
Monday, July 13, 2015

Working for the Weekend

Well, another weekend has come and gone and it’s Monday again already.  However, Monday sure doesn’t sting as bad when you only have a four day work week ahead of you!  Brian and I are both taking this Friday off, sending the babies to school, and using the entire day to move everything into the new closets and get everything organized!!  Finally!

As always the weekend went by in a flash, but we squeezed in lots of fun.  Jacob requested Five Guys for dinner Friday night so we obliged.  My uncle came with us and put this tacky hat on each of the kids.  Jacob didn’t seem to mind, but Olivia is clearly not an Ohio State fan, although she eventually warmed up a little...  #DawgsForLife 

After dinner, the weather was miraculously cool (and by cool I mean 85-ish) and not dripping with humidity, so we got to go for a walk for the first time in quite awhile.  Oh, how we missed it!

Saturday I got the cleaning bug… I don’t usually clean too much on the weekend because I like to spend all of my time with Brian and the babies, but we’ve had construction workers traipsing all through the house to complete the addition, and everything just felt dirty, not to mention we have dry wall dust everywhere.  I just couldn’t take it anymore, and I went on a cleaning frenzy, scrubbing the entire house top to bottom (with the exception of the kitchen floor, since the construction workers have to come in one more time tomorrow to do the carpet).  Let me tell you, having the house this clean sure does make me one happy lady!  And I will be even happier once all of Brian’s office crap is out of the dining room and back in his office where it belongs!  Friday can’t get here fast enough!! 

I did squeeze in some special time with my two lovies in between cleaning while Daddy was mowing the lawn.  Jacob’s class has been doing worksheets in preparation for the move to Pre-K 4 in a few weeks, and he had one that he didn’t have a chance to finish Friday at school, so he wanted to finish it at home Saturday morning.  He had to color each letter, cut it out, and glue it next to its matching letter on the other worksheet.  And he did.  All by himself.  Correctly.  I swear, just when I think he can’t possibly amaze me anymore, he turns around and outdoes himself. 

While Jacob finished his worksheet, Olivia worked on this masterpiece.

Saturday evening we went to church, and all I have to say is thank goodness for the kids’ soundproof training room because Olivia is such a chatterbox these days!  As soon as we sat down, she pulled out her books and yelled, “REEEEAAAA, REEEEAAAA!!” (READ, READ!!).  So I plopped her down in the pew and she proceeded to “read” each book out loud.  She was non-stop for the entire hour, and of course, most of the stuff coming out of her mouth didn’t make a bit of sense.  She had everyone within earshot cracking up.

Sunday Brian’s mom didn’t cook lunch so we took the kiddos to Panera, and then we went to Barnes and Noble to REEEEAAAA some books and play.  It was boiling outside, so there was no way that we were even going to attempt anything outdoors… the weather is oppressive this time of year in the south, and it’s the only time of year that I wish I didn’t live here.  As soon as 4th of July is over, I start dreaming about crisp fall weather, pumpkins, and college football, but unfortunately we still have a good two to three months of this nasty heat.

My outfit on Sunday... wishful thinking...
I absolutely adore Sunday afternoon naptimes.  It’s pretty much the only couple of hours that I have to myself each week, and it’s just so peaceful – a nice quiet house, me locked away in my happy office, old big band or jazz music humming in the background… perfection.  Yesterday’s music selection?  Michael Buble’s album, It’s Time.  Yesterday’s craft project?  Well, you’ll just have to wait and see… I’ll be posting about it later this week!  But in the meantime, here is a little sneak peek…

Hope you lovelies have a wonderful work week!


  1. I don't blame Olivia for not liking that hat! ;) She is, however, adorable as usual. That's awesome about Jacob! What a smart little cookie!

    1. Hehe, yep, we're Georgia fans, but my uncle likes Ohio State and he likes to stir the pot. ;o)

  2. Boo Ohio State!! :) Sounds like a great weekend! I got into a cleaning frenzy this weekend too and I am so happy with the results!

    1. Hehe, agreed! We are definitely not fans either. :o)

  3. They are too cute on their matching tricycles and I NEED that game day shirt for college football season - there isn't anything like game day.

    1. Yes!! Game day is definitely the best day! I caaaan't waaaaiiiit for college football!!

  4. They are so cute! It looks like you had a nice weekend, and I hope you get everything done this weekend! XOXO


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