
Friday, June 24, 2016

Five on Friday - Randoms

This has felt like the longest week ever, probably because it was my first full week at work in several weeks.  Every day I kept thinking we were a day ahead, so I was severely disappointed when I awoke yesterday thinking that it was Friday and it wasn’t.  Ha!

No theme for this week’s Five on Friday, pretty much just a brain dump of some random things that I’ve been thinking about lately…

O N E – Dinner with the Girls

Last week my girlfriends and I finally got out for a much needed dinner… we used to get together once a week, but now that we all have babies we’re all being pulled in different directions so it’s hard to get us all together at once.  This past week was my best friend’s birthday so we all met at Bonefish, one of our favorite places.  I tried their Watermelon Martini and while it was good, it wasn’t as impressive as I had expected since they are known for having amazing martinis.  From now on I will continue to stick with what I know I love – the Pomegranate Martini during the summer and the Winter White Cosmopolitan during the Christmas season.  Have you guys ever tried one?  Oh. My. Goodness.  They are fantastic. 

It was so great to catch up with my girls after weeks from being apart.  My favorite part of the night was meeting my friend Katie’s brand new little love!  She just turned one month old and she is so gorgeous.  She was a perfect little angel – she slept in her car seat the entire time until we rudely awoke her to pass her around.  Hehe.  I have the worst baby fever right now and holding her and smelling her sweet little scent made it even worse.  Sigh. 

Anyway, during dinner, the six of us were discussing how just under six years ago we had zero kids amongst us, and now we have ten.  TEN!  I still can’t believe it!

T W O – Brotherly and Sisterly Love

While I was out with the ladies, Brian sent me this picture:

Apparently Olivia finished eating and got down from the table and she asked Jacob if she could sit in his lap.  He responded with, “Sure!” and they both cheesed for this picture.  They’ve done this one other time since then and I was able to witness the cuteness myself.  I love these babies so much.

T H R E E – Hobby Lobby is Cray Cray

Last week I went to my favorite store in the entire universe – Hobby Lobby – to pick up a few things to decorate the house for 4th of July.  To my shock and horror, I found that their 4th of July section was already down to just one aisle and it had been replaced with... Christmas stuff.  This was on June 16th.  June sixteenth, people!  Two and half weeks away from July 4th.  And six and a half months away from Christmas.  So they were no longer selling stuff for the summer holiday that everyone is currently shopping for, but they were completely stocked on everything for the holiday that nobody is shopping for. 

How does this make any sense??  Guys, I adore Christmas.  It is my very favorite time of year.  But nobody wants to buy Christmas trees and snowflakes in mid-June.  Nobody.  And this is coming from the girl who starts packing weeks before a vacation.  If this is too early for me, the girl who plans too far in advance for everything, then it is probably too early for all of mankind. 

But on another note, how cute are these Disney princess paintings for a little girl’s room?! 

#ThisIsWhyIJustWontEverQuitYouHobbyLobby #EvenIfYouStartSellingChristmasStuffYearRound

F O U R – Olivia’s Anna Braids 

Olivia came home with her first ever braids the other day.  Her teacher at school is still styling her hair differently some days, and last week she came home with some “Anna braids.”  She was so excited and she looked so sweet!

F I V E – Beach Recaps

Most of you already know that I’ve been recapping our beach vacation this last week, but for those who haven’t seen, the recaps are below.  I still have one more to go next week and then I’ll (finally) be done.  

Happy weekend!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Our Pretty Little Girls for Rewind Friday!


  1. Enjoy your weekend! Those princess artworks are just darling!

  2. Girls Night Out is always so refreshing! Glad you got to enjoy time with friends and that photo of your babes is just precious. Such a sweet little relationship. I can't believe Hobby Lobby has Christmas stuff out too. I agree with loving Christmas, but wow that's too early. Have a great weekend!

  3. Beautiful family beach pic, precious kiddos!! We leave June 2nd for ours and I'm so excited!! Girls nights are the best, but Christmas in July at Hobby Lobby...No....not ready, lol!! Happy Weekend!!

    1. Thanks, Andrea! I'm already ready to go back! I hope you guys enjoy your trip. Happy weekend!

  4. Yayy for girls nights! And I LOVE the pomegranate martini from Bonefish! I'll for sure have to try the White Cosmo! I was at Hobby Lobby even before that and they had the Christmas stuff out, I think I literally said out loud, You've got to be kidding me! LOL. I didn't see those Disney princess prints, but I looooove them!

  5. Christmas already?!? WHAT?
    I'm so glad you had a Girls Night Out. That definitely needs to be a monthly thing!
    I'm with you about it feeling like the longest week ever. Have a great weekend!

    1. So crazy, right?! I couldn't believe it when I saw all of that red and green and gold.

      And yes, we try to make girls nights out happen at least once a month since we can't do the once a week thing anymore, but we haven't even been doing once a month lately. We definitely need to do better!

  6. Being a day ahead is the worst, but at least it's friday!! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. I love Hobby Lobby so much and Christmas so much too but I can't take Christmas stuff in the summer! They should at least wait until September haha! Glad you got to have a girls' night with your friends! Those are so important!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  8. Gorgeous family! I'm glad you were finally able to get together with all of your girls. The picture of her sitting on his lap is too cute!

  9. Hobby Lobby is definitely crazy! I love them...but why?!
    Glad you had a great girls' night with your friends, and how sweet are your kiddos!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  10. Ahhh love the braids. And I want the Disney princesses for my room hahaha. Loving your beach recaps and your girls' night looks like a blast!

  11. Yes! I love me a pomegranate martini! It's my faaaaavorite martini ever. Just more proof that you and I should meet up and be real life besties! <-----That sounded creepy! Haha!!!

    As for Hobby Lobby, I was in there a few weeks ago and took a pic of their Christmas stuff, too! I couldn't believe it! No, just no! Oh the other hand, I also found those princess pictures!!! I almost bought the Snow White one for Eliza for her birthday! Soooo cute!!!

    Lastly, those braids, those braids.... All the heart-eyed emojis!

    1. NOOOO not creepy at all!! I SO wish that I could be real life besties with a bunch of you! I love my bloggy ladies!

  12. I was JUST thinking how crazy HL was last weekend when I was looking around there myself. Love those princess pictures too.

    I need a girls dinner where I get to wear a pretty dress. That sounds fantastic.

  13. Oh my gosh, those braids. How long is her hair getting?!

  14. Hobby Lobby is selling Christmas stuff already? That is insane. I guess I won't be going there for some 4th of July stuff. Ugh. Good to know though. I love Olivia's new Anna hair. So cute.


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