will then be faced with the dilemma of what to watch next.  I’ve been hearing nothing but great things about 13 Reasons Why, but I’m not so sure I can handle the content.  It may be a little too intense for me.

Reading – You guys!  I’m happy to report that I finally finished Two by Two by Nicholas Sparks and I have moved on to Lauren Graham's Talking as Fast as I Can.  Two by Two was definitely not my favorite from Sparks… I was mad for pretty much all of the book.  It was definitely one of his darker ones, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s the product of him going through a divorce in real life while he was writing it? 

Lauren Graham’s book is an extremely easy read so far, and I love that she pretty much just writes in her own voice.  You can practically hear her reading it to you.  If you like Gilmore Girls and/or Parenthood, then you will love this book!  And thank you, Adrienne, for giving it to me for Christmas.  It’s a keeper.  :o)

And once I’m done with that one, I have all of these that I got for my birthday… what should I read first?!

What I’m Listening To

You can see my spring playlist here.

What I’m Wearing

The winter wardrobe has officially been retired and I am working the summer wardrobe.  I have pretty much been living in these dresses and these shoes and will probably continue to live in them for the next four months!

What I’m Doing This Weekend

Friday evening I’m hoping to get the kids to Disney on Ice.  It is all dependent upon B’s tennis tournament and a couple of other logistical things, but I’m hoping we can work it out!  Then Saturday evening B and I are going on a date to Jacob’s school fundraiser.  They typically do a Kentucky derby type of event like this one last year, but this year they decided to change it up and we are having a Casino Night.  B and I are huge fans of Vegas so we have done our share of gambling – Black Jack, Poker, Craps, you name it! – so we are really excited about this one!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

The annual employee appreciation picnic at B’s work, yet another concert and getaway for B and me to see Dave Matthews in Atlanta, and lots of events at Jacob’s school all leading up to… his graduation.  Am I excited about that?  You bet.  Am I also not excited about it?  Very much so.  I can’t believe I’m going to have a first grader soon!

What Else Is New

This is not new… it’s actually three years old, but it just showed up in my Time Hop the other day, and it made me smile.  It’s my very first OOTD pic with my girl!  She was just a few weeks old!  Oh my goodness, yet another reminder how time flies!  It’s just not fair how they’re only tiny for just a few months.

Happy Wednesday, everybody!

*Linking up with ShayMel, and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.

*This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. I said the exact same thing about the Nicholas Sparks book! Everyone else I knew loved it (my sister and Emily) but I was angry and mad while reading it! And I'm so jealous I can't go see Dave this tour! We've got a few things going on and it didn't work out schedule wise for us :(
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. It's so interesting how you either love or really dislike Two by Two! Sorry to hear that you were the latter! I had breakfast for dinner last night, too. It really hit the spot! You guys have lots of fun things coming up - can't wait to follow along!

  3. That strawberry pie looks SOO good! A beach trip sounds so fun. I'm ready to get to our beach place and don't think we will be able to go for several more weeks. Boo!

  4. Ooo you got the stair stepper!! Awesome!! And a full week at the beach sounds amazing! Are you going to FL again?

  5. April was a pretty good month for you, minus the scary weather. I still want a slice of the strawberry pie. :)

  6. Ooh so many books to read! I love that necklace you wore in your first ootd picture!

  7. Oh my goodness y'all have so many exciting things going on.... but at the end of the post I was still wondering about what Taco Joes are and thinking of how much I want cookie cake. Yup, I am hungry and clearly this healthy eating thing is making me absolutely crazy.

  8. That strawberry pie, those cute kiddos, lettuce wraps, that black and white top AND that necklace at the end of he post = l-o-v-e!!!

  9. We SHOULD be doing dinner tonight, but I digress. And all the praise hands that the Lauren Graham book is worth it! Glad you are enjoying it. :)

  10. I just LOVE Dave Matthews Band and summer always makes me think about his concerts here at the Gorge (a huge outside venue in Washington). I love them! Also, those swing dresses are the best. And I feel your thoughts and sentiments about kindergarten graduation. Guy is graduating next month and I am feeling all the feelings. Happy Wednesday!

    1. A fellow DMB lover?! Well we will definitely be BFFs then! ANd yes, girl, I know exactly what The Gorge is!! It's on my bucket list to see them there... that would be my ultimate concert!! One day!

  11. I love that you have a weekly standing dinner with your parents- that's so nice for your kids (and for you to not have to cook!)

  12. Wow you guys had a busy April and May sounds like it will be so much fun! Your strawberry pie looks amazing! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!

  13. That picture of you and Jacob is adorable! Kindergarten graduation already?! You have so many fun things coming up. Your backyard patio looks so relaxing <3 Beautifully Candid

  14. Yes to all the time outdoors, and how is he already graduating kindergarten?! And I need to try that strawberry pie - YUM <3
    Green Fashionista

  15. Just added that stair stepper to my Amazon list, ha! Thanks for the idea. I love how small it is, and more importantly how cheap it is. Is it really a good work out? And, that photo of you and Jacob seriously makes my heart melt. I don't know how I'm going to handle Kindergarten graduation. Can you please mentally and emotionally prepare me once we get there?! Your dates this month have been epic! We're hoping to add some to our summer plans!

  16. Lots of fun stuff coming up. I love that throwback picture of Olivia. She was so tiny there. I need this Taco Joes recipe you always talk about.

  17. So glad you listed the Lauren Graham book...I keep forgetting about that one and you have me second guessing Two by Two on my list!! Kinder graduation seems forever ago..even for my youngest.

  18. I am so happy you got the stairstepper, you know how much I love mine! I can step away while watching TV, I even browse blogs on my iPad, ha ha. You've had such a good month girl, but how exciting that summer is almost here and I can't believe your little man is going to graduate from kindergarten! So sweet

    1. Haha. Yep, multitasking! And yes, girl, we've had a pretty darn good month. I'm thankful that we had no issues with the severe weather!

  19. Love your back porch and yay for a trip to the beach! Love summer and all the fun it brings for sure! Happy Wednesday!

  20. Mmm that strawberry pie looks delicious! We've been loving the extra daylight too - it's finally starting to warm up around here and I can't wait to spend nights on the deck!

  21. We are LOVING all the time outside, as well! I can't believe this school year is about to come to an end...crazy!!!
    I am in LOVE with the Old Navy swing dresses!!

  22. Ok that stair stepper is amazing - I've been wanting one to have for days I can't make it to the gym!! You had a pretty packed April which is awesome! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  23. Love Blue Moon! DMB...have seen him in concert over 10 times!
    Thanks for linking up with us :)

  24. What a crazy month!!! That strawberry pie looks amazing. And your porch is heavenly. If I lived there I would never go inside.

  25. I feel like you and me have the same tastes in books, lets do some book books are stacking up...hehe. What a great month of April, so many things to celebrate.

  26. I just got one of the old navy swing dresses, per your recommendation, and am in LOVE!


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