
Monday, March 21, 2016

The Weekend – A Birthday + a Baby Sprinkle

Hello ladies, and a happy Monday to you!  Although, Mondays are going to be a little less exciting now that The Bachelor is over.  Anybody else going to be going through withdrawals tonight besides me?

We had a great weekend.  As always, it just wasn’t long enough.  Brian had to work Friday night and all day Saturday, so the kids and I bummed around the house – we watched a movie, I painted Olivia’s toenails, Olivia decided that she wanted to eat cereal with milk for the first time (hell-o messiness!), we did lots of playing, and I finally got the kids’ artwork cleaned out and purged after all these years.  

Boy, was that a tough job, though.  It was really hard throwing out their sweet little memories.  Up until this point, I had never thrown anything away with the exception of art made with food.  We don't want any bugs in the house!  I did hang on to my favorites and I took pictures of all of the ones that didn’t make the cut, though, so that made it a little easier.  Once I get everything done, I’d like to do a post on how I organized everything.


Saturday evening I took the two babies to church sans Brian, but my momma sat with me so she could help with the wrangling.  They were surprisingly good considering mass was 1/3 longer due to the long gospel reading for Palm Sunday.  Olivia did keep smacking Jacob with her palm, though, and at one point Jacob was pretending his palm was a gun, so I wouldn’t exactly call them angels, that’s for sure.  Lawd, those two.


After mass we met Brian and the rest of my extended family at my grandmother’s house to celebrate her birthday (which you may have already seen on Instagram).  This woman is just amazing!  She turned 87 years old yesterday and when I asked her how old she felt she said, “Most days I feel 45!”  I totally believe her, too.  She is still as sharp as a tack, she still mows her own grass, and next week she’s flying to London to see Matthew Perry in his new play.  I mean, she’s living a more exciting life than I am these days!!  You would never even know that her husband of almost 67 years died a few months ago… her spiritual and emotional strength is just incredible.  She is truly my hero, and I’m so thankful that every second my babies have with her.  I want them to know first-hand just how special she is. 

Sunday we spent a lazy morning at home followed by my friend Katie’s baby sprinkle.  It was at one of my favorite local restaurants here in town, and everything was just beautiful.  We dined on mimosas, fresh fruit, donuts drizzled in raspberry syrup, and the best French toast I’ve ever tasted in my entire life garnished with an orchid.  It was truly out of this world!  Every little detail was perfection, and it was a great way to celebrate Katie and sweet little Madeline who will be joining us in just a couple of short months.  

I sure do love every second I get with my girlfriends these days... my friend Eryn and I even showed up in almost identical outfits!  Great minds… 

And on a side note, don't you love the carpet??  I could really use that in my closet at home!

The remainder of the day was for napping (for the kids), and catching up on some blogging stuff (for me), followed by our usual dinner with my family.

Now I’m looking forward to a short work week… Jacob’s on spring break, and I’m taking Thursday and Friday off to hang out with him.  Should be a great week!  I hope you all enjoy yours as well!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. First of all, your Grandma is the sweetest. She reminds me so much of how my Grandma was & reminds me of Luke's Grandma. Luke's Grandma is 85, still goes on vacations, cruises, she golfs! These ladies! Who is she going to London with??

  2. I've gotten pretty good with the artwork but it is still hard to toss anything (especially when they catch you, LOL) I would love to see how you've organized yours! Your Grandma sounds amazing!! I hope I'm just like that!

    1. Lol. Yes, Jacob was asking what I was doing and I was like, "Oh nothing." Haha.

  3. your outfits are adorable! I love the theme for that sprinkle-its so cute! Happy Monday!

  4. Oh your Grandma is so cute!! Your outfits are so adorable! The sprinkle looked like so much fun.

  5. You should definitely do a post on how you organized all the art work! I don't have kids, but I am sure many other people can relate to wanting to keep them, but not having space!

  6. I'm excited for DWTS...that'll help fill the void LOL! Love what you wore to the sprinkle and all the details were so cute! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. Such a fun and productive weekend! The baby sprinkle looked super fun and quite adorable! I must say...I could totally go for one of those donuts instead of this bland granola bar I'm having. LOL!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  8. DYING over all those details! Looks and sounds like such a great weekend, you look stunning as always! I hate when the weekends end too. But the good news is, Spring Break starts on Thursday for us!

    1. Thanks, Laurie! Yes, the girls who planned it did such an amazing job! It was gorgeous!

  9. What an amazing weekend! First off, that is awesome about your Grandma. I love her spirit. That's so special the kids have all this time with her. Second, that sprinkle looks INCREDIBLE. I love all the little details. And, third, I love that photo of Jacob with the raspberries on his fingers. So cute!

  10. What an awesome weekend! Your Grandma sounds awesome.. and a lot like mine.. she goes off and does all these trips and has adventures. I want to be like her one day!! I'm taking Thursday and Friday off to spend some time with my hubby too! I hope you guys enjoy your time together!! And PS- I listed you as one of my favorite blogs on Chrystie's Naptime Nation podcast today... so FYI. :-)

  11. I'm in total Bachelor withdrawal... I'm going to try out some Dancing with the Stars tonight, but to be honest - nothing compares to The Bachelor. Don't even get me going about The Bachelorette! It's no Bachelor, but it feeds the addiction. I. Can't. Wait.

    Your Grandma...oh how sweet and wonderful is she?! #lifegoals You're so, so, soooo lucky. She sounds like she's amazing. Can she be my fill-in-Grandma?

    That shower/sprinkle and your outfit! Oh my goodness. Those decorations/scrubs are so cute. I need to either get pregnant again and throw myself a party or I need to throw one for somebody else! Your outfit is so darn cute. Can you please do a blog post called, "A Day in the Life of Shopping with Lindsay?" Please tell me how you always look divine. I'm clueless.

    Have a great (short) week. I'm happy you and I both made it through the weekend. Whew!!! Go us! ;)

    1. Hahahaha Marie, you always crack me up! We need to plan to meet up at a blog conference sometime and we can go shop together!

  12. I have yet to trash one piece of art that Mila has done. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who saves everything! One of these days I'll purge - but not yet!

    Your grandmother is amazing! I hope I am still that full of life at 87! My grandfather was the same way. I remember he was still taking long hikes up until the day he died.

    What a gorgeous shower! So many pretty details and that food looked fantastic!

  13. Wow that baby sprinkle is flawless and gorgeous! And loving all of your colored pants, where are they from?!

    1. Thank you so much! I got them at TJ Maxx a couple of months ago. :o)

  14. I love the post! Have a nice day:)

  15. I haven't thrown any of the girls art out yet. I just can't. Or at least for now I can't. I love those pink pants. Amazing. And all that food and decor at the sprinkle is so cute. Looks like an amazing weekend! And good for you on taking Thursday and Friday off.

  16. The sprinkle looks like such a sweet celebration - I love all the little details!


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