
Monday, June 13, 2016

Weekend Update

Happy Monday!  And a very happy Monday it is for me since I took one last day off before heading back to work on Tuesday.  If you’ve been following along with me on Instagram, you know that we have been at the beach for the last week.  Today I’m sending the kids to daycare and camp so I can use the whole day to finish unpacking, grocery shop, wash aaaall the dirty beach clothes, and get things back in order since we’ve been gone the past week.  It’s always nice to have the whole day (without kiddos getting in the way) to get everything back to normal.  Plus it’s nice to get back and not have to go back to work immediately.  And it will also be lovely to ease back into work with only a four day week.  Winning any way you look at it!

Well, I’m just rambling on and on... 

So anyway, we got in early Sunday afternoon and we were reunited with our little Maui who was beside herself to see us.  We were gone so long I’m sure she was positive that we were never coming back.  Poor thing!  We then had Mex for dinner with my parents since we had all just gotten back into town and nobody felt like cooking.  They left a few days before we did to go to Texas to see my brother and sis-in-law and to meet their new grandbaby, so we hadn’t seen them in over two weeks.  Eeeek.  That might be the longest I’ve gone without seeing them!  It was nice to catch up and tell them all about our trip, and for them to tell us all about their trip as well.

As much as I wanted to have a beach recap up for you today, I knew that was not realistic as I have 1,200+ pictures to sort through and edit, plus margaritas were calling my name because I’m trying to hang on to the last bit of vacation before reality sets in again.  I will tell you that we did have the very best time, though.  The weather was incredible, and surprisingly not too hot.  We spent the week lazing on the beach, playing in the pool, eating tons of delicious food, drinking fruity beach cocktails every day, eating ice cream every night, and spending lots of time together.  We made oodles of memories that we will all treasure forever and I wouldn’t trade this time with my favorite people for anything in the whole universe.

I will have part one of the beach recap up in the next day or two, assuming I don’t drown in the ocean of pictures.  And since no blog post would be complete without a picture, here’s a little snippet from our trip.  Enjoy the start of your new week!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. Welcome back! Can't wait to hear about the beach!

  2. Wow 1200 pictures?! I'm having such a hard time managing my pics ever since my daughter was born.. it's crazy. Share some tips =) Glad you had such a great time!

  3. That picture of those two is just so sweet! So nice you have an extra day to get settled back in - those are always much needed! Happy Monday!

  4. It's always hard to get back into the swing of things. Taking today off was a good idea! Can't wait to hear the recap. That picture of the two littles is darling!!

  5. Welcome home!! We just got back yesterday from a little beach vaca and I'm not ready to start the week, blah! I can't wait to read your recaps!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oops!!! Jon's account!! ^^^^ LOL!!!! That's never happened before! Ha! Anyhoo, can't wait to see all your vacation pics! Have a relaxing Monday, girl!!

    1. Haha, so crazy. I saw that and I was like, OMG why is there a DUDE commenting on my post?! I didn't think guys read my blog. Lol.

  8. Enjoy your extra day off! Adorable photo of your kiddos!

  9. Welcome back girl - hope that you have a productive day today! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  10. Good for you taking the day to get things done. That's always nice. Love that photo of the kids.

  11. Welcome back friend. Getting back from vacation is always SO hard. I hope you have a super productive day!

  12. Welcome back! It's always hard coming back from vacation. Hope you get lots of things done today. That picture of your children is so cute.

  13. Glad y'all had a wonderful time! How will you ever pick what pictures to share!!?!?
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  14. I can't wait to see more pics!! I hope you get a lot done today and get ready to tackle the week!!!

  15. Yay for having an extra day off to ease back into the work week. The perfect way. I hope you enjoy your day and get everything done. But enjoy yourself and maybe sneak in some sun and reading time. I can't wait for the beach recap.

  16. Welcome home sweet home! I'm so excited to hear about every little detail! I love vacation recaps. The photos you took...Ahmazing! So I'm sure the fun was just that times one hundred!

  17. I can't wait to see all the pictures! I hope you had a great time and I hope you managed to get everything done today! XOXO

  18. Welcome back! Can't wait to hear all about your trip! LOVE that shot of Jacob and Olivia on the beach!

  19. Coming back is SO hard! Glad you were able to get away! :)

    1. Thanks, Gina! Yes it is! I did get a lot done and we're all settled again, so hopefully we will have a great weekend!


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