
Thursday, January 28, 2016

A Little Bit of Décor in the… Closet

OK y’all, please don’t think I’m a weirdo, but I decorated my closet. 

I probably should have been an interior designer or a wedding planner or something like that since I have the constant urge to decorate, but since I’m not, I decorate and redecorate our house wall is ever safe from my obsession.  In my opinion, a bare wall is a sad wall. 

When we first moved into our house, I pulled some pages with pictures of shoes out of Vogue and Style magazines, framed them, and hung them on the walls in my closet so I didn’t have to stare at empty walls while I decided what to put on there permanently.  


Well, six years later, I finally decided.  

If you follow me on Instagram, you have probably seen my Mommy and Olivia outfit posts.  Brian makes fun of me nonstop for these (and I’m sure he will continue to), but I just think that they are so sweet.  I love capturing these little moments with my girl while she still wants to hold my hand, and I love that she will have them to look back on one day when she’s older.  So the other day I had a great idea… what’s better to decorate your closet with than pictures of fashion!  And I knew just where to get the pictures... 

And yes, I know they’re all of Olivia, and no, that does not mean that I love Jacob less than her.  It just means that I have very few outfit pictures with him since he’s not exactly interested in fashion, and all of the outfit pictures that I do have with him consist of him in the same shirt (Superman) and he is always shielding his eyes from the sun and scowling.  Not exactly frame-worthy.  Lol.

I guess I could have put pictures of just myself all over the wall, but then y’all would think that I’m full of myself.  And Brian would never let me live that down.  Hehe.

Anyway, I found the frames at Michael’s.  They are 8x8 matted to a 5x5 picture opening, and they were 4 for $19.99.  In addition to that, I had a coupon for 30% off of my entire purchase so I got all 12 frames for just over $40.  Such a good deal! 

And my apologies in advance for the poor photo quality... it's hard to get decent pictures inside a closet with no natural light, and a professional photographer I am not!


I changed out the curtain for the window as well... that was the little project I was working on this past weekend that I promised to share with you.  And eventually I will post a tutorial on how I made it.

I received the books Vanity Fair 100 Years and Vogue: The Covers for Christmas, and I thought that this would be the perfect place to display them.  I added a few tulips to my Target dollar spot pitcher, and boom, a glam little nook in my closet that makes me smile every time I open the door.

Eventually I would love to paint that wall a different color, because I’m tired of the grey/brown, but that would be a pain, and there are more important things on the list of things to do than that!   

So ladies, tell me I’m not the only one… have you ever decorated an odd spot in your house? 

No, just me?

*Linking up with Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. I think framing the pictures of you & Olivia are adorable! It's such a cute spot!

  2. I love that you decorate your closet and those pictures of you and Olivia are soooo perfect for the space!

    1. Thank you, Lizzie! I'm loving looking at them every day. So sweet!

  3. Linds, you have the most stylish closet I've ever seen in real life. What an inspiring place to get dressed everyday!

  4. This is perfection! If I had a closet that big, I'd tooootally decorate it, too! You and Olivia are adorable!!

    1. Thank you, Marie! I've come a long way since hanging my clothes on a rack in our spare bedroom. Lol.

  5. First off, I love your mommy and me outfit posts. They are always adorable! (I am also super jealous because Mila now insists on picking our her own clothes and usually looks like she got dressed in the dark, lol). Second, you are not a weirdo. This is amazing and I LOVE it!

  6. OH my! I love your closet! It is so fantastic!!


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