Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Home Tour Tuesday - Jacob's Big Boy Bedroom

Here it is… the moment you’ve all been waiting for!

Just kidding, you’re probably not that excited, but I AM!!  This project was long overdue, and it feels great to have it completed.

When redecorating Jacob’s room, I wanted something that can grow with him for a long time, but I also wanted to throw in accents of some of his favorite things right now – Hot Wheels cars, Star Wars, and Superheroes  I also wanted it to have a sort of All American Boy feel to it and I wanted the space to be functional, which was a bit of a challenge since his room isn’t very big. 

Mission accomplished.

Come on in!

We decided to go with this rugby striped comforter for the bed and it was the best decision ever!  Thank you all so much for weighing in with your opinions a few months ago!  The response was pretty much unanimous that we should go with that one and I’m SO glad that we did!

The JACOB sign above the bed was made out of a slab of wood and some superhero letters that we picked up from Hobby Lobby.  I just spray painted the wood white and attached the letters with command strips.  Easy peasy!

I knew that I wanted a little desk area for him to play with toys, do homework, etc. but I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to find one small enough to work in the space.  I ended up finding this one on Amazon and it could not be more perfect!  It’s like it was made for that space!  And it came with the storage bins which I LOVE.  A bin for packs of markers, colored pencils, etc., a bin for notebooks and notepads, and a bin for flash cards and workbooks.  You gotta love that organization! 

Since the desk is so small, I knew I didn’t want to have a bunch of clutter on top of it, so I used some tin buckets that I bought from the Target Dollar Spot last summer and I hung them on a rack that I found at Marshall’s.  He now has storage for all of his loose writing utensils, and it doesn’t take up any space on the desk!

I hung a bulletin board above the desk to showcase some of his school work and I will change that out frequently throughout the year.  

His bedside table has a lamp, an alarm clock that he obviously doesn’t use yet, a picture of our little family just an hour or so after he was born, and his ever-growing rock collection.  Everywhere he goes, he picks up rocks.  We find them in his pockets, on his dresser, in his car seat cup holder, in the dryer.  Haha.  For the longest time I would find them and throw them back outside, but I recently decided to just put a vase in his room to house the collection.  Now every time I find a rogue rock or pebble, I just toss it in the vase in his room!

I found the lightning bolt at Hobby Lobby and it was white when we bought it.  Jacob insisted that we paint it yellow because his favorite superhero (right now) is The Flash.  It turned out perfect.

I had a few leftover Ikea Ribba frames from a previous project, so I hung them on the wall next to the window, and popped a few of my favorite pictures of him in them… one from when he was all dressed up in his tux for my brother’s wedding when he was two, one from our last beach trip, and one that I snapped on the playground a month or so ago… he is appropriately wearing his Flash shirt, so that worked out nicely.  :o)

His books shelf is filled with, well, books, and then he has a shelf just for stuffed animals.  I also put a bin on the shelf for all of his tiny Legos that we don't want to keep in the play room because they are too small for Olivia to get hold of (we all remember what she did this past weekend, ahem, THE WOOD CHIP INCIDENT).  The top shelf is for keepsakes that we wanted to display – a framed picture from his baptism, his bibles, an old wooden car that belonged to my dad’s dad (my Pop) who is now deceased (Jacob never got to meet him), his Georgia piggy bank, the poop sign that my parents got for him for his Poo Poo Party (yep, it’s exactly what it sounds like), the double-decker bus that my grandmother just brought back for him from London, and a few things that he’s made over the years at school.  Good stuff.  :o)

The gallery wall above his dresser is probably my favorite part of the entire room, but it’s funny, because it was the wall that intimidated me most of all.  If you remember, I really wanted to hang a mirror over the dresser, but you guys (and Brian) advised that he didn’t need one, so I listened, and again, I’m really glad that I did.  Instead, we hung two Ikea Ribba picture ledges, and then I found several pieces at Hobby Lobby to decorate.  Jacob’s favorite things right now are cars, super heroes, and Star Wars, and Hobby Lobby fortunately had some great stuff for each of those categories, as well as a few other cute pieces.  

After buying the Hobby Lobby wall décor, I still had a few gaps that needed to be filled, so I went to my “Extra Home Décor” box and pulled out a couple of old picture frames that I had saved.  I spray painted one red and filled it with a piece of art work that Jacob had done at school, then I spray painted another frame blue and filled it with one of my favorite pictures of him from Easter 2014.  Finally, I left one frame that I had as it was, and I filled it with an American flag collage that he made at school when he was three.  I love how that added some personal touches to the wall, as well as some depth.  He now looks up at that wall and sees all of his favorite things.

There's another bucket on his dresser to hold miscellaneous items that we don't want Olivia to stick up her nose (or choke on), and then I added this star marquee to have some fun lights in his room, and his fold up Georgia pillow... he slept on that until we moved him into his big boy bed just a couple of months ago, so I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it!

To the left of his dresser, I hung another coat rack to display all of his superhero costumes.  That allows them to be right at his fingertips and it doubles as some seriously cute décor.  Simple.

One thing I couldn't bring myself to take down is his growth chart!  That has been there since before he was born, and it will stay there until he either outgrows the growth chart or moves out... whichever comes first!

Finally, behind his door is a finger painting that his class did last year when he was in Pre-K4... it was his first year at the school where he will be until he graduates high school, so I thought that was an awesome memento from his very first year there.  Each child had a different color so each of those colors was added to the painting by a different child.  There is a grid on the back so we can see who is who.  So sweet and something that we will treasure for always.  Jacob's color is dark blue, by the way.  :o)

I hope you enjoyed the tour!  If you want to see what his bedroom looked like before, you can click here… he was still in his baby nursery so the difference is quite drastic!  And if you want to see the rest of our house tour, you can click the links below.

*Linking up with Our Pretty Little Girls for Tuesday Talk and Simply Every.

*This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. This turned out SO CUTE! Great job! You really kept it perfect for him, while having it be functional and cute. I can't decide if the wall his bed is on is my favorite or that collage area. You know I love those photo ledges!

  2. His bedroom turned out beautifully! I love it! And I love the desk area and how you hung his crayons, pencils, etc. Great idea!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Such a cool room! We have some of the same artwork in Cam's room and it makes me so happy! I bet Jacob loves spending time in there. Great work Momma!

  4. Wow, you did a great job Lindsay! It looks awesome. I know Jacob loves it!!

  5. SO cute Lindsay. This is totally a room he can love right now and grow into for many more years. Great job!

  6. Just wow!! His room is AMAZING!! I love all the little touches! His name on the piece of wood looks so good and I love his gallery wall! Especially the no girls allowed except Mom sign, I want that :)

    Seriously, you did so good!!

  7. How adorable!!! I love all the pops of color with the grey walls. Framing his art with is a great idea. I just love it!

    1. Thank you! My daddy is an artist so we love handmade art! You can never go wrong framing a finger-painting!

  8. This looks so good!!! I love the super hero letters on his wall and the yellow lightning bolt . I did a nautical theme for my sons baby room with the distinct thought that I'd like him to grow with it and not have it be too babyish but now I'm getting a little tired of the navy blue being so dark and want to brighten it up a bit .

    We are still debating baby number 3 and if we did go with it my son and daughter will have to share a room so I am holding off for now.

    Anyway great job!!

    1. Thank you, Natalie! I'm hoping that this will hold him over for at least 7 or 8 years... maybe more!

  9. Oh my goodness, this room is perfection! I think I can pretty much transplant it from your house to mine. I think our boys would get along so well, all of those things are his favorite. Good work!

  10. Such a cute boy room. You did a great job with it. I need you to come over and add more to my girls' room. I need a trip to Hobby Lobby asap!

  11. That is such a great room! You did an amazing job.

  12. Aw Linds, it really is perfect. I love every inch. This is such good inspiration for the future. The colors are so fun and masculine, but still kidish at the same time. You are awesome!

  13. Lindsay! Jacob's room turned out so nice! We have those letters in the boys' bathroom! I love that lightning bolt. I'm so bummed I've never seen it at Hobby Lobby. That would go great in their bathroom, too! This is a room that will definitely grow with him.

  14. I totally want those superhero letters for my son's room!!!

  15. Again... I am just amazed. Everything came together so well!!! It's perfect for him now and very easy for him to grow into!!! I seriously want to just go hang out in his room, it's so cozy and cute!

  16. You are amazing at this, Lindsay! I am in love with how everything turned out...it really is the perfect big boy bedroom!
    You guys did a great job!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  17. I LOVE Jacob's new room! You did such a fantastic job! It's absolutely perfect!

  18. Oh my gosh, Lindsay!!!! I love, love, loooooooooooove this space!!!!!! It's so stinkin' cute and I'm sure Jacob absolutely loves it, too! Great job, girlfriend!!!!!!!

  19. What a perfect boys room! I love all the details.

  20. Where are those letters from? I think I might want to get a couple of those for myself *AHEM* I mean a nephew or something Haha! But honestly, I doubt those are going to go for storage in a long time! You definitely did well picking those out!

    1. Haha, thank you so much! The letters are from Hobby Lobby... they put them 40% off every few weeks so make sure you wait until they go on sale!

  21. What paint colors are pictured in the "a few months ago" post (the beige, red, navy, and gray)? What gray did you paint his room?

    1. I don't have the exact paint color names for the swatches in that post from a while back, but I do know the color that we actually painted his room. It's called "Sticks & Stones" by Sherwin Williams.

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