Oh, how I wish
I could go back in time and start a blog before Brian and I ever got married… I
did keep a diary/journal back then, and of course, I was on Facebook, but it
never occurred to me to document my life via a blog where everyone in the world
could see it. Since I just started blogging,
there are a lot of past events that I would like to have on here, such as our
wedding story, the pregnancies and birth stories of our two sweet babies, and loads
of past vacations. So to get the blog
caught up, here is a little bit about my pregnancy with Jacob.
Four years ago
today was my original due date… they later changed the due date to 7/16/2011
(only one day later) but I will always think of 7/15/2011 as my original due
date. Jacob, however, decided that neither
of those days worked for him, nor any of the other days in that vicinity, so
today is obviously not his birthday. And
neither is tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the day after that. Or even the day after that. But in honor of my original due date, I
thought I might post a little about his pregnancy here on the ol’ blog.
On November 4,
2010 I received the best news of my entire life in a faint pink line and a tiny blue cross. As some of you may know, I suffered a
miscarriage before my pregnancy with Jacob, and I wanted nothing more in the
world than to be pregnant again. Those
four months leading up to November 4th were the lowest time in my
whole life. And it was also the longest
four months of my life. I could not have
been more thankful for those positive pregnancy tests. And yes, I took two different brands just to make sure!
I had a somewhat
difficult pregnancy… I didn’t realize just how difficult it was at the time
(likely because I was just thankful to be pregnant in the first place), but
after my super easy-peasy pregnancy with Olivia a couple of years later, I
realized that my pregnancy with Jacob could have been way easier. I didn’t have much morning sickness like a
lot of women do… just a little bit in the evenings during the end of my first
trimester, and I also (thankfully) didn’t have a lot of heartburn, or high
blood pressure, or gestational diabetes.
I did, however,
have tons of round ligament pain and bad swelling (my ankles always looked like
cantaloupes and I would wake up with fingers so stiff I couldn’t even move them)
during the entire pregnancy, loads upon loads of Braxton Hicks contractions for
the last 15 weeks, and I had excruciating
tailbone pain during the last few months.
I was also just plain exhausted the entire pregnancy. I could sleep anywhere, anytime, and I fell
asleep on the couch almost every single night while Brian and I were watching
TV (but only after I had the big bowl
of Publix Vanilla Frozen Yogurt with Dark Chocolate M&M’s that I craved
every single night). Which reminds me, I
also craved Simply Lemonade over ice, which is crazy, because… I never drink anything on ice. Ok, cocktails. I drink cocktails on ice. I stand corrected. ;o)
January 29, 2011 - 16 weeks |
Anyway, because
of all of the constant pain I was in and the contractions I had all of the
time, I, who have always been a very active person, had to stop doing all
physical activity early in my second trimester.
Because of that, I lost muscle tone and became generally weak, which did
not bode well for the physical labor that is childbirth.
February 25, 2011 - almost 20 weeks, heading to Jacob's first concert - Brad Paisley & Darius Rucker :o) |
As I said
before, Jacob was due on July 15th and it was one of the hottest
summers I can remember. Seriously, the
temps hit over 100 degrees many days that summer. It.
Was. Miserable. I often had trouble just walking to the car
after work because I was so exhausted, out of shape, and swollen from the
Jacob also
sucked all of the iron right out of me, and I became so iron deficient that my
midwife suggested that I eat red meat as many times per week as I could stomach. Well, this girl loves red meat, so I had no qualms about fulfilling that
request. The filet mignon lover in me
was ecstatic, and I spent the remainder of my pregnancy devouring steak,
Mongolian Beef, and Bonzai Burgers from Red Robin like it was my job. Oh, and I
also had to start taking two iron pills per day, but that wasn’t nearly as fun or
memorable as having a license to eat as much red meat as I wanted to.
April 17, 2011 - 17 weeks |
Starting around
25 weeks I started having Braxton Hicks contractions sporadically almost every
day, and around 32 weeks I started having them every evening. They were often very painful, and very close together (we’re talking, like,
4-5 minutes apart for hours at a time), so I pretty much lived on the couch,
laying on my left side, and chugging tons of water to make them stop.
The pregnancy
wasn’t all bad, though. I got to live in sundresses – my favorite
thing! So comfy and so cute! I also had an excuse to let my artsy side come out to decorate his nursery. I hand painted 3 paintings for his wall, some letters to spell his name, and his light switch plate. And I was also in heaven receiving all sorts of sweet baby gifts, along with some other gadgets that I had no clue what to do with yet!
Before the shower that my mom's co-worker had for me on May 6, 2011 |
Momma and me |
My sweet girls |
Love each and every one of these ladies so much!
Before the shower that my Aunt Joy had for me on May 15, 2011 |
On January 28, 2011 we found out that we were
having a boy and we were completely over the moon! Then shortly after that, on 2/13/2011 I felt
him kick hard for the first time, and it was the single best feeling that I
have ever felt in my entire life. The
flutters, strong kicks, and rolls never got old, and I still miss them to this
day. My very favorite thing was when he
got the hiccups, and he did almost every single day. I could always feel them in the same spot –
waaaay down low on the left side of my pelvis.
It was like he was just camped out in the same position, never moving
And he
was. With his butt down. At 36 weeks.
I spent two
weeks at the chiropractor trying the Webster Technique (a natural way to get
him to turn head down). No dice.
So the
following week, they scheduled me for an ECV (External Cephalic Version), which
is just a fancy alternative to telling you that they are going to manually turn
the baby from the outside of your stomach.
Yes, it worked, and yes, it was as horrifying as it sounds. It literally felt as though they were moving
my organs around inside my body. It was
outpatient, so after monitoring Jacob and me for a couple of hours afterwards,
they released us, Brian and I had brunch at Cracker Barrel, and then I went to
work. Ya know, no big deal.
I carried him
incredibly low throughout the whole pregnancy… so low that I swear sometimes I
was scared to walk because it felt like he could just fall out at any minute. Little did I know, that was not remotely the case. In the last couple of weeks leading up to his
due date, every time I went for my check-up, I thought for sure that I was
going to be dilated a good bit, but every single time I went, nothing. How was that possible after months of
On July 21,
2011, when I was already six days overdue, I went in for another check-up and
he was still nestled comfortably in my belly, not remotely any closer to coming
out. My midwife told me that we could
wait a few more days to see if he would come on his own, and at those very
words, I broke down in tears. I was so
miserable I couldn’t imagine waiting longer.
She knew right away that was not a good decision, and she told me that
we could schedule an induction for the next day, July 22. I waddled out of that doctor’s office incredibly
relieved and only 23 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight. At least I had that going for me.
Ugh, I remember you telling me all about that pregnancy! But I don't think I ever knew you had an ECV done?? My dr wouldn't do that when Brayden was breeched, part of me was thankful! :)
ReplyDeleteYes, girlfriend, and OMG, it was crazy. Looking back, I should have just let him stay butt down and had a C-section... that would have been a lot easier than all of the other stuff that I went through! Lol.