
Monday, April 18, 2016

Our Weekend – A Dance, an Air Show, and a Couples’ Date Night

Well hello there, and a happy Monday to you!  We had the best of weekends and I wish we could just have one more day to relax and recover from all of the fun we had.

We kicked off the weekend with Jacob’s Mother/Son Dance at school.  It was his very first dance and I was so honored to be his first date!  The theme was mustaches, so when we walked in, we were told to grab a ‘stache and some sunglasses and head on in!  They served pizza and fruit and had an ice cream bar with all of the toppings you could ever want!  The DJ was really interactive and throughout the night we joined a conga line, we formed lines and danced through them to Uptown Funk (which is one of Jacob’s favorite songs), we did the Cupid Shuffle (which I still remember from my clubbing days – hehe), and we even Whipped and Nae Naed (seriously). 

The highlight of the night was sharing my first slow dance with my sweet boy to Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton.  I’ve always adored that song and now I’ll love it even more.  If you follow me on Insta, you probably already saw this, but I thought it was worth mentioning again – it was so weird being there because I used to dance with boys from school in that very same auditorium, and Friday night I got to dance in there with my own little babe.  I have officially come full circle and I feel very old. 

Saturday morning we got up early and headed out to catch the Air Show.  But not before stopping by Panera for cinnamon crunch bagels and cinnamon rolls on the way!  Olivia sat in the booth with me (instead of a high chair) for the first time, so, of course, it had to be documented!  And she was all over the place as I suspected she would be, so back in the high chair she goes!  Haha.

The kids had a blast at the air show.  Jacob got to jump and slide in some inflatables, meet some Navy pilots, tour a Navy jet, and watch all of the amazing stunts that the airplanes did.  We had hot dogs for lunch and then let the kids climb in all of the military vehicles that were on display.  About an hour in, the clouds started clearing, the sweaters came off, and the sunscreen came out.  And my dumb self somehow got sunscreen on the camera lens, so the majority of the pictures came out blurry.  #BloggerFail  I decided to include a couple anyway, just for memory’s sake.

Olivia also had a Level 8 Code Brown while we were there, so we had to change her diaper on the tarmac behind an airplane hanger.  That was... interesting to say the least.  In the five years that we've had kids, I have to say that was the first time that I was honestly at a loss for what to do about changing a diaper.  All they had were porta potties, and I wasn't about to try and do it in there, so on the tarmac it was!  #MomLife 

After the air show, we headed back home and I had a tiny bit of time to squeeze in some tanning and reading time before heading back in to get ready for date night.  I haven’t just sat around and read during the day in months, y’all.  Months.  It was nice.

Saturday evening ended with another date night, this time with all of our friends!  We went to a new restaurant that we’ve all been wanting to try and we celebrated my birthday as well as my friend Jeannine’s birthday since we’re only 20 days apart.  It was an amazing night full of good conversation and laughter.  Oh, and more amazing food.  Holy moly, we are on a roll with the fancy dinners out! 

We all started the meal with cocktails – B and I both had Moscow Mules (I’m pretty sure that’s going to be my new favorite drink), a couple of the girls had Sangria, one of the girls had a Blackberry Basil (which was divine), and a few of the guys had whiskey.  We shared an app of crackers and two different kinds of dip, and then for my entrée, I had the filet with white truffle parmesan fries and the smoked gouda mac and cheese.  And OH EM GEE, it was another incredible meal!  After dinner, the waiter brought out desserts for the birthday girls, Rocky Road Sundaes – chocolate pound cake, Belgian dark chocolate ice cream, honey marshmallows, candied pecans, white chocolate syrup, and malted Chantilly cream.  Oh my.  Dessert on point!

I love these girls (and their hubbies) so much and this couples' date night was just what we've all been needing!

As for the matching cardigan picture below, my friend Eryn came dressed in a navy maxi dress with that floral cardigan, and it turns out that was the exact cardigan that I had gotten for Jeannine for her gift!  So crazy!  They obviously had to take a pic since they were twinning!  Too bad I didn't get one for myself as well...

Sunday Brian’s mom didn’t cook like she usually does, so we headed to Five Guys for some burgers and then we took the kids to the playground.  While we were out there, we saw a few planes flying over! 

We ended the weekend with dinner at my parents’ house where my grandmother told us all about her recent trip to England!  So jealous!  But we are oh so thankful to have her back!

Have a wonderful week, everyone! 

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. What a wonderful weekend! The dance sounds absolutely perfect. I can't wait to do things like that with Cam and see drew go with Emmy! I actually laughed out load about the code brown. Ugh, I've been there.

  2. What a weekend! I love everything about it! Luke is an airplane fanatic! Last year was the first year that he took Cash, which will now be a yearly tradition. The EAA is about an hour & a half - two hours north of us, so it is definitely a full day, especially at the end of July!

    I love that you had that special one on one time with Jacob! So, so sweet!

    I just love following along with you & your sweet family, Lindsay!

  3. What a fun-filled weekend. The dance sounds like such a fun time, as does the air show! Your meal Saturday night sounds so, so good. What a fun night with all your friends! Happy Monday!

  4. Such a fun weekend! Love that Jacob's school does a Mother/Son dance--that is so sweet! And breakfasts at Panera are such a treat :) Have a great Monday!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  5. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Love the floral dress! Can't wait to have better temps in Boston for spring dresses. Although I'll need new ones because this baby bump won't allow for any of my normal clothes to fit haha. The air show looked and sounds awesome! We love planes over here, our nursery is themed planes! Woohoo! New reader from Biana! Xo

  6. You packed it all in girl!! I'm loving that you were his first date to his first dance - that is so stinking cute!! Such a fun weekend girl! xo, biana BlovedBoston

  7. What a fun weekend! I love the mother/son dance! Seriously..too cute! I bet the air show was so fun, Jack would have loved it! Happy Monday!

  8. This weekend sounds absolutely perfect! Going to the dance with Jacob, seriously how special! I wish Brayden's school did something like that! And the air show, how cool! We have an air & water show every year here and I would really like to go sometime especially with the kids! And haha that is definitely the most random place to change a diaper I would say! How fun for another date night and I'm jealous of you tanning! I tried to sit outside and tan my white legs yesterday but all the kids do is bug me to play, LOL

  9. What a fantastic weekend! The pictures from the Mother-Son dance are so cute!

    1. Thank you! It was a blast hanging out with him one on one!

  10. Wow what a packed weekend! Your two littles are just adorable. And how special to have that first dance with your little boy..I am already dreaming of the day :-)

    1. Thank you! Yes, it was very special and I'll always hold those special memories in my heart.

  11. Such a fun weekend! We got to go to an airshow last year and it was so cool!

  12. Wow, what a fun and busy weekend you guys had! So cute to have a son/mother dance! You have the cutest kids! Glad y'all had a great date with friends!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  13. Wow, what a great weekend! I have the same floral dress - love it! Hope you have a great week.

    1. Thank you! I love it so much! I can't wait to wear it again!

  14. what an awesome weekend! an air show sounds like so much fun! My friend's husband is a Navy pilot and I've visited them on base a few times and got to sit in a jet.. I'm fascinated by all of that. I probably would have been more in awe than the kids!

  15. You look so great! This all sounds so fun and like an amazing weekend!

  16. I don't blame you for not changing a diaper in a port a potty- no way!! Your son looks adorable in his bowtie I can imagine how special that night was for you =)

  17. Oh my gosh! Can I spend a weekend being a third wheel with you guys? Man, you guys are livin' it up, yo! Haha!

    How fun that you and Jacob shared your first slow dance. These days are so precious with our it!

    You and your friends look absolutely amazing and how funny about the cardigan!

    1. Thank you! And I wish you could come spend the weekend with us! That would be a blast!!

  18. Your mother son dance photos are so cute. I love how sweet of a dance and moment it was for you two. I can't wait for Rory to do that with our girls. Sounds like the rest of your weekend was heavenly. Reading and sunbathing during the day is unheard of for me now. I need this.


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