
Monday, July 11, 2016

Another Three Day Weekend

Happy Monday!  I’m heading back to work this morning for my first full five day work week in quite some time.  Boo.  Ya gotta love those long summer weekends!

Our weekend was pretty low key this weekend.  Friday I took off since Jacob’s camp was closed all of last week for the July 4th holiday.  He and I got up early, went to Panera for breakfast, and then ran some errands.  I bought a few more things for his bedroom, including another new lamp since I had accidentally messed up the first one that I had bought.  Thank you to everyone for your suggestions for fixing the original one.  I tried scraping the spray paint off of the plug and I also tried nail polish remover, neither of which would remove it from the plug totally, so I just decided that since it was only $10, I would just scrap it and move on.  It’s not worth the possible hazard… or the worry that would swirl in my head until the end of time.  If you missed my post and have no clue what I’m talking about, you can read it here.

Friday afternoon Jacob had swimming lessons again, so we headed that way after a quick lunch at home.  He started whining and telling me that he didn’t like swimming lessons when we pulled up, and he was full-on crying by the time we got to the pool.  Mrs. Joni, his swimming instructor, doesn’t mess around, though.  She’s been teaching kids to swim for literally decades, so she is hard core.  That meant that he was in the water and dunked within five minutes.  She usually takes between 12 and 15 kids per session so she also has 3 other girls who help out, one of whom is my cousin, Shelby.  Once Jacob was dunked, they practiced paddling and then Jacob swam from Shelby to one of the other girls.

In between each traumatic event he would cry a little bit and say, “I want my mommy!”  It was brutal having to stand by and watch him be so scared and upset.  All I can say is thank goodness for big sunglasses because I may or may not have teared up a few times. 

Fortunately about halfway through, something clicked and he completely stopped crying and just started doing everything they were asking with not much fear at all!  They chunked him off of the big rock by the deep end (which serves as the diving board) and he went under, floated up, and swam almost halfway across the pool to Mrs. Joni!  At the very end of the lesson, Mrs. Joni threw a bunch of nickels on the bottom of the pool in the shallow end, and each kid had to go under and pick up some nickels off of the bottom.  She would tell each kid to hold their breath, and then she would push their backs down in the water and hold them underwater for a good 6-7 seconds and then when she pulled them up they had to show how much money they had gotten.  

I was so worried when it was Jacob’s turn because I thought for sure he would freak out and I also thought that he wouldn’t really know what to do when he got to the bottom of the pool, but he completely surprised me.  He went right under and came back up with two shiny nickels!  #BossStatus 

I don’t think I have ever been more proud in my entire life.  I thought my heart was going to burst.

At the end of the session, Mrs. Joni gave all of the kids their choice of Bomb Pops or ice cream sandwiches for a job well done this week.  Jacob chose a Bomb Pop and then we headed back to the car.  On the way, Jacob said, “I love swimming lessons!  I love going under water!”  

My how much can change in an hour.

We spent the rest of the afternoon working on his room, and when Brian and Olivia got home we all went out for dinner at Five Guys.  After the kiddos went to bed, B and I watched Jurassic World (which I thought was just OK) and then we called it a night.

Saturday Jacob had a birthday party to go to, which also happened to be a swim party, and he had a blast.  He wouldn’t put his face underwater, but he did go in all the way to his neck and he looked totally comfortable the entire time.  He didn’t even want to wear his water wings, so I didn’t make him because I knew that he would be cautious without them and I knew that I would be watching him like a hawk anyway. 

The kids ate, played in the pool, hit a piñata, watched the birthday boy open his gifts, and then we were on our way home.

Saturday evening was spent churching and going to dinner at one of our favorite local pubs with my parents and uncle, and then B and I watched How to be Single to end the night.  I loved it.  I thought it was so much better than the previews made it look.

Sunday was pretty low-key… we did some laundry, went to lunch at Jason’s Deli, ran a couple of errands, and then took the kids grocery shopping (which we never do).  It was a three-ring circus with the monkeys as it always is, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I tried to get a couple of pictures of the kids in the car in between errands and this is how they looked at me.  How dare we make them run errands with us!  Lol.

We capped off the weekend with dinner with my family.  Not too much going on this weekend, but a good weekend indeed.

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending,


  1. I am so glad Jacob is coming around in the water! And too funny the shade they are throwing you in the car..there is nothing funnier than toddler attitude!

    1. Yes, girl. They are just crazy! They say the darndest things and act like teenagers already sometimes, that's for sure!

  2. That's so great Jacob is loving his swim lessons now! Glad you enjoyed your 3 day weekend - hopefully this Monday and regular work week isn't too rough on you!

  3. Way to go Jacob! I hated swimming lessons when I was little. Like I would fake a tummy ache. Gosh. My poor mom!

  4. Way to go Jacob!!! I'm so glad he's loving swimming lessons now. That's a big step. You guys had a pretty great weekend overall. I love the looks the kids were giving you on Sunday. Ha ha!

  5. Hope to day isn't too crazy for you back at work! So glad the swimming lessons went well and can i just say that's my favorite Popsicle!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Your outfits were so cute! That pool is beautiful and I'm glad your son came around towards the end =) I can imagine how proud you were!

  7. I cannot believe how well Jacob did at swimming!! In an hour he became a serious champ! Diving for coins!? Brayden just started doing that this summer. Go Jacob!!

    Oh I looooved Jurassic World but that's probably because I have a huge crush on Chris Pratt, LOL. I do want to see How to Be Single though!

  8. Wow! Jacob is learning so quickly! Great job, buddy! The nickels are a great idea. What kid doesn't want to find shiny coins?! So cool...I'm seriously impressed!

    Good thinking on getting a new lamp. Gosh, I can't wait to see what you do! For the first day in a long time we don't have anything going on over here today, but I just want you to know that you're my motivation to clean up and finish Henry's room! Isn't it funny how we've never met but you can inspire and motivate me to get stuff done?! Gah, love it!

    We haven't watched, How to Be Single, yet. I'll definitely check it out. As for Jurassic World...dinosaurs, although extinct, still scare the crap out of me. Jon and I watched it and I seriously had to look away a few times. LOL! Apparently I'm a 5 year-old or something!

    Have a great day, lady!

    1. Aw, Marie, as always you are just so kind and I'm so glad that we "met." You are always an inspiration to me, too! I will definitely always read anything that you write!

      And LOL about the dinosaurs! At least that's one fear that you don't have to worry about coming true... or DO you?? Lol.

  9. So good he liked swimming!! Three day weekends are the best -- wish they were more often!!

  10. My daughters swim instructor also had her go down to the bottom of the pool and I almost had a heart attack! Luckily, like Jacob, she rocked it! Way to go!

  11. Looks like a great weekend! I also loved How to be Single, had me cracking up.

  12. That pool as the most beautiful view. Way to go Jacob! He'll be swimming like a champ in no time.

  13. Haha. I love the last photos of the kids looking like they hated going on errands. That is how it is with my girls. What a fun time in the pool for Jacob. So glad he got comfortable in there. Looks like a fun and low key weekend.

  14. I taught swim lessons for years so I loved reading about Jacob's experience! That moment when it "clicks" and a kid just gets it was always so rewarding. Glad he's enjoying it now!

  15. Go Jacob go! That is awesome. That pool looks amazing. Glad you guys had a fun weekend ;)

  16. Oh my, How To Be Single is SO good! Definitely better than what the previews made it look. Glad you decided to just ditch the other lamp...I would be way to scared to use it. Hope today goes by smoothly.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  17. Haha! the last pictures!! Life is so rough, kiddos... SO rough. I'm so proud of Jacob for getting underwater!!!! Such a brave thing to do! Tell him he is a rockstar!!!!

  18. I was such a water baby - and still am. I am so glad he's enjoying it now. :)

  19. Aawww I love it when things change so quickly. He has done just awesome. Long summer weekends are the best. I hope you week goes by quickly girl.

  20. Are these swim lessons Jacob's first lessons? I've wanted to take Mila since she was a baby, but I just keep putting it off (especially since she was then terrified of the water last summer). I don't know what a good starting age is or what's too late. She loves the water now and I want to start lessons soon, but not while I'm pregnant. Any tips?


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