Monday, April 3, 2017

The Weekend With One of My Birthday Celebrations + CASH GIVEAWAY!!!!

This weekend was a good one!  The weather was perfect, we got a lot done, we had lots of family time, and we had some time to just relax.

We kicked off the weekend with the first of my birthday celebrations on Friday evening.  My father-in-law, sis-in-law, bro-in-law, and nephews met us at Olive Garden for dinner, and then we headed back to my FIL’s house for presents and cake.  Olivia helped me blow out my candles and, y’all, look at the expression on her face when my FIL was lighting the candles.  #Classic  I had no idea that she was even making those faces until I saw the pictures, but she was extremely concerned about the fire and she was talking about how she doesn’t like it.  Lol.

Saturday the weather was ideal.  The high was in the mid-seventies, there was a cool breeze, and the sky was as blue as I’ve ever seen it… not a single cloud in the sky.  We cranked up some music (Ed Sheeran’s newest album… can’t get enough!) and set out clean off the porch and get it ready for the summer.  We moved everything off the porch and I hosed the furniture and pillows down while B cleaned off the porch. 

B had to play tennis around lunchtime, so we finished up the cleaning, and then it was time to get the kids some lunch.  Afterward, I painted Olivia’s little fingers and toes, and then I put her down for her nap, and then I rewarded myself with some relaxation out in the sun.  I put on my swimsuit, grabbed some sunscreen and my book, and I laid out in the sun for a little over an hour.  Pure heaven.

Saturday evening we went to church, and it was finally warm enough to bust out the spring dresses and sandals.  I had gotten just the right amount of sun, so I was on a Vitamin D high for the rest of the evening and it felt amazing.  The kids looked so stinking cute in their spring colors, so I had to snap a few pictures of them… impossible these days, I tell ya!  Jacob is always running off and Olivia never looks at the camera, so we’ll call these a win!

We met my parents and my uncle and his girlfriend at one of our favorite local pubs for brewskies and dinner, and then we headed home to binge watch GG.

Sunday was lunch at my mother-in-law’s and then the kids played in the garden forever.  Olivia had refused to wear shorts and tennis shoes, and had decided instead to wear one of her “pretty dresses” and then she got it all dirty playing in the muddy water.  Sigh.  #JustWearYourJunkClothesForOnce

Late afternoon was spent relaxing because, for once, there was no laundry to be done, and then Sunday evening was spent at my parents’ house.  We brought the fixins’ to make Moscow Mules to go with our chicken and dumplins, French green beans, and roasted brussel sprouts with bacon that my Momma made.  I'm drooling just thinking about it!

After dinner we took a walk down by the lake to soak up just a little more outdoor time.  It was perfection.

It was another great weekend... bring on the week!

Now a little something for you to stick around for... A GIVEAWAY!!!!  

I have teamed up with some lovely ladies to give away $50 in PayPal cash!!!!  You can enter via the Rafflecopter below.  It will be up for one week so tell your friends about it!  And good luck!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for WeekendingMy Glittery Heart for Hello Monday,  More Pieces of Me for Hello Monday Linkup, and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. What a beautiful weekend! Your porch looks beautiful! Bring on your birthday week gorgeous mama!! XoXo

    1. Thank you, Andrea! I hope you had a fabulous time in Vegas!!

  2. Such a great weekend. Love that you were able to get out and enjoy a little me time! Olivia's face is hilarious with the candles - she was not sure about that at all, haha.

  3. Yay for cleaning off the porch and preparing for lots of time out there. Sounds like you had a great weekend.

  4. The weather this weekend was perfect for being outside! And your cake looks really good, too!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  5. Love the help little miss gave you blowing out your candles!! Love how much time you guys spent outside - that is just the best! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. I can not wait until the weather warms up and I can bust out some dresses! It looks like you had a fun filled weekend! :)

    1. I have definitely missed my sundresses! It's nice to have them back!

  7. Sounds like an awesome weekend! It's kind of hard to believe that other parts of the country are having this gorgeous weather while we are having the crappiest LOL! So jealous of you laying out!! What a fun giveaway!!

  8. Thanks for the chance to win! I love your church outfits and those pink shorts with navy blue top- great color combo! Happy Monday!

  9. What a fun weekend! Birthday celebrations are always the best. Olivia's face cracks me up!

  10. My very favorite weekends in the year are usually when the weather changes in the Spring and in the Fall. It's so nice that you got to spend some time outside!

    - Claudia

    1. Mine too! The in between seasons will always be my favorite. <3

    2. Where is Olivia's cute pom pom dress from? I love it!

  11. I totally meant to join the giveaway.... and forgot. Oooopps! What a fantastic weekend friend. Your summer wardrobes were leaving me swooning. It has been so cool and rainy here. I am over it.

  12. Sounds like it was a great weekend! Happy Birthday!

  13. Yay for a lovely weekend! I'm loving Olivia's face! Oh my gosh, too cute! I'm tooootally jealous of your warm weather! Can you blow some up north, please? We went to the park this weekend and while the weather wasn't terrible it definitely wasn't bathing suit worthy. I still wore my winter coat with a fur lined hood. I just couldn't get warm. Also, looooving all the bright and cheerful clothing colors! Seriously, I want your weather!

  14. What a fun weekend full of love!! Olivia not wanting to wear her junk clothes, made me giggle. I was totally like her growing up, my mom says I NEVER wanted to wear my play clothes out -- it always had to be my pretty, nice clothes...and of course, always ended up DIRTY! Too funny!
    You guys had amazing weather! It was cold, rainy and gloomy all weekend for us. Boo!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  15. I wish we could get some nice weather over here! It won't stop raining! Glad you had a great weekend!

  16. I'm sooo jealous of that weather! I'm so ready for some sunshine and warm days! I'm loving Olivia's dresses. They are so pretty! And that picture of them cuddling on the dock, so cute! :) Happy Monday!

    1. If it makes you feel any better we had tornadoes roll through here today. EEK. It was so scary, but we are all ok, thankfully! And yes, that picture... I DIE!

  17. What a great weekend! Spring weather is just the best.

  18. The weather was AMAZING this weekend! I sprayed off our decks Friday night!! But girl...this pollen needs to go on! I'm over it already! Ha

  19. How sweet are those pictures of the kiddos! And yay for nice weather and relaxation, cheers to a fabulous week gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  20. Happy Birthday to You! Your cake looks delicious. Her face is too funny in that picture! I love Ed Sheean's new album as well. So good!

    1. Thank you!! And isn't it SO great?! I just love him.

  21. Sunshine and reading sounds absolutely divine.

    1. It most definitely was. And then today we had crappy weather, so it was nice that the good weather was here for the weekend.

  22. Yay for the Birthday celebrations! I love kicking it off with family. So sweet. And, is it just me or does Olivia look even bigger/taller in those photos?! Love her sweet dresses...and yours! Like Momma like daughter. Your Mom sounds like such an amazing cook too!

  23. What a great birthday weekend! Happy belated birthday!! I love the pics of you and Olivia blowing out the candles, haha her face <3! What gorgeous weather you had! Oh how I can't wait for these legs of mine to get some sun. Beautifully Candid

  24. Can you please send some sunshine up my way?! It's all rain and gray around these parts and well, I'm over it!

  25. Hi Lindsay. I am looking at this blog post and these photos with my daughter and she loves all the pictures of your girl. She said that she is very pretty and loves all of her dresses.

    I'd love for you to stop by Thursdays and linkup with me. Share your awesome style and blog with me and my readers. Thanks and Happy Tuesday!

    Ada. =)

  26. Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a lovely weekend. I look forward to when it's time to get my back porch and deck ready for the warm weather! (I practically live outside in my porch swing.) Hooray for just the right amount of sun too! Your kids are adorable. Thanks for linking, Lindsay!

    1. Thank you! And oh to have a porch swing! That would be a dream! It's on my list of things to add one day. :o)

  27. Looks like a great weekend!!! Birthdays, warm weather, pretty dresses and yummy eats!!!


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