
Friday, October 30, 2015

Five On Friday

Happy Halloween Eve, you guys!  We are looking forward to an exciting weekend.  The weather is supposed to be perfect… actually a little a lot warmer than I’d prefer for Halloween (high of 79 and low of 64), but at least it’s not supposed to rain.  

O N E 

Can the weather please just get cold enough so I can wear this blanket scarf??  I’ve been dying to wear it, but the weather just hasn’t been cooperating.  Plaid definitely has my heart this winter, and black and white plaid?  So classy!


T W O 

This book is making the rounds in the blogging community, and it sounds fascinating.  It’s not something that I would typically read for pleasure… I usually like to immerse myself in the world of fiction to give myself a chance to get lost for a while.  However, this one has me extremely interested and I think I’ll be making the purchase soon.  Anyone else read it yet?

T H R E E 

In case you missed it, yesterday I discussed Jacob’s lucky onesie on the blog, and we still haven’t made a decision whether or not he will wear it Saturday… some of you think he should wear it, and some of you think we should retire it, AND WE DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!  If you haven’t given your two cents, head on over, check out the post, and please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL US WHAT TO DO!

F O U R 

Need some last minute costume ideas?  I shared our past Halloween costumes last week, and boy, does it make me want to pull ‘em out, dust ‘em off, and play dress up!

F I V E 


That is all.
Linking up with A Liz Adventures for Five On Friday and A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Ah I just got the book, so I am excited to see what all the fuss is about! I need a blanket scarf, I don't have one yet!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

  2. It was so cute seeing your Halloween past! You guys have had some awesome costumes. Also, I'm going to check out that book asap because I've been looking for something new :) Have a fun weekend!

  3. That plaid scarf needs to come to Mama! Hope you guys have a fantastic Halloween! I'm jealous of your weather - we're at 100% chance of rain with a high of 52!

    1. Target, girl! Go get you one!

      100% chance of rain and a high of 52?! Oh no, that's terrible! I guess I have NO right to complain then!!

      I hope the rain holds our for y'all long enough to get in some good trick-or-treating! Happy Halloween!

  4. Oh my gosh your costume is so cute!!
    And I hear ya, I'm sooo excited to bust out my blanket scarves and boots! But this darn California weather is thinking otherwise...
    Happy Halloween!

  5. I'll have to check out that book. It looks super interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    I have a blanket scarf, too. It's been cold here in Michigan and I totally could've put that sucker on by now...the only problem is that I have no idea what to wear it with. I'm helpless when it comes to fashion! EEK! Hopefully by you wearing yours you'll inspire me to wear mine!

    Have a great Sunday, girl! :)

    1. Oh I'm so jealous! Although, I probably won't be jealous in a couple of months when y'all have been buried in snow forever! Haha.

      I can't wait to see how you style your scarf! Just take the plunge and do it! I'm sure you'll look great!

  6. Hope you guys had a great weekend girl! And hoping you can bust that blanket scarf out soon! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston


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