
Friday, July 17, 2015

Five On Friday

Y’all, it’s Friday and I’m OFF today!  Lots of fun things going on around here today, so let’s get started! 

As usual, I'm linking up with A Little Bit of Everything Blog for Friday Favorites and A. Liz Adventures for Five On Friday.

O N E 

If you follow me on Insta you may have seen this picture that I posted on Wednesday… talk about a happy mail day! 

It’s all of the outdoor furniture that we ordered for our back porch.  It was so much stuff that an actual 18 wheeler had to pull up to our door to deliver it all.  No UPS or FedEx for this stuff! 

Here are the pieces that we ordered.  All are from Target.  Where else?
Threshold Heatherstone Wicker Patio Conversation Furniture Collection

Threshold Holden Metal/Wicker Patio Dining Furniture Collection

Threshold Heatherstone Wicker Patio Chaise Lounge

These didn't come with the throw pillows pictured (thank goodness) so I can't wait to pick some out to dress up our space!  In the meantime, aaaall of these have to be put together, so as you can see, we Brian has his work cut out for him!  ;o) 

T W O 

Jacob’s birthday is next week, so we have been preparing.  We don’t do huge themed parties for birthdays (only for first birthdays), but we do celebrate with each of our families when we see them for Sunday lunch and dinner.  Once the kids get a little older we will probably start having parties again, but for now birthday celebrations are spread out over several smaller celebrations throughout birthday week.  

This weekend we will be celebrating with Brian’s family, then the day before Jacob's actual birthday we will have a little party at school so he can celebrate with his friends.  On his actual birthday, Brian and I are taking off of work to spend the day with just him… we’ve been doing this every year since his second birthday and we all love it.  Plus, now that he has a little sister, it’s nice for him to get Mommy and Daddy’s undivided attention for his special day.  We have a lot of fun stuff planned, so I can’t wait.  Finally, we will celebrate with my family the following weekend.  

T H R E E 

We usually get a small cake for each celebration instead of the one giant one that we would get if we had one big party.  I also get a birthday shirt made for him to wear every year, although I’m sure he’ll outgrow that soon…  I don’t see him wanting to wear a personalized birthday shirt for his 8th birthday (cue my tears), but it’s nice having all of the different celebrations because he gets to wear his shirt several times.

This year he said that he wanted a superhero cake, so I took to the interwebs to find some ideas.  These are the pictures that I took to the bakery to make Jacob’s cakes - a cake for Brian's family celebration, cupcakes for school, and a cake for my family's celebration... We will see how they turn out!

F O U R 

Was anyone else as upset with Amazon Prime Day as I was??  I didn’t see one thing that I was remotely interested in purchasing, and not one thing on my wish list went on sale.  Seriously, Amazon, could you be more disappointing?!  Yep, this about sums it up…

F I V E 

Well, as I said last night, the indoor closet, outdoor utility shed, and porch are complete, so we are spending today getting things organized and put away.  Some things on the list? 

  • Install shelving in utility closet
  • Install shelving in indoor closet
  • Move all items from garage to utility closet
  • Move all items to indoor closet
  • Organize utility closet
  • Organize indoor closet
  • Organize all wreaths on walls in indoor closet
  • Clean out and organize decoration storage boxes in indoor closet
  • Put together new porch furniture
  • Hang string lights on porch
And a whoooole bunch of other things.  I don't see how we'll even get half of this done today, but I'm going to try my best to put a big ol' dent in it while we're kid free!
Time for me to get to work!  Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Yay for Friday off - I'm off too! Haha I always laugh when all our packages come at the same tray like that but I love your set! Our patio set is from Target too and we're obsessed!

    1. Yay! I'm so glad to hear that you like your set! We always look at tons of reviews before making a large purchase and there weren't a ton of reviews on the set we bought. We love it so far, though! It was super easy to put together!

  2. Love the patio stuff you got, I can't wait to see it all set up! And yep, Amazon Prime Day was pathetic, I was hoping to get some Christmas shopping done but nope, nothing interested me either.

    1. Hopefully we will eventually have it all set up! We have no time to do anything with two littles running around everywhere!


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