
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

This is Four... Jacob's Birthday Interview

Ah, the birthday interview… this is something that I’ve been looking forward to doing with my kids ever since I saw it on Pinterest a few years ago.  I wanted to do an interview last year for Jacob’s third birthday but I never got around to it, so this is his very first.  As always, he cracked us up.  And in case you are wondering, the exclamation marks after every response are 100% necessary as he yelled out each and every answer emphatically.  This boy. 

Without further ado, I present to you, Jacob’s fourth birthday interview with a commentary by yours truly.   

1.    What is your favorite toy?  “Transformers!”

2.    What is your favorite stuffed animal?  “Chuck the Choo Choo Train!”  (The one that his Aunt Cheryl made for him.)

3.    What is your favorite game?  “Candy Land!!”  (At this point he had never even played Candy Land before, but we were just getting ready to play it for the first time right after his interview so it was fresh in his mind.)

4.    What is your favorite sport?  “Baseball!”

5.    What is your favorite book?  “Goodnight, Owl!”

6.    What is your favorite TV show?  “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Team Umizoomi!”  (I was shocked and appalled that Bubble Guppies didn’t make the cut as that’s all we’ve been watching for the last three months… Outside!  Outside!  Outside, everybody, outside!!  Ok, I’ll stop now.)

7.    What is your favorite movie?  “Cars and Planes!”  (Aaaand what about Frozen?!)

8.    What is your favorite song?  “Frozen!”  (Ah, there it is.  AKA Let It Go.  And he likes the Pentatonix version… as a matter of fact, out of the almost 3,000 songs I have on my iPhone, it is my #1 played song coming in with 103 plays just since last December... and I’m not even the one who drives them around.  Brian is the one who drives the kids to school every day, so I’m sure that the number of plays on his iPhone is at least ten times higher than mine.  Seriously.)

9.    What is your favorite band or singer?  “Daddy!”  (Huh?  Lol.)

10. What is your favorite holiday?  “Friday and Saturday!”  (And after I explained what a holiday was, “Easter and Christmas and Halloween!”)

11. What is your favorite season?  “Spring!”

12. What is your favorite color?  He proceeds to list aaaall of the colors of the entire rainbow.  When I asked him to narrow it down he shouted, “Black!”

13. What is your favorite animal?  “Elephants!”

14. What is your favorite shirt?  “Suuuupermaaaan!!”  (While raising his little fist to the sky.)

15. What is your favorite fruit?  “Grapes!”  (His first response.)  After we discussed it a little more, “Watermelon!”

16. What is your favorite vegetable?  “Broccolli!”  (Uh, Bud, you don’t even like broccoli…)  “Carrots!”

17. What is your favorite snack?  “Graham crackers and raisins!”  (We don’t ever have either of those at our house, so clearly I’m not buying the right snacks.)

18. What is your favorite treat?  “Chocolate candy bars!”

19. What is your favorite drink?  “Apple juice!”  (Which he rarely drinks… he always wants milk.)

20. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?  “Bread sticks and rolls!”  (Alrighty then.)

21. What is your favorite restaurant?  “Five Guys!”

22. Who is your best friend?  “Miller and Zaki and Caitlin and Kaleigh!”

23. What makes you feel happy?  “When someone does <insert goofy sounds here>!”  (He had crazy faces and gestures to go with his crazy noises.)

24. What makes you feel sad?  “When someone growls at me, hits me, or pushes me down… or bites me or pinches me!”  (Growls?)

25. What are you afraid of?  “Bears and dinosaurs!”  (I’d say you have nothing to worry about then.)

26. What are you thankful for?  “Toys and food and bread!”  (And Mommy and Daddy and Olivia?)

27. What are you really good at?  “Playing with some toys!”

28. What is your best memory?  “Playing!”  (Can you be more specific?)  “Playing at Chuck E. Cheese’s!”

29. What do you want to be when you grow up?  “A superhero and a fireman and a police car transformer!”  (Extremely specific.)

30. If you could have one wish, what would it be?  “A sailboat!”  (Aaaand there it is again.  Thank goodness for Amazon Prime.)


  1. LOL I love that he said Friday and Saturday are his favorite holidays! They're mine too! :)

  2. Love this so much! I started doing the birthday interview with Brayden last year too! Except I like your questions much better, I may have to add some to mine next year. And I should probably also add it to the blog, right now they're in a small binder. I also love that his favorite holidays are Friday and Saturday, soooo funny!!!

    1. Yes, you should totally put it on the blog... I would love to see his answers! Kids say the craziest things!

  3. LOL! How cute! I loooove his favorite holiday and his favorite color! SO funny! I should do this with Henry. It's a little late, but would still be hilarious. Thanks for sharing. It truly had me laughing. :)

    1. Yes, you should totally do it! It's never too late! You could do back to school interviews every year instead of birthday interviews!


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