
Thursday, July 16, 2015

DIY Confetti Art

Happy Thursday, friends!  Today is my Friday because B and I took off tomorrow to get everything moved into the new closets that are finally done!  I’m thrilled… this is where the fun begins!  

Anyway, as you all know, I’m still working to get my home office totally decorated, and every single time I think I’m almost done, something else pops up.  A couple of weeks ago, I found a new piece at Marshall’s that I had to have, so this resulted in me rearranging everything on three of my walls… which then opened up a couple of new spaces to fill.  Y’all know how it goes… or maybe you don’t?  Just me?  Anyhoo, I decided to make something myself to fill one of the spaces, and I knew I wanted something bright and cheerful to go hand in hand with the other paintings on that same wall. 

All you need for this project is a hole punch, a canvas or white cardstock for your background, colorful paper scraps, Mod Podge, and a paint brush.   

I started by punching 25 or 30 holes of each color paper and sorting them into piles.  Next, I painted a thin coat of Mod Podge across the bottom two inches of my cardstock and sprinkled the dots on the Mod Podge, making sure to use a little from each color.  I knew I wanted the confetti thick at the bottom and thinner as it went up (think champagne bubbles), so for the next two inches, I sprinkled fewer dots, and then I continued with this in mind all the way to the top of the cardstock. 

The reason I only painted a couple of inches of Mod Podge at a time is because I was using very thin coats, and it dries pretty quickly, so I didn’t want the Mod Podge to dry at the top before I could get the dots on there.  

After I was done, I had a couple of loose dots floating around on the page, so I painted a little bit of Mod Podge over the top of the loose dots to set them.  Mod Podge dries clear, so you don’t have to worry about it messing up the color. 

Frame it, and BOOM!  Oh-so-cute for a baby nursery, kids’ room, playroom, office… anywhere!  Plus, you can customize the colors to match your décor.

I hope everyone has a great evening… I’m off to map out my new closet space and create my to-do list for tomorrow!  Eeeek!  #LikeAKidOnChristmas


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