
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

I can’t believe that it’s already been a month since What’s Up Wednesday… man, these come around fast!  Let’s get right to it!

What We’re Eating This Week

Cake, cake, and more cake.  Cookie cake, regular cake, cupcakes, leftover cake.  Two weekends ago was Valentine's Day and this past weekend we celebrated Brian and Olivia for their birthdays, so we’ve had a lot of cake.  And naturally all of the leftovers come to our house, so we’ve literally eaten cake every day for the last ten days.  I guess I shouldn’t complain since I love it so much, but geez, I feel like I’ve gained five pounds in the last week.  I’m eating salads and fruit for lunch every day to try to balance it out.  Haha.

What I’m Reminiscing About

Olivia is turning two tomorrow, so I’ve been looking through old photos to include in recent posts, and I miss having a baby tiny enough to cradle in my arms.  You can join me on my trip down memory lane in the following posts.

What I’m Loving

Warmer weather!!  It’s been very mild here these last few days – highs in the seventies and lows in the fifties – and I’m loving it!  It’s been like a little taste of spring and it has me looking forward to green grass, blooming flowers, and sweet, warm sunshine on my bare shoulders!

What We’ve Been Up To

We celebrated Valentine’s Day a couple of weekends ago, we celebrated Brian’s and Olivia’s birthdays this past weekend, and Olivia had tubes put in her ears Monday.  It’s been a very busy couple of weeks!

What I’m Dreading

Brian is leaving on Sunday for a business trip so I’ll be a full-time working single momma with two kids for four days.  It’s always extremely tough and it makes me wish that I was a stay at home momma without a corporate job.

What I’m Working On

I’m in the middle of a home tour series here on the blog, and I’m still working to get the entire house cleaned up and photographed.  On top of that, I’m also working on my new year’s resolution to declutter every aspect of my life.  These two projects kind of go hand in hand, because a decluttered room makes for an easy room to photograph.  As a matter of fact, I just cleaned out Jacob’s entire room this weekend and knocked out my goal to declutter as well as knocked out my goal to get it cleaned up and photographed.  It feels good.

If you’re new here or you’ve missed any of the tour, you can see the rooms I’ve posted so far below.

What I’m Excited About

Spending the day with my girl tomorrow.  Brian and I always take the kids’ birthdays off of work and we spend the entire day with them doing whatever they want to do.  Olivia rarely gets one on one time with us, so I’m sure that she’ll enjoy it just as much as we will.  I still can’t believe that she will be two tomorrow.  :o(

What I’m Watching/Reading

Watching – still loving The Bachelor and I’m already getting sad about the fact that it’s almost over already… they should just have that show on all year round!  Can I get an amen!  I’m still loving Lauren and I also love Caila.  I’m having a difficult time deciding who he should choose, so I’m glad I’m not in his shoes! 

Reading – The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  Still.  You guys, I just haven’t had any time to read lately because all of my spare time has been consumed by blogging and planning for Valentine’s Day and for Brian’s and Olivia’s birthdays.  

What I’m Listening To

I recently revived my Justin Timberlake 20/20 Experience album, and y’all, I’ve missed it terribly.  When is he ever going to put out another album?!  

What I’m Wearing

It's quite a challenge to answer this right now… our weather has been all over the map lately!  Cold and sunny, warm and rainy, 30 degrees when you wake up and 70 degrees by the time you leave work.  What am I supposed to wear when the weather is drunk?!

You can see the day by day in my January Recap.

What I’m Doing This Weekend

Not a whole lot of anything.  As a matter of fact, I don’t think we have any plans at all.  Since Brian is leaving Sunday for his business trip, I’ll probably spend the day sulking.  Haha.

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

Warmer weather, the time changing, and hopefully spending more time in the great out-of-doors!  Once the time changes, we can finally resume our after dinner walks, and I think that’s what I’m looking forward to the most!

What Else Is New

We got this play kitchen for Olivia for her birthday and I just know that she and Jacob are both going to love it!  You guys, it’s soooo adorable!  Even if it did take us Brian four hours to put together.  I cannot wait to give it to her tomorrow!

*Linking up with Shay, Mel, and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday and Jessi's Design for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.


  1. Forgive me, I totally thought you stayed at home. I didn't realized that you worked outside the home. What do you do?

    I see all of these Bachelor posts & I'm so bummed about it. I watched the first couple of episodes & I just couldn't get into this season, which is so sad because I loved Ben in Kaitlyn's season.

  2. I hope you guys have a fabulous day with Olivia tomorrow! And the Bachelor is getting good, down to 3, I wonder who he'll pick?? I'm thinking Lauren

    1. Yep, if I had to choose one, I would say Lauren as well! I've been thinking it would be her since the beginning!

  3. I hope Olivia has a great birthday! She is so cute. I don't watch the Bachelor but everyone at work is constantly taking about it. At first, I thought Ben was a new person at work. haha

  4. Love this post! Happy Birthday to your sweet girl. I can't wait to hear all about the big day. Also, love that you guys are still eating cake, haha. Side note on the Bachelor, if you watched this week at the hometowns, Caila came home to Hudson...that's where I'm from. It was so cool seeing our little town and everything!

  5. I really want to read that book as well...I've heard so many good things about it. Good luck with your 4 days without dad!! That really is so hard. And you're not the only one who has been eating cake for a week straight....same menu over here! :)

  6. You are my lobster- stop it - love that!! I missed the last two episodes of the Bachelor so I can't wait to catch up!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. I love this catch up. So excited for Olivia's birthday tomorrow. I can't wait to see what you two have planned for her. So stoked you got her the kidkraft kitchen. My girls love theirs! And it took me about 4 hours to set up also. So many pieces. I am loving Lauren and JoJo on the Bachelor. I can't believe it is almost over as well. Ugh.

  8. Happy birthday to Olivia tomorrow! We got Mila the smaller version of the same kitchen for her 2nd birthday! Olivia will love it! Hubby business trips are the worst. I always dread them. Good luck flying solo next week!

  9. How special for your kids to be making these sweet birthday memories with their parents! LOVING The Bachelor this season...I'm team Lauren!

  10. Cake for every meal?? Yes please! I'm trying to decide which two girls Ben is in love with and I'm thinking Caila and Lauren--I think Jojo's crazy family scared him off!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  11. Happy Birthday to Olivia!
    I have no idea who Ben is going to chose!!! I can't wait to find out!
    Thanks for linking up with us for What's Up Wednesday! :)

  12. Happy Birthday to Olivia! I hope she has a great day.
    And I'm all for cake all the time! XOXO

    1. Thank you so much! We can't wait to spend the whole day with her tomorrow!

  13. I'm swooning over that playroom!!! Oh, and bring on the cake! :) Thanks for linking up today! xo

  14. Can you just give me your phone number because I always have a ton to say?! That playroom and those cakes! Both awesome! The weather is totally drunk here too! It was gorgeous and spring-like this past weekend, but now we literally can't leave because we're buried in snow. I agree with you about The Bachelor, this is the first time that I'm not all about him choosing one girl and what was up with JoJo's parent's living in a Elsa's ice castle?! Haha! That was....interesting, to say the least. Happy Birthday to your sweet, Olivia! I'm looking forward to read about her Birthday day recap! Okay. I'll stop now! Have a great weekend!

    1. OMG, I know! I told Brian, "Where do they even find these people for The Bachelor?! They're all filthy rich!!!!"


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