
Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day Weekend

Well, the weekend is over and I’m officially back at work for my first full week in I don’t remember how long.  Boo.  At least it’s Bachelorette Monday!  That always lessens the Monday sting a little…

This weekend we did a whole lot of relaxing.  After being gone most of the weekend last weekend we didn’t have a lot of down time, so this was our first real weekend in a while.  Friday evening we had some strong storms roll through, so we kept it low-key with Carrabba’s takeout and wine at home, regular bedtimes for the kiddos, and then B and I indulged in some Red Velvet Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory while watching the movie St. Vincent.  I had never heard of it but B had been wanting to see it, and I’m not a huge fan of Bill Murray, but it ended up holding my attention (AKA I didn’t fall asleep) and it was actually not bad. 

Saturday we hung out at home most of the day.  B mowed the lawn amongst other outdoor things, and I stayed inside with the kiddos working on a few projects that I had been wanting to get done while they watched – wait for it – Frozen.  I mean, did you think I would say anything else??  Anyway, I finally got the house decorated for 4th of July (which I’ll share soon) and I also got a few other things done that I’ve been needing to do.

We finally left the house in the early evening to take B’s dad out for dinner and then we headed back over to his house to spend some time with him and have dessert.  He had requested a Hershey Pie – the perfect dessert for these sweltering summer months – so I had whipped one up earlier that morning.  You can see the recipe here.

Saturday night after the babies went to bed, B and I watched the new version of Cinderella.  It was so good and very well done.  At 34 I still can’t get enough of my Disney princesses.  ;o)

Sunday we got up, and Olivia and I picked up some donuts for our favorite Daddy for breakfast.  We then spent the day celebrating – we gave him his cards and gifts, went out for pizza for lunch per his request, and then we took the kiddos to the pet store to see the doggies and then to the playground.


Sunday evening we went over to my parents’ house to celebrate my Daddy and boy, was it ever so wonderful to get back over there.  As you all know, we eat dinner over there every Sunday, but between my parents travelling and then us travelling, we haven’t been over there in three weeks.  Three weeks, you guys.  I’m such a creature of habit and there are a few things in my life that I just can’t function without, and those Sunday dinners are one of them.  Vacation is always nice, but it’s also always great getting back in the swing of things!

Happy Father’s Day to my Daddy, the first man I ever loved.  Happy Father’s Day to my hubby, the best man I could have ever chosen to be the father of my children.  And happy Father’s Day to my brother… it’s his very first one!

Have a great week, y’all!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. What a great weekend!! I can't wait to see your fourth of July decorations. Sounds like a pretty great Father's Day. Love the photos from yesterday. So special.

  2. What a lovely weekend!!! Sounds like it was productive with lots of fun in there, too. Can't wait to see your 4th decorations.

  3. Looks like it was a successful Father's day - donuts and all! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Awesome weekend for you guys! Those donuts look yummy!

  5. I love low key weekends!! Ours was pretty low key too and I loved it. I haven't seen the new Cinderella but need to, I know Brayden would really enjoy it! I don't think I've ever not fallen asleep during a weekend night movie night with Rick, hahaha!

  6. Isn't the Cinderella remake just perfect? I literally cried over how precious the message was! Love your weekend!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  7. Aww! Happy Father's Day to Brian! He seems like an amazing human!

    I'm happy your Sundays are back to normal. I'm totally the same way with routine.

    Also, yes! - Cinderella was sooo good! I'm with ya with the whole Disney princess thing!

    Have a great day, lady friend! Ha!!

    1. Thanks, Marie!! B is definitely a great guy! I'm a lucky lucky lady! I hope you have a great day, too!

  8. What a wonderful weekend. Those donuts look sooo good!! I loved Cinderella, I thought it was so cute. Happy Monday.

  9. What a great weekend! Love your outfit's!
    xo, Lee

  10. Seems like a wonderful father's day weekend! Love your outfits!

  11. Donuts again?! Man you guys know how to party ;). Looks like a great Fathers Day weekend. Love those outfit photos too.

  12. Looks like a wonderful weekends celebrating the dads! And I love your (and Olivia's) outfits!

  13. I have to get out my decorations soon! Hopefully this week! Those donuts look delish!

  14. Any weekend is made better by doughnuts! Glad you got your Sunday dinner in finally :-) have a great week!

  15. Sounds like a great weekend filled with fun - can't wait to see your holiday decorations!

  16. You guys are so cute! It looks like you packed a bunch in. I totally know what you mean about being home too. I LOVE summer traveling, but weekends at home (doing your normal thing) are so, so sweet too!

  17. I'm so glad you had a nice weekend! I love the pictures!

    1. Thank you, Stef! I'm glad that you guys had such a nice weekend as well!

  18. Love it ALL! Looks like a fabulous weekend!

  19. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful Father's Day weekend, celebrating all of the dads in your life!
    I am a creature of habit too! We used to have Sunday dinner at my parent's house every Sunday, without fail! And then we was terrible, it still is. I miss it so much.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily


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