
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

Well hello there, day before I decorate for fall!!  EEEEK.  I have never been so excited to end a month in all of my life.  I am already on a fall high and tomorrow is the big day!!  And you better believe, I’ll be waving my fall flag proudly.  Heck, I might even go ahead and just decorate tonight.  ;o)

What We’re Eating This Week

Monday – Sausage, Peppers, and Onions Tacos, and Lime Chips, courtesy of Shay.

Tuesday – Rosemary Wine Chicken (will post the recipe soon… it’s incredible), mashed potatoes, broccoli

Wednesday – B is playing tennis in the evening, so we’ll likely feed the kids sandwiches, and he and I will have something that he picks up on the way home… Zaxby’s or Chick-Fil-A, maybe?

Thursday – I’m taking Olivia to her first dance class (heart eyes), so we’ll likely have to have sandwiches or something light at home again.

Friday – B has to work Friday night (a rare circumstance), so the kids and I will probably be having, you guessed it, sandwiches… maybe grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup?  Too much going on this week, not a lot of time to cook!

Saturday – B and I will be in ATL for the Georgia game, so we’ll be eating stadium fooood!!!!  I can’t freaking wait!

Sunday – Dinner at my Mom and Daddy’s house.  The usual good Sunday din! 

As I’ve mentioned 220,723,225 times already, I received an advanced copy of Shay's new cookbook, Eats, and I’ve been poring over it so I can start making some new recipes.  We just made her Taco Joe’s last week and they were so good.  You can pre-order it on Amazon now if you’re interested.

What I’m Reminiscing About

GA games past… it’s almost time to gear up for the new season!  Last year we went to the Georgia/Alabama game and it rained the entire day.  Hopefully we'll have better luck this year!

What I’m Loving

Working out.  I joined a gym a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been going on my lunchbreak and walking on the treadmill.  It’s making me feel great!  I’m also getting a lot of good use out of all of my cute workout clothes, and now other people can see them besides just Brian and me.  Haha.  You can see all of my workout faves here.

What We’ve Been Up To

We finally finished Jacob’s big boy room!!  After several months of decisions, hard work, and decorating, it’s finally done. You can tour it here.

I also completed and photographed our travel gallery wall and shared it on the blog, and I wrote my 300th post.  It’s been a big month for blog posts!  

We’ve also been baking more than usual… we made some delicious Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins last weekend and we made my very favorite Blueberry Lemon Drop Cookies a couple of weekends ago.

What I’m Dreading

What’s to dread?  My favorite four months of the year are finally here!

What I’m Working On

I hate to sound redundant, but I’m pretty much just focused on getting the house decorated for fall.  I’m hoping to have it done by the end of the evening tomorrow so it will be all ready for the weekend. Since Brian is working Friday night, I’m planning on pouring a glass of wine, putting on my snuggliest jammies, and watching something super girly while basking in the glow of my fall décor.  Lol.  I will likely post another fall home tour this year, even though it will likely be similar to last year’s.  If you missed last year’s you can see it here.  And also, if you’re looking for an idea on how to keep all of your children’s fall and Halloween books organized and readily available to your kids, check out my Seasonal Book Crate post.  It’s good stuff.

What I’m Excited About

Fall!  College football!  Fall!  College football!  You know, same as last month!  ;o)  I did a post about all things fall last Friday and Shay from Mix and Match Mama commented on it!!!!  #TotalFangirlingCommencing  #ImAwareThatImABigBigDork

What I’m Watching/Reading

Watching – Bachelor in Paradise, Friday Night Lights, America’s Got Talent… although, that’s mostly for B… I just kind of listen to it while I’m doing other things.

Reading – Ugh, I was just commenting on Shay’s book post for the month of August yesterday that I’m reading the worst book evarrrr.  Keep Me Posted by Lisa Beazley... SO. BORING.  I actually bought it because I thought the cover was cute (guess that'll teach me!), and when I researched the reviews someone had said, "If you like Emily Giffin, then you will love this book."  Well, being as how Emily Giffin is pretty much my favorite author, I snatched the book up really fast and had really high expectations for it.  However, I'd like to smack whoever said that because it's so far from the truth that it's not even funny.  The characters are underdeveloped, the author uses lots of big words which, to me, comes off like she's trying too hard, and the book is just, well, BORING.  As a matter of fact, I had to Google the name of it when I typed this because I couldn't even remember it!  And I'm CURRENTLY reading it.  Sigh.  I kinda just want to toss it in the trash, but I feel like I'm too invested now, so I'm trudging on through.  It’s like I'm in high school all over again being forced to read something I hate.  Haha. 

Anybody wanna buy mine when I’m done?  Haha.

What I’m Listening To

Aaaall the old standards!  Original versions (Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald), new versions (Rod Steward, Michael Buble, Steve Tyrell), and instrumental jazz versions (Attila Fias Quartet, Beegie Adair).  GIVE THEM ALL TO ME!!!! 

I just bought two new albums on Amazon and I. AM. IN. LOVE.  They are Cocktail Party Jazz and Cocktail Party Jazz 2… it’s all of the favorite standards done by a jazz quartet...  the kind of music you picture listening to in a classy jazz bar in a big city… the kind of music they played in the Rainbow Room when we visited NYC in 2005.  It is my favorite type of music to listen to during the fall, and well, probably all the time.  I’ve literally been coming home from work every single day and shuffling that genre while I cook and while we eat dinner.  I bet Brian is getting tired of it.   

What I’m Wearing

Still lots of sleeveless stuff and skirts to keep cool, but I’m praying for some cooler weather so I can start busting out the fall stuff.  I just got this graphic tee as well as these boyfriend jeans and another pair of my favorite skinny jeans, and I’m so ready to wear them… not so sure about the non-skinny jeans, but I’m going to give them a whirl since they’re coming back in style.  Target and Old Navy are on point for the fall fashion, let me just say!  I want this shirt dress so bad I can't stand it, and I also want this and this... oh, and also this for football season, so feel free to send gift cards my way!  You know, to celebrate fall!  ;o)

What I’m Doing This Weekend

An entire date day on Saturday!!!!  B and I are heading to Atlanta for the Georgia vs. North Carolina Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Game.  It’s going to be in the Georgia Dome where the Falcons play and it will be our first chance to watch our new coach in action.  I still can’t believe that we have a new coach this year.  I will miss Mark Richt something fierce, and I’m praying that Kirby Smart is a good replacement.  Only time will tell…

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

College football, pumpkins, fall leaves, the sweet scent of cinnamon wafting through the air, and hopefully having a couple of days with weather cool enough to be able to wear a scarf.  Need I say more?

What Else Is New

My aunt and uncle have a mountain house in North Carolina and we just booked it for four days in October while Jacob is on fall break.  We’re going to go apple picking and do some wine tasting at the vineyards… to say I’m excited is an understatement.  We have never taken a “fall vacation” with the kids before and I’m absolutely over the moon that everything worked out for us to take one this year.  My aunt and uncle’s house is just gorgeous and the view is stunning… I can hardly believe it, but the last time we stayed there we didn’t even have any kids.  Crazy to think that there was once a time when we didn’t have kids.  Here's an old picture from the trip... it's hard to believe that this was six years ago!!

Well friends, happy last day of August!!!!  Helllloooo, September!!  I’ve been waiting for you.

*Linking up with Shay, Mel, and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.

*This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. So excited and ready for fall!!! My decorations will be coming out soon. College football games are the best. I'd love to get back up to Purdue for a game this year, but we'll probably have to wait a little longer until our littlest is older and will actually sit during the game. Boo! It sounds like you'll be near me on your mountain vacation!!

  2. SO many things to comment on! 1. I love that you are decorating for fall tonight/tomorrow. I am beyond excited to do so, but waiting until the following weekend so I can give it the appropriate time it deserves. 2. Your Saturday day date sounds so lovely - have so much fun! 3. A mountain trip with lots of fun fall activities?! Again so lovely. 4. Isn't it so disappointing when you get a bad book, but then feel like you have to finish it so that you can just be done with it? 5. Jacob's room is just too adorable. I love how it is equal parts him and stylish. I will have to leave it at that before I write even more of a book!

  3. I didn't know if it were possible for anyone to love fall more than me but I think you may have surpassed me! I can't wait to pull my decs out this weekend. I may even start to bring them down today during nap time! I'm equally as excited for football! Have so much fun at the game this weekend...I have to say "Go heels!" although I know Georgia will Kill them! We are headed to the NC State game thursday night and I can't wait! The NC mtns are my absolute favorite, and at fall, gosh there is literally nothing better. I went to App state and fall up there was amazing! Enjoy!!

  4. I cannot wait to see your Fall decor if you show it again! I think I'm waiting until after Labor Day to decorate, Rick thinks I'm crazy already LOL

    I want that shirt dress so bad too! With some black booties, so cute!

    How fun you're having a whole date day! It's been SO long since we've done that, enjoy!! And a Fall little getaway!!? Awesome!

  5. So much is going on girl. Y'all are staying busy. I may or may not have busted out my fall decor yesterday. That made me realize one thing. I need more fall decor :P. So much of my stuff is too Halloween like to put out now so I need to get some more generic stuff. That trip to the mountains sounds amazing. Especially in October. Hope your week is going well friend. Oh! That shirt dress. SO stinking cute.

  6. Cheers to Septemberrrr!!!! I may or may not have already broken out some sequin pumpkins in the entryway! That dress is going to mine - thanks a lot for posting haha love it

  7. I have so much to say to all of this! First, yes - fall and college football! I'm right there with ya, girl! I think I'm waiting to decorate until next week, not because I want to wait, but because I'm crazy busy over here, with kindergarten coming up, company coming over and laundry...I just don't have time. Ahhh! I can't wait though! I can't wait to see all of your fantastic decor! I seriously look forward to your home tours!!

    That dress and that poncho! Gah! Target, here I come!

    A fall vacation in the mountains sound glorious! Jon and I want to head up north to do some wine tasting this fall, as well. We shall see. Gosh I love wine..........

    Have a great day, lady!!!

  8. Oh my gosh I seriously think I am going to go and buy that shirt dress on my lunch break! TOO CUTE! I am with you on all of the fall things, girl. Tomorrow our high is 75 and sunny in MN! This is one of the few stretches of the year that I feel lucky to live up where I do! Enjoy your weekend, and that stadium food!

    1. Girl, I totally just went and bought it on my lunch break, too! And they have all these other colors that are just perfect!

  9. We will be going to our teams opening game this Saturday too, I'm SO excited!! I'm an Atlanta Falcons fan, so I'm a bit jealous that you guys will be at the Dome! The new stadium they are getting built looks awesome!!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  10. Soooo much goodness here!! Jacob's room is fabulous!! Love all your tanks! I am so excited for fall and the smell of cinnamon! Go Bulldogs!!

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea! I hope you have a great long weekend!

  11. Ohhh yayay for a date day! That sounds like so much fun. I just bought that Target shirt dress in the green and I cant' wait to wear it! If you get it...we can match, haha. Hope you guys have a fun weekend, and let me know if you pick up any good books!

  12. SO ready for college football!! And fall - I can't believe it's here all ready!

  13. Loving those workout tees! And now I'm totally craving sausage and peppers ooooh and Chic Fil A :-D
    Green Fashionista

  14. Your fall getaway sounds like it will be so much fun! And that rosemary wine chicken sounds incredible! Can't wait for that recipe!

  15. I forget about this linkup half the time! Ooops! It's one of my favorites, too. I absolutely love that travel wall. What a fun idea! We have a book crate, too. I love crates and buy them every time I spot them in a store!

  16. So many great things in this post! I love love your frame wall, it's so fantastic and such a great idea. I have so many frames from place I have been but they are in a box in my storage closet because I don't have the room for it. I'm totally going to do a wall of frames like yours. Never even thought to do that. It's so brilliant.

  17. oh my goodness, so many good things to comment on this post, but yes to Fall decor, can you please come decorate my house for me?! I have all the stuff, just too lazy to get it all out, hehe...eventually, probably in a couple of weeks after Mini Fox's birthday. Have fun this weekend at the game!

  18. Happy September to you. I am loving fall or the start of it in my books. That sucks that the book you are reading is Boring! I hate that. I love Emily Giffen so good to know that this one isn't like hers and kinda sucks. I can't wait for college football too. And I can't wait to hear about your first game this season. We have eaten a lot of sandwiches and salads this week too. I have cooked twice this week. Yikes.

  19. It's s nice to meet a fellow Georgia girl. We'll be at the Dome game this weekend too. I'm so excited for football season but hoping the weather is a lot better this season. Last season we did have a lot of rainy games. A mountain house trip to NC sounds so much fun!

  20. How fun that Shay sent you her new cookbook. And your son's room turned out great! Love it! Have a great weekend!


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