
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Girl Chat - Easter Traditions

Easter – one of my favorite holidays!   The weather is warm and breezy, the air is filled with the sweet scent of wisteria, and everything is in full bloom.  Jesus is risen and the promise of new life is everywhere!

I was raised Catholic and we, like all Christians, celebrate Easter each year.  Easter has always been a big holiday in our family and we have several traditions that have been around since I was a little girl.  Now that I have a family of my own, I have adopted and continued several of those traditions and we have also started new traditions as well.

Leading Up to Easter…

School Easter Parade

The daycare that we used for Jacob and still use for Olivia hosts an Easter Parade every single year, typically on Good Friday.  They close down the block by the school, and the kids dress up and parade around celebrating Jesus.  We have been doing this since Jacob was a baby and we only have two parades left as Olivia will move over to be with Jacob at his school for Pre-K 4 the year after next.  I will definitely be sad to say goodbye to this tradition.


Easter Egg Hunts at School

The daycare has been hosting egg hunts for the kiddos since they were two years old, and Jacob’s current school does the same thing.  We usually stuff 12-24 eggs and send them in.  This year we’re doing bubbles and fruit snacks. 

 Dyeing Easter Eggs

Dyeing eggs is something that I’ve been doing since I was little.  I stopped for a while in college and while B and I were newlyweds, but we brought it back in 2015 when Jacob was three, and I’m sure we’ll continue as long as the kiddos enjoy it!

New Easter Dress

Pretty much every year since I was tiny, I have always gotten a new Easter dress.  (You’ll see that in the pictures down below.)  I remember it was always so special growing up because we would always go shopping just for that specific purpose.  I still do the same thing now as an adult because – any excuse to get a new dress, right?  ;o)

In need of some ideas for this year?  Time is almost out, but I’m absolutely loving this one, this one, and this one.  But this one is my absolute favorite and you can't beat the price!  Unfortunately the one that I'm wearing this year is sold out, so I can't link it, but stay tuned... pics will be up Monday!

On Easter Sunday…

Easter Baskets

Our parents always gave my brothers and me Easter baskets filled with candy as well as a couple of trinkets/DVDs/stickers/toys growing up, and fun fact, they still give us an Easter basket.  Yes, at 35 years old, the Easter Bunny still visits my parents’ house to bring me treats.  ;o)

Now that we have kids, we are doing the same for them.  When Brian was little, the Easter Bunny would fill their baskets and then hide them around the house before he left.  Fun, huh?  Brian asked if we could continue this tradition with ours and I thought it was a great idea.  The kids always wake up excited for the challenge of finding their basket!  I had never heard of this before Brian came along.  Do any of you hide Easter baskets?

2015 Easter basket stuff for Olivia

2015 Eastern basket stuff for Jacob
2016 baskets


On typical weekends, we like to go to the 5:30 mass on Saturday evenings just because it fits well with our schedule, but on Easter weekend, we always get up and go to 10:30 mass on Sunday morning.  The church is always gorgeous on Easter and it’s one of my favorite masses of the whole year.  There is nothing like celebrating Jesus’ resurrection!  Plus, some of my favorite church hymns are some of the ones sung on Easter Sunday… Jesus Christ is Risen Today being one of them.


Family Pictures

After mass, we always always take family pictures.  We have been doing this since I was itty bitty and I have a boatload of pictures below to prove it.  I was able to dig in the ol’ archives and pull out some total gems to share with you today.  Oh, how I cherish these old photos!  Pictures are always taken outside at our church, my grandparents’ house, or my parents’ house.  And please don’t judge my 90’s pictures.  All I can say is EEEK!





























Lunch with Brian’s Family + Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is the only holiday where B and I have conflicting family gatherings.  Since his family’s always starts slightly earlier, we always go there first and eat with them and then we have an Easter egg hunt for our babies as well as our nieces and nephews.  My MIL and step-FIL always make a huge spread of deliciousness – ham, mashed potatoes, corn casserole, pineapple casserole, rolls, etc. and we eat and eat and eat.  And then we walk it off hiding eggs.  ;o)



Lunch with My Extended Family

Before I married B, I would always eat with my family as my mom’s entire extended family always gathers at my grandparents’ (or now, my aunt and uncle’s instead) for a traditional Southern Easter lunch.  Everyone brings a dish – ham, deviled eggs, potato salad, mashed potatoes, salad, green bean casserole, etc. and then we eat and eat and eat. 

Now that we go to my in-laws’ house instead, we don’t eat with my family, but we still always go over there to see everyone when we’re done with B’s fam.

Wine and Cheese Board for Dinner on Easter Sunday

Since we are always so stuffed from lunch, we don’t really do much for dinner on Sunday evening.  A few years ago, B and I made a cheese board accompanied with some wine and we had that to snack on.  It seemed to stick and we’ve done that the last couple of years since.  I wouldn’t say it’s a tradition that will stick around forever, but I will say that you can’t go wrong with wine and a nice cheese board!  #AmIRight

And Finally, Sometimes on Easter…

…we celebrate my birthday!  My birthday is April 5, so it often falls around Easter.  Back in 2015 is was actually on Easter Sunday so my family got a cake for me.  And since my grandmother’s birthday and my cousin’s birthday are also near Easter, we sometimes celebrate them, too!  Or we celebrate all of us together.  Therefore, it’s not uncommon to see a birthday cake at our gathering on my side of the family.

And there you have it!  Lots of fun things!  And they are all going to get started tomorrow!  I can’t wait!

If you want to see past Easter recaps, they are below!


*Linking up with Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.

*This post may contain affiliate links.

To link up – just grab our graphic, link up, and let’s get to chatting!  Make sure to stop by a few others in the link up for an extra bit of girl chat!

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Danielle - Bloglovin / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter


  1. My parents always hid our Easter baskets! Fun to hear about another family that does it as well!

  2. Great traditions! My parents always hid our Easter baskets. So much fun to search for it.

  3. Aww love hearing about all your traditions!! My parents (and my MIL) still give us baskets too :) I also love "Jesus Christ is Risen Today", although a song I always remember is "Day is Dawning" a song I sang when I was in church choir back in elementary school. Also, how did I not know how brown your hair is!!

    1. Ooooh I don't think I know that one. I will have to look it up! And yes, girl, my hair is soooo dark naturally.

  4. I love that the daycare does a parade! How fun is that! Girl, those throwback pics are pricelss! I loved looking at all of them! I can't wait to dye eggs this year with the kids!

  5. I love reading about people's traditions for holidays! I'm so excited to start traditions with our little one!
    (P.S. I just bought 6 dresses at Old Navy thanks to you hahaha)

  6. Loved seeing all your childhood pictures! Also, love that you had a doggie basket in your 2016 picture haha.

    - Claudia

  7. How fun was this post? I love seeing how everyone celebrates special days. I love all the traditions you have, including that wine and cheese board...what a great snack/dinner idea for that evening. I loved seeing all of your childhood pictures, it reminded me of my own Easter dresses with the frilly socks and the big bonnets. Have a great day Lindsay!

    1. Thank you, Jenna! Yes, we were all about the frills back then weren't we? I hope you and your family have the happiest Easter!

  8. I love this! How fun your daycare does an Easter parade. There really is nothing better than celebrating Jesus' resurrection! I love, love, love the throwback family pics! Your parents did so good with getting pics of you guys. I feel like that's why I take a ton of pics with my boys now because there are so many forgotten moments from my childhood. Beautifully Candid

  9. My mom's birthday is April 4th, so it sometimes falls on Easter as well. My parents hid our Easter baskets too. And now we do that for the girls, though it hasn't been hard in years past. I can't wait to do it more as the years come. We always dyed eggs too, but my girls are still small. Next year. Love all the Easter photos from years past. I am going to my parents on Friday so I wasn't able to get mine out. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Easter is one of my favorite holidays as well! I love that you have traditions that you’ve carried on since you were little! I miss PreSchool and Easter parades and activities. Now that Mason is in public school they do not celebrate Easter much at all. They have to politically correct or whatever. Ugh! I’m glad my boy knows the true meaning of Easter and will tell anyone he comes in contact with! I love Church, but Church on Easter is so different and special!! I love to see the pews fill up (since so many people only go to church on Easter). It’s my prayer that many will be led to salvation that day and keep coming back!! Oh my word! I love all of the throwback photos. What a great Easter photo round-up you have shared. Adorable! I hope you and your family has an amazing Easter!!

  11. I absolutely LOVED reading this post Linds. It was so cute to take a walk through your past with the photos. What an adorable family. And, I love the traditions you guys have kept alive as well as the ones you've started on your own! Great post!

  12. Wow what an amazing post girl! I loved being able to see all your pictures from past Easters - they are beautiful! It was such a neat idea to add all of them. So cool :)

    1. Thank you! I almost didn't post a few because I look so awkward, but eh, it's a part of my life, so why not?

  13. Oh wow... those easter pictures through the years are so cool to see time caught in a moment. So neat... & love the one with your dad wearing your hat :) Precious.
    An easter parade? I would LOVEEEE for our town to have one of those - how fun!

  14. Love your throwbacks! The picture of you and your mom in the 90s looks just like your daughter today! I miss the traditional Easters that I had similar to yours- now that I'm married, we always have to head down to the husband's hometown and have a BBQ on Saturday instead. It's fun but not the same. :( Have a great Easter!

  15. I love all your throwback pictures! So fun! Our Easter traditions are pretty much the same. I have such fond memories of going shopping with my Grandma for a Easter dress. I still get a new dress each Easter!

    1. I do the same thing! Nothing wrong with a little bit of shopping!

  16. That Knox Rose dress is totally my favorite, too! I love getting a new dress for Easter every year, I think because there are always so many pretty spring options and they are such pretty pastel colors! Yay for dying Easter eggs, we are easing into that tradition with our boys :-)

  17. oh my goodness, I LOVE all of the old family pictures. Love, love, love it! And my parents when we got older started to hide the baskets, otherwise they were just out. My Dad's birthday is on Easter this year :) I have yet to buy a gift, yikes!

  18. What awesome traditions you have!! Love all the older pictures, I can totally see Jacob in you!!
    And how fun to hide the Easter baskets!!

    1. Yes, girl, he looks just like my littlest brother and me! It's freaky sometimes!

  19. Such sweet tradition. The Easter parade sounds like so much fun, I know the kids have the best time. I also love that your family takes a picture together every year, it was fun to look back through all of those years and see all of you change and grow!!

    pumps and push-ups

    1. Thank you, Brooke. I am so thankful that my parents took all of those pictures throughout the years. Now everyone understands why I take pictures so much! Haha. Happy Easter to you and your family!

  20. I love traditions!! And I cannot believe you had brown hair! Me too! I get my roots done every 8 weeks!

  21. This post amazes me. How in the world do you have all of these pictures from when you were little? That would take me months to go through my mom's albums! Lady, you inspire me to become more organized and intentional with my photos! Thanks for that! :) :) :)

  22. Those family photos through the years are THE best! I totally failed to get a photo of the 4 of us together... but things were a little less than planned this year so I count any photos I got as a miracle. I hope y'all had a great day.

  23. Wow, I love all the pictures! And a wine & cheese board for Easter dinner?? Sign me up! :)


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