Saturday, March 7, 2015

Olivia Cate's Pink & Gold First Birthday

*This post may contain affliate links.

I can't believe my baby girl is one... seriously, HOW?!  I just had her yesterday.  They say time flies when you have babies, but I never knew just how accurate that statement was until I had my own babies.  This year was seriously the fastest year of my life, but it was definitely the best. 

As y'all know, I am a DIY kinda girl and I love creating and crafting, so I decided to make the majority of Olivia's party decorations myself.  People always ask me, "when do you have the time??"  Since I work full-time, it took months to get it all done, but I just did a little each day when I could, aaaand then I took the Friday off before the party and binge-crafted to finish the rest - HA.  Hallelujah for lunch breaks during the work week and nap time on the weekends!!  <Clappy hand emoticons!>

I knew that I wanted to do a pink and gold party since before I ever even got pregnant with her.  Seriously.  So the color scheme was easy.  Coming up with a theme was a little harder, though.  I had seen some cute Winter Onederland parties on Pinterest that I thought might work well for a February birthday, but they didn't really go along with the color scheme, and honestly, by February I'm about ready to kick winter in the teeth.  

So, one day I was doodling some hearts on a piece of paper and I thought how great it would be to incorporate hearts into her party since I love them so much, and THEN I realized that the party was just a week after Valentine's Day!!  How could I NOT do some kind of love theme?  And that's how the "Our Little Love" theme came to be.  AAAALL THE HEARTS!

I actually handmade all of the decorations for Olivia's party, but before we get started sharing those, I understand that a lot of people just don't have time for crafting.  So if you aren't looking to make your party items, I have listed some FANTASTIC items of pink and gold birthday items below.  These gold glitter heart picks are almost identical to the ones that I used for Olivia's cupcakes and these rose gold crowns would be adorable for a pink and gold party!  These are also an absolute MUST for all parties and announcements right now and this pink table cloth would be perfect for a pink and gold party as would these gold place mats!  

I have also listed several items below from Amazon... all are pretty inexpensive and most qualify for Prime free two-day shipping!  You definitely can't go wrong with that.  All links have been updated as of May 2017:


Now, here are some of the crafts that I made for Olivia's party...

Banner for food table

Banner for her high chair

Main cake topper

Clips to hold her monthly photos on a banner for the mantle

Garland for the drink table.  I later went back and added pink hearts as well.

Jars to hold silverware and straws

Cupcake toppers

The party was on Saturday, February 21st at noon.  The day was mostly sunny and it was warmer than usual, so that was just the icing on the cake.  Good thing we didn't plan a Winter Onederland theme.


Y'all know I had to do a chalkboard since I've been documenting all of Jacob's birthdays with chalkboards AND I documented every week of my pregnancy with Olivia with chalkboards.  I love how it turned out.

For the party decorations, I used lots of light pink ribbon and gold glitter scrapbook paper.  The people at Hobby Lobby now know me by name.  Who am I kidding?  They knew me by name before this.  I'm pretty sure that heaven is going to look a lot like Hobby Lobby. 

On the Menu:

Chicken salad sandwiches on croissants
Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets with honey mustard dipping sauce (because you can't go wrong with CFA!)
Fresh strawberries, grapes, and pineapple
Chips - plain and BBQ
Fruit pouches, Puffs, and Yogurt Melts for the 121,723,225 babies who attended
Cake pops

And my favorite touch - a Candy Bar for the older kids to take home as party favors.

Strawberry Heart-Shaped Marshmallows
Strawberry Banana Gummy Bears
Chocolate Sixlets
Tutti Frutti Rock Candy
Cherry Rock Candy

Yes, the older kids (namely, Jacob) were tearing around the house like maniacs from all the sugar.  Oops.

Olivia, of course, had her own little smash cake and it was just darling.  And the gold glittered One candle made by yours truly really completed the look.

And ooooh her outfit.  I die.  Seriously, I die.  I wish I could say that I made her onesie, but I ran out of time and had to purchase one on Etsy.  I found someone who was selling the gold glitter heart with "One" in them, and I asked her if she could add Olivia's name to the butt, and BOOM, perfection.


I can't even with those thigh chunks!

I made her tutu myself (and holy goodness did it take forever), and it turned out great... until she put it on the morning of her party and we realized that her chunks were even bigger than I had anticipated.  #DIYFail  She still rocked it anyway, stretched out elastic showing and all!

Perfect before it was stretched out ;o)

I made her headband as well, and that fit perfectly.

I couldn't wait for her to dig into her smash cake... Jacob hated his and cried when the frosting got on his hands, so I was looking forward to one of my babies getting really messy.  I just knew she was going to make the messiest of messes, but instead, she daintily stuck her little hand in the cake, put the tiniest bit in her mouth, and then gagged.

I tried to feed her with a fork thinking that maybe she just didn't want to get her hands dirty, but she just swiped it from me and proceeded to feed me instead.  What the birthday girl wants, the birthday girl gets!  At least we didn't have to worry about a sugar high and a tummy ache later...

She received so many sweet gifts, but she wasn't too interested in opening them... she let Jacob do all of the work for her while she shredded some paper.

The whole party was perfection, and I'm so thankful to everyone who took the time out of their Saturday to come.  It really meant a lot to us.  It's the last time I'll ever plan a first birthday party for one of my own babies (I can practically hear God laughing at me and saying, "That's what you think."), so I'm glad it was a good one.

With that, I'll leave you with the only two remotely good pictures that we were able to get of our entire family.  #RealLife #HandToTheFace

*This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. So sweet, Lindsay! Every picture and memory you captured was perfect. She'll love being able to read this stuff one day. ����

    1. Thank you so much, Railyn! That was the ultimate reason why I decided to go ahead and start a blog... to be a diary of sorts for the kids to look back on one day. :o)

      <3 Linds

    2. This is exactly what I have planned for my daughter's first birthday which is also in Feb! ( Feb 25th) Did you make the cake yourself?? I want to do the same exact thing as your cake but don't know how to make the circles.. any pointers??

    3. So crazy that your daughter's bday is Feb 25! That's Olivia's birthday as well! And no, I didn't make the cake myself. We had a local bakery do it for us. Do you have one that you could use? If so, you could print a picture of this cake from our party and take it to them. I'm sure they could do it!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Marie!! I'm heading over to your blog to check it out now!

      <3 Linds

  3. Girl!!! I've always thought you should have a blog!! Yay for starting one and I'm so happy we can connect this way! Olivia's party looked amazing, you did a fabulous job! And too funny because I'm already thinking of Avery's first birthday and my colors are pink and gold too! She's turning 1 on the 1st so it's her Golden birthday - that will be the theme and I just may have to steal all of your ideas :) xo!!

    1. Thank you so much!! And definitely steal away... I got a lot of my ideas from Pinterest, (of course!). I can't believe that it's already time to start thinking of Avery's party... where is the time going?! I cannot WAIT to see how everything turns out! Miss you!

      <3 Linds

    2. So I'm coming back to this post for inspiration now that I need to get my butt in gear for Avery's birthday, you know, all while I'm planning Brayden's 5th :) Anyway, question on the headband you made, did you use fabric or felt? did you free hand and how did you attach to the headband? I so want to make one for Miss A!

    3. Haha, yes, that is crazytown that you have THREE birthdays to plan every year now! ;o) For the headband, I used felt for the hearts. You can get a 10x10 piece of felt at Hobby Lobby for like $0.25. For the hearts, I free handed a heart on a piece of scrap paper and cut that out, and then I just held the paper heart up to the felt like a stencil and cut around it for each one. It would have been easier to draw the hearts directly on the felt, but it's pretty hard to write on felt. Also, a tip - make sure your scissors are super sharp or it won't cut the felt properly. After cutting out the hearts, I cut out circles for each heart (slightly smaller than the hearts) out of the felt to use as the backing. Then, I just hot glued the hearts on one side of the elastic, and then I hot glued circles to the backs of the hearts to make a backing so the dried hot glue wouldn't scratch Olivia's head. It was easy peasy... only took about 30 minutes to do the whole thing! Just be careful not to put too much hot glue on the felt, because on mine you can see how the hot glue kind of bled through one of the hearts... probably would have been easy to fix, but #AintNobodyGotTimeFoDat ;o)

    4. Ahh! Thanks so much! I can definitely handle this :) I'm heading to Hobby Lobby this weekend for lots of party stuff so I'll make sure and grab what I need for this too :)

    5. I can't wait to see!! Be sure to post!!

  4. I'm not sure if my previous comment posted. Do you happen to remember where you got your supplies?

    1. Hi! I actually made most of the supplies - the banners, the cake topper, the cupcake toppers, etc. were all made by me with gold glitter and pink scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby. The gold plates and pink napkins were also from Hobby Lobby. The mason jars are from Party City, but they were just plain and I spray painted them. The LOVE sign on the mantle is from Hobby Lobby, and the gold initial letters were from Michaels and decorated by me. If I missed anything in particular that you're looking for just let me know!

      Thanks for stopping by!

      <3 Linds

    2. You did a wonderful job! My little girl's first birthday is in November and this is the exact theme that I want! Do you mind me asking if you used something to trace the letters and numbers? I love the font!

    3. Thank you so much! I was actually looking at Google images of first birthdays and I came across a gold glitter "one" in that font, so I enlarged it, printed it, and used it as a stencil to make the cake topper. I liked the font so much that I free handed my own letters for the other decorations!

  5. This is EXACTLY what I want for my Olivia's 2nd birthday! You did such a fantastic job! I hope my stuff comes out half a good as yours (I'm not very crafty, but I'm going to try).

    1. Thank you so much! Good luck with all of your crafting... you can do it!!

  6. Hello! Awesome blog! I am planning my daughter's first birthday using the exact same colors. How did you make her 12 month time line, cake topper and the one candle for her smash cake?! Thanks

    1. Thanks, Jeanie! For the 12 months timeline, I purchased the pink and white chevron bunting from and then I spray painted clothes pins with Gold Glitter Spray Paint from Michaels to hang the pictures on the bunting. The hearts on the clothes pins were made with pink scrapbook paper and a gold paint pen (I just free-handed the numbers).

      For the cake topper, I found the ONE lettering on Google, traced it on the back of some gold glitter scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby, and then I cut it out and taped it to two pink and white paper straws from Target.

      For the ONE candle, I just bought a standard candle from Party City for 99 cents and then I spread glue all over the front of it, sprinkled gold glitter over the glue, and shook off the excess. Easy peasy!

      I hope this helps! Good luck with your planning! :o)

  7. Such a cute party! I'm trying to figure out what you used for holding your cake pops -- looks like maybe you painted Styrofoam spheres???

    1. Hi Megan, yes, I painted Styrofoam spheres from the floral section at Michael's. Easy peasy!

    2. Hi Lindsay,

      What did you paint the Styrofoam spheres with?
      Two: What brand of gold glitter spray did you use?

    3. Hi Cassie, the brand of glitter spreay is Krylon Glitter Blast Glitter Spray... I also used that to paint the Styrofoam spheres! You can find it here:

      And they also sell it at Walmart and Michaels I believe!

  8. Can you please share what the font name is that you used for the banner and where you purchased the onsie? Is the banner on gold string?

    1. Hi, I actually don't know the font name for the banner... when I was looking for ideas online I stumbled upon a gold glitter "one" in that font, so I enlarged it, printed it, and used it as a stencil to make the cake topper. I liked the font so much that I free handed my own letters for the other decorations.

      The onesie is from TheMonogrammedPrep Etsy store. Here is the link for the listing -

      And yes, the banner is on gold string that I found at Joann Fabrics.

  9. Hi! May I know how many yards of tulle did you use for making a tutu?

    1. Hi Jolene! I bought two spools of tulle from Walmart and each of them were 6 inches by 25 yards. I used an entire spool plus a little bit of the second spool.

  10. Oh my goodness! I love every single thing about her party! Do you have a Cricut or a Silhouette? I love, love, love all of your DIY projects!

  11. OH MY WORD! Obsessed. This is one of the cutest birthday parties I have seen! Everything about it is just many sweet details. Amazing job!

  12. The picture of her feeding you literally makes me cry! Every single detail is sheer perfections! Ah!

  13. I am in love with this party! Can you please tell me where I can find the pink hearts that you used on the cupcakes?

    1. Thank you, Lisa! The pink hearts on the cupcakes are actually just frosting that the bakery put on there. Then I used gold glitter scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby to make hearts and I glued them to toothpicks to make the gold heart cupcake toppers.

  14. Oh my goodness this adorable and its EXACTLY how I want to do for my daughter's first birthday!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad that I could provide some inspiration for you!

  15. This is the sweetest party!! Are the flowers real? If not where did you get them??

    Ellie :)

    1. Oh also where did you get the vases? Thanks! You sure are talented!!

    2. Thank you so much! The lilies are actually fake and they are from Hobby Lobby. The vases are from Hobby Lobby as well. :o)

  16. ADORABLE! Everything is so cute! Where did you get her onesie?

    1. Thank you so much! I got it from the Etsy shop TheMonogrammedPrep.

  17. LOVE!!!! You have sparked my creativity! Wish your freehand was an actual font... :(

    1. Glad I could help! And thank you! And yes, how awesome would that be if we could turn our handwriting into fonts?!

  18. Hi, Great job!!!! I love it I wanted to know how you made the garland please for the drink table?

    1. Thanks so much, Gretha! For the drink table garland, I got some pink and gold glitter scrapbook paper, a 1.5 inch round punch, some string, and glue dots from Hobby Lobby. I punched out a bunch of dots with the paper and punch, and then I used the glue dots to glue two dots back to back on the string. Then I did that over and over for each of the dots. It only took about 30 minutes to do the whole thing and I love the way it turned out! I hope this helps!

  19. What font did you use for the banners? Thank you!

    1. Hi Sadie, I actually found the ONE on google and just traced it on the scrapbook paper, and then I free-handed the other letters for the other banners!

  20. Wow... great job! It looks perfect. Thanks for getting back to me. :-)

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This is perfect and so detailed! My daughter is about to turn one and I was at a loss for what color each thing should be. Sooo helpful! Do you have any of the tutorials on everything you did! Also, I really want a long sleeve onsie as well. Do you know who you purchased it from!

    1. Thanks so much, Heather, for all of your sweet comments. Unfortunately I do not have any tutorials for the things that I made, but I can direct you to the long sleeve onesie that I got. It is from the Etsy shop TheMonogrammedPrep and the link to the onesie is here:

  23. Do you have a photo of your drink table by chance?

    1. Hi Heather, unfortunately I don't have a zoomed out picture of the drink table. The only one that I do have is the one toward the beginning of the post with the gold mason jar and the plastic cups with straws. I'm sorry!

  24. Did the glitter on the tutu get everywhere? Just curious. I love how it looks!

    1. Thanks, Sadie! And yessss, the glitter got everywhere! It was crazy! But definitely worth it. :o)

  25. Where is the cake serving stand from? The one with the gold ribbon weaved in it.

    1. The cake stand was actually a gift from one of my friends and she told me that she got it at a local boutique. It originally had a pink and black ribbon in it, but I replaced it with the gold glitter ribbon to match the party. Thank you for stopping by! XO

  26. Hi Lindsay! Do you remember the name of the font you used to make the letters for all of the decor? I love it! TIA!!

    1. I'm so sorry, I don't! If I come across it again I will let you know!

  27. This party is incredible! I love the color scheme, glitter hearts, and it's all so so pretty!

    1. Thank you so much, Angela! It's my favorite party that I've ever thrown!

  28. I love the pink and gold! And how adorable is her headband!!!! Stopping by from Momfessionals link up : )

  29. Hi, where did you get the cups that you put the fruit in? Thanks

  30. Hi! This is adorable. My daughter, Olivia :) is turning 1 in October and I am doing the same color theme. What materials did you make the "Olivia is one" banner with? Can you share?? Thanks so much!!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much! That is so sweet that you have an Olivia, too. :o) I used scrapbook paper to make the entire banner! The pink paper is just 12x12 scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby, and I cut all of the letters out on 12x12 gold glitter scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby as well. I then strung it with gold ribbon also from... you guessed it, Hobby Lobby. Haha. My favorite place! Thanks for stopping by!

  31. How did you do the Olivia is One banner? I have a silhouette, but never but paper on it yet. My granddaughter, which I have custody of, is turning one on November 1 and this is what we are doing. A pink and gold princess party.

    1. Hi! I used scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby and I freehanded everything and cut with scissors. I didn't have a Silhouette at the time so it was very time consuming! Thanks for stopping by!

  32. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! Would you happen to remember what font you used for Olivia's banner?!

    1. Thank you! I actually free-handed her banner, so there wasn't a particular font. I'm sorry!


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