
Friday, January 20, 2017

Five on Friday - Favorites

Hello, Friday.  I’ve been waiting for you all week!

We’ve had another rough week this week… we fought ants all during the earlier part of the week (although, they seem to have ceased since the pest control people came – thank goodness), Olivia is still waking in the middle of the night each night which has resulted in us losing lots of sleep, work has been crappy, Jacob has been sick, Olivia has been really sick, and now B is coming down with whatever the kids have had.  I have been so frazzled that I completely missed Maui’s vet appointment Tuesday morning.  I just totally forgot.  And ladies, I have never missed a single appointment in my entire life.  Sigh.  2017 is just not off to a good start.  I keep thinking each week that it’s going to turn around, but so far… nope. 

It could be much much worse, I know, so I’m trying to stay positive because that is, after all, one of my New Year’s resolutions, and we are all so blessed in many other ways.  :o)  So to start the weekend on a positive note, let’s talk about some favorites!

O N E – Valentine’s Décor

Wednesday night I finally had a few spare minutes to pull out the Valentine’s décor and I was pleased as punch when I came across my black and white pitcher that I had gotten at the Target dollar spot last year.  You guys, I’m going to love this thing forever.  I think I need to make it part of my permanent home décor.

T W O – New Phone

As big of a pain as it was to get switched over, I am loving every second of having this new iPhone!  I had forgotten what it was like to have a phone that stayed charged all day!  It’s so convenient!  My old one was so bad, it was practically a landline. 

T H R E E – Featured

The sweet ladies of The Blended Blog featured my post about how I wore something different every single day for a whole year.  Check it out!  And you can see my original post here.

F O U R – Mind Blown

Y’all probably already know this little tidbit of information, but I just had my mind blown at the discovery of something this week.  Did you know that Jack from This is Us is Jess from Gilmore Girls?!?!  Every time we watch This is Us, I always think that Jack’s voice sounds so familiar but I can never figure out why.  The other night while we were watching, Brian paused the TV and said, “Is Jack from This is Us Jess from Gilmore Girls??”  So we Googled it, and yep, it is! 

I know a lot of you are probably face-palming right now because, duh, this is common knowledge, but y’all, I had no idea!!  I never watched Gilmore Girls and we are only just now binge-watching season two right now.  Also, it’s been 15 years since GG so the actor has matured and grown a heap of facial hair since then, too.  Haha.  I guess you can see how I wasn’t able to make the connection.

F I V E – Another Dress for the Ball?

Well, you guys voted on dresses for me last week, and the vote was split pretty evenly between #1 with sequins and #3 with black lace.  I decided to go with the sequins since they are more fun, but then I came across two new dresses online that I think I like better than all of those other options.  What do you guys think?

The original sequins dress that you saw last week?

This red dress?

Or this white dress?

The red dress and the white dress are only online so there’s no way for me to try them on, but for free shipping and free returns - AND HELLO, THE PRICES! - it wouldn’t be a problem to just order them both and return whichever one I don’t want (or both if they are hideous in person). 

So assuming that those dresses fit me like they do on the models (ha!) which one do you gals like the best?  Sequins?  Red?  Or white?  I’m seriously drooling over those sleeves on the red one.  It is so classy!

Thanks in advance for your vote, and happy weekend!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. I am so sorry your year is off to a rough spot:(
    Hope the weekend is great! I had no idea Jess and Jack were the same person! I didn't watch GG either when it was on...I'm watching it now! Just started season 5! Crazy!
    Oh and good luck with the dresses! They are all beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Heather. Hopefully we're getting out all of the bad in January and the rest of the year will be roses! ;o)

      And I'm so glad that someone else didn't realize that either! I thought I was the only one who didn't know!

  2. I'm sorry that this week has been so rough. Sickness definitely doesn't help. I hope everyone is feeling back to normal soon. Love the red dress that you shared. So pretty.

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry you guys are sick-I hope you are on the mend soon! I still love the sequin number, but I'm crazy about that red! Don't hate me if I buy it haha that price is ridiculous!!!

  4. I'm voting for the red dress!! I think it would look so much better with your hair and skin color! And don't you just love getting a new phone?! I got a new one about 6 months ago so now I'm already looking forward to when I can upgrade and get another new one haha!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  5. Work has been crappy this week for me, too. Positive thoughts though - it's finally Friday!!! Definitely love that red one. The sleeves are so unexpected, yet classy like you said. Show stopper! Hope everyone in your house feels better soon...and that you don't get the same bug.

  6. Oh man. Hopefully your days start to turn around. It's never fun having a household full of sickness as well as crazy, exhausting days. It's almost the weekend, Mama!

    As for the dresses. The sequins one is very pretty, but I agree that the sleeves on that red one are so classy, not mention amazing!! You could rock that dress, girl!

  7. I hope your weekend gives you chance to relax (at least as much as a mom can relax). My vote is still the sequin dress. I just love it so much!

    1. Thank you, Danielle! I'll have to see how it goes after I try the new ones on!

  8. All of the dresses are super pretty but that red on is my very favorite! I hope you are all feeling better soon and can enjoy the weekend!

  9. Oh girl, I am so sorry, but I feel a turn around is coming and the rough spots are dying down and everyone is going to get healthy!! So happy you picked the sequin dress!! I hope you can enjoy some relaxation this weekend pretty lady!!

    1. I sure hope so! Hopefully February is going to be better! Have a great weekend, girl!

  10. SHUT UP!!!!! You totally just blew the heck out of my mind that Jess is Jack!!! did I NOT see this. And I never liked Jess....but am in love with Jack. haha Red...the red...when in doubt always wear red...I can see you rocking that dress!

  11. Hahahaha yes, Jess is Jack!! He sure does age well :) OMG those new dresses throw me for a loop!! I love that white one!! Happy Weekend girl!!

  12. Oh gosh! You made me laugh because yes! Jess is Jack!

  13. I'm laughing at the comparison - I didn't realize that you didn't know that was the same person!! I hope everyone feels better soon!! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  14. My vote is now for the red dress! Hope everyone is feeling better!

    Doused In Pink

    1. Thanks for voting! I'm leaning toward the red one as well, assuming it fits well! Have a great weekend!

  15. So sorry you guys have had a rough start...seriously no fun!
    Oh man...the red dress is stunning -- I vote red!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  16. I hope your weekend gets better and all the germs, and ants, stay away! Wow this is a tough one. I like the red dress but sometimes really big sleeves and off the shoulders can overpower a person (not saying you). I think I will have to go with the white one and if there is dancing involved I'd probably prefer to have some sort of strap. Have a great weekend! Beautifully Candid

  17. I hope 2017 turns around for you soon! I like the sequins dress, but I also like the red dress. I think the color will look great with your skin tone and hair...but I love how fun sequins are too. Obviously, I'm no help!

  18. Found your blog through the link up! And about died when I saw that vase.. how cute! I love bold patterns - and that will go so pretty with the pinks and reds of Valentine's Day. Hope your little family starts feeling better soon!

    1. Isn't it darling? I'm so glad I got one last year! I actually bought two so I could have one as a permanent fixture in my office. I love it so much!

  19. Hang in there...Spring is coming!!! Well you were right. A face palm moment for sure. I had no idea Jess was Jack. Good grief!!! Thanks😀 I think you should definitely try the red and the white dresses. Love them both!!! Have a great weekend.!!!

  20. Emily had wrote me about Jess being Jack and I told her yes I know. But only because I had just finished GG right before This Is Us came out. I LOVE Milo. He is such a great actor. And I vote the red dress. It is very pretty and you can wear red lipstick, some sparkly jewelry and some killer shoes with it.

  21. oh man, well that means that the rest of 2017 will be better right?! Haha, of the ONLY reasons I really wanted to see This Is Us, before anyone watched it, that and Mandy Moore. Have the best weekend, I know it will be filled with lots of eating with family :)

  22. I'm so sorry you had a tough week. I hope you get to relax this weekend! XOXO I have my black and white pitcher on my table, too. One of my favorite Target Dollar Spot finds ever!

    1. Right?! It's perfect! Hope you had a great weekend, Stef!

  23. Oh my gosh, that red dress!! LOVE!! Also, kudos to your Target find from last year!! I have a clearance St. Patrick's Day chalkboard from Target circa 2010, and I get giddy each year when I take it out (clearance sticker and all!)

  24. Congrats on being featured. So cool! Hoping this weekend allows you guys to relax a little. I totally feel ya on how lack of sleep and sickness can just drain you. It's no fun. Hoping for a healthier weekend.

  25. Love your dress! your little girl is lovely :)
    Cathy Vargas
    Vintage Inspired Clothing

    1. Thank you so much, Cathy! Hope you had a great weekend!

  26. also took me a while to figure out the Gilmore Girls he is sexy. Have a great weekend.

  27. Congratulations on being featured! That is so exciting. Also, I LOVE both the white and red dresses. That would be hard to choose from. I am sending you sleep vibes!!!

    1. Thank you! I will let you guys know which one I choose!

  28. No way, I didn't know that about Jack either, My husband and I watch it every weekI Love me some...."This is us"....;) My son and my father are both getting over pneumonia and I have been feeling crappy too....can't wait for it to end. Love that sequin one on you, but that red is soooo your color!!!

    1. Oh now! I hope you guys feel better soon, too! there is so much junk going around right now!

  29. I'm so impressed - 366 different outfits?? I need you to be my stylist. I tend to wear the same things over and over. More importantly though, wishing your family a speedy recovery! Hope you are all on the mend and are able to enjoy the weekend! P.S. Love the red dress!

    1. Haha. Thank you! I was the same way and that's why I was glad I did the challenge. It made me come out of my mold a bit! And thank you! We are hopefully all on the mend now!

  30. You are looking good in white dress. I'm sorry for your rough year.

    - Gustavo Woltmann

  31. I say order them... because why not, lololol! Wow has "Jack" gotten cuter with age. So sorry you had a rough week. I hope next week is better!

  32. Oh my gosh I never noticed that either!!! Now I'm like DUH haha! I'm so sorry your 2017 has been such a downer :( praying it gets better for you soon!!

    1. Haha. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't notice that! And thank you! I'm sure it will look up soon!

  33. I love the white dress! And YES to all the Valentine's Day decor! I struggled to not buy out the entire dollar spot at Target because everything is just so cute this year!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House


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